Title: 1987 Toyota Camry Road Scrape

Category: Raw Footage

Date Posted: 2024


Without the front pair of rims on, the car tended to slam against the pavement on dips.

MEDIA: MiniDV | DATE: 12-30-2000 | View directly via Youtube or download in SD:  [listyofiles folder=../downloads/videos/old_renders/1987_toyota_camry_scrape options=table, filesize, new_window]

I lowered my Camry almost 5 inches from stock, which wasn’t a big deal when the 17 inch rims accompanied the drop. But when I ride with the 14 inch stock rims, the front of the car had only 1.5 inches of clearance. Now that wouldn’t be such a big deal if I hadn’t created a custom coil-over suspension, with really soft springs. That means, when hitting the brakes, the car was able to dip itself into the ground, and/or lay flat across the ground when driving over dips (as seen in the video).

So normally, the car ran with all four 17 inch rims on them, but were removed this particular night for a small short film we were working on. This road-scraping footage was caught by accident.

Post ID: 2951

Permalink: https://brasscoestudios.com/?p=2951

Slug: 1987-toyota-camry-road-scrape

Author: chriscoe

Comments: 0

Tags: None

Title: Adventurer, The

Category: Classic Brasscoe

Date Posted: 2024


The Adventurer awakes for another leisurely day off. He begins his day with a shower and a bowl of cereal. It’s not until he catches the morning news, that he sees the police case of a lifetime.

Part 1 of 2

Part 2 of 2

MEDIA: VHS | DATE: 1991 | View directly via Youtube: Part 1 2 or download in SD:  [listyofiles folder=../downloads/videos/old_renders/1991_the_adventurer options=table, filesize, new_window]

Storyline Cont’d: But this case has a reward. It was murder! After some research, he manages to set up a meeting with Chris, a local boy who might know something about the recent murder. In fear of being found out, he knocks out the Adventurer and heads off to San Diego. A simple car chase ensues. Beat from the long drive, the Adventurer checks in with the Boss, informing him that the suspect will be apprehended tommorow. Knowing that he was followed, Chris sneaks into his room, in an attempt to strangle the Adventurer and get away free. Of course the cop knabs him man, and brings him back to Orange County. In a twist of fate, he manages to free himself and begins to wander the house, figuring a way out of this mess. As the fist-fight throughout the house, a gun is pulled out, which raises the stakes. Will the Adventurer catch his man? Will Chris get away?


The Adventurer was the first official movie made within the Brasscoe camp. It ran about about 20 minutes, which qualifies it as a short film but we still called it a movie. This was our first video project that was filmed, edited, and completed with a simple soundtrack. It was shown to a small audience of family members and friends. All this in 1991, by two boys ages 11 & 12.

I decided to place the movie online as it was originally made. A new widescreen color & audio corrected version will most likely be coming soon. This version is quite poor as it was mastered on VHS and edited by me from tape deck to tape deck. The only non-original item in this version is the title and still credit sequences. For some reason, the video card capture device would not record it properly, as it was a direct video output from the Apple IIc computer.

Originally, this story was filmed on a Betacam video camera, in which The Adventurer followed some bad guys to their hide out, got invloved in a car chase, and made out with the money. As cheesy as that sounds, the remote control race cars we used help to make it look like Erick was driving.

In this new movie, we developed the story a little better, now involving a slightly bigger cast and an actual plot. It was filmed over the course of a month. Thankfully we took a trip with the parents to San Diego, which gave us a chance to film Erick driving (he was in the back seat), and a hotel room for the big fight scene.

Being the first movie made by us in 1990, in does have an amatuerish feel. Those were the days of make up the story as we go. Originally, the story followed a guy nicknamed the Adventurer. He was a cop by day, and an adventure seeker by night. We maintained the original story as best we could.



In 1990, the only means of editing anything was from tape to tape transfers.

I would take all of the raw footage I had, play them on one vcr, and hit record on the other one, capturing only the shots I want. With that edited master now in one VCR, I played CD’s with instrumentals on it for the soundtrack. In the end, the finished movie is basically a 3rd generation copy. Hence the reason for the poor color reproduction, fading, hazing, and sometimes mono soundtrack.

The movie was all filmed on VHS, by VHS cameras. Edited on a Sony Flying Erase Head VCR (was an expensive $400 at the time), and shown to our friends by video tape. As simple as it can be. All in all, I think it came out nice for a 12 year old’s first editing showcase.

Post ID: 2940

Permalink: https://brasscoestudios.com/?p=2940

Slug: adventurer-the

Author: chriscoe

Comments: 0

Tags: None

Title: Arby's Freestyle 1997

Category: Movies Updates

Date Posted: 2024


Back in 1997, I brought a video camera to work and recorded us goofing off.


The videos were added to the movies section. Click on the image above for more details.

part 1 of 3

part 2 of 3

part 3 of 3

Post ID: 8101

Permalink: https://brasscoestudios.com/?p=8101

Slug: movies-update-raw-footage-2-2

Author: chriscoe

Comments: 0

Tags: None

Title: Favorite Digital Image Update: November 2008

Category: Favorite Digital Image Updates

Date Posted: 2024


Below are some of my favorite digital image added to the picture’s sub-section.

2008-11-15      2008-11-01

Post ID: 7357

Permalink: https://brasscoestudios.com/?p=7357

Slug: favorite-image-of-the-month-november

Author: chriscoe

Comments: 0

Tags: None

Title: Favorite Digital Image Update: October 2008

Category: Favorite Digital Image Updates

Date Posted: 2024


Below are some of my favorite digital image added to the picture’s sub-section.

2008-10-25      2008-10-25


Post ID: 4521

Permalink: https://brasscoestudios.com/?p=4521

Slug: favorite-image-of-the-month-october

Author: chriscoe

Comments: 0

Tags: None

Title: Captain EO

Category: Other Video Area, The

Date Posted: 2024


The original full length film.

MEDIA: VHS | RECORD DATE: 1986 | View directly via MySpace Video

[listyofiles folder=../downloads/archive/2006-07-25_captain_eo options=table, new_window]

PLEASE NOTE: The downloadable video was rendered as a dvd VOB file. Save the file to your computer and delete the .zip extenstion for playback.

About the Film: On September 12th 1986, Captain EO, a 17 minute musical space fantasy movie premiered. It is the most ex­pensive per minute film ever produced with gross costs of the film totalling U.S $30 million. It ran at Disneyland from 9/18/86 to 4/07/97.

Back in the early 90’s, MTV aired Captain EO twice (no 3-D needed), and I was lucky enough to record it when it came on. And since I had it on hand, I decided to upload the film to my MySpace account on July 25, 2006.

The video has been seen over 22,000 times.

Post ID: 3186

Permalink: https://brasscoestudios.com/?p=3186

Slug: captain-eo

Author: chriscoe

Comments: 0

Tags: None

Title: Palm Desert Golf Cart Dummies

Category: Raw Footage

Date Posted: 2024


While at the PD condo, Erick and Eric decided to goof off with the golf cart. This lasted up until the security lady gave us a talking to. Twice!

MEDIA: MiniDV | DATE: 6-03-2000 | View directly via Youtube & Vimeo or download in HD:  [listyofiles folder=../downloads/videos/raw_footage/2000-06-03_palm_desert_golf_cart_dummies options=table, filesize, new_window]


2000-06-03   2000-06-03   2000-06-03   2000-06-03
2000-06-03   2000-06-03   2000-06-03   2000-06-03
2000-06-03   2000-06-03   2000-06-03   2000-06-03
2000-06-03   2000-06-03   2000-06-03   2000-06-03
2000-06-03   2000-06-03   2000-06-03   2000-06-03
2000-06-03   2000-06-03   2000-06-03   2000-06-03
2000-06-03   2000-06-03   2000-06-03   2000-06-03
2000-06-03   2000-06-03   2000-06-03   2000-06-03
2000-06-03   2000-06-03   2000-06-03   2000-06-03


2000-06-03   2000-06-03

The original footage was recorded on MiniDV with a native resoultion of 720×480 (4×3) at 30 fps interlaced. The footage was then mastered as HDV with a resoultion of 1280×720 (16×9) at 30 fps progressive.

Post ID: 2950

Permalink: https://brasscoestudios.com/?p=2950

Slug: palm-desert-golf-cart-dummies

Author: chriscoe

Comments: 0

Tags: None

Title: Jack In The Box Drive Thru

Category: Raw Footage

Date Posted: 2024


My cousins and I head over to Jack In The Box for some food, and waste time in the drive-thru before ordering.

MEDIA: MiniDV | DATE: 8-30-2000 | View directly via Youtube & Vimeo or download in HD:  [listyofiles folder=../downloads/videos/raw_footage/2000-08-30_jack_in_the_box options=table, filesize, new_window]


2000-08-30   2000-08-30   2000-08-30   2000-08-30
2000-08-30   2000-08-30   2000-08-30   2000-08-30
2000-08-30   2000-08-30   2000-08-30   2000-08-30
2000-08-30   2000-08-30   2000-08-30   2000-08-30


2000-08-30   2000-08-30

The original footage was recorded on MiniDV with a native resoultion of 720×480 (4×3) at 30 fps interlaced. The footage was then mastered as HDV with a resoultion of 1280×720 (16×9) at 30 fps progressive.

Post ID: 2949

Permalink: https://brasscoestudios.com/?p=2949

Slug: jack-in-the-box-drive-thru

Author: chriscoe

Comments: 0

Tags: None

Title: Arby’s Freestyle 1997

Category: Raw Footage

Date Posted: 2024


Back in 1997, I brought a video camera to work and recorded us goofing off. It was around 11pm (our Buena Park store was 24 hours). Footage was recorded onto a VHS-C tape. Captured to MiniDV for archiving. Then resampled / color-corrected for mastering in 720p30 HDV.

Part 1

Part 2

Part 3

MEDIA: VHS-C | DATE: 1997 | View directly via Youtube: Part 1 2 3 & Vimeo Part 1 2 3 or download in HD:  [listyofiles folder=../downloads/videos/raw_footage/1997_arbys_freestyle options=table, filesize, new_window]


1997   1997   1997   1997
1997   1997   1997   1997
1997   1997   1997   1997


1997   1997

The original footage was recorded on VHS with a native resoultion of 352×240 (4×3) at 30 fps interlaced. The footage was then transfered to MiniDV with a native resoultion of 720×480 (4×3) at 30 fps interlaced. Lastly, the archived footage was then mastered as HDV with a resoultion of 1280×720 (16×9) at 30 fps progressive.

Post ID: 2948

Permalink: https://brasscoestudios.com/?p=2948

Slug: arbys-freestyle-rap

Author: chriscoe

Comments: 0

Tags: None

Title: Favorite Digital Image Update: April 2009

Category: Favorite Digital Image Updates

Date Posted: 2024


Below are some of my favorite digital image added to the picture’s sub-section.

2009-04-11      2009-04-05


Post ID: 1945

Permalink: https://brasscoestudios.com/?p=1945

Slug: favorite-digital-image-update-april-2009

Author: chriscoe

Comments: 0

Tags: None

Title: Favorite Digital Image Update: September 2008

Category: Favorite Digital Image Updates

Date Posted: 2024


Below are some of my favorite digital image added to the picture’s sub-section.

2008-09-26      2008-09-20

2008-09-20      2008-09-14

2008-09-06      2008-09-06

Post ID: 1600

Permalink: https://brasscoestudios.com/?p=1600

Slug: favorite-digital-image-update-september-2008

Author: chriscoe

Comments: 0

Tags: None

Title: Captain EO

Category: Design Updates

Date Posted: 2024


In 2006, I uploaded the video of Captain EO (1986) to my MySpace page, and since then, it has been viewed over 23,000 times. I decided to add the other video area in the archive section. Click on the image for details.

Post ID: 1175

Permalink: https://brasscoestudios.com/?p=1175

Slug: archive-update

Author: chriscoe

Comments: 0

Tags: None

Title: Corolla Project, Stubrik’s, The Blue House

Category: Design Updates

Date Posted: 2024


I added posts to 3 original websites created in connection with Brasscoe Studios to the archive section. Click on each image for details.


The Blue House (1999)


Stubrik’s Steakhouse (2002)


Corolla Project (2002)

Post ID: 1171

Permalink: https://brasscoestudios.com/?p=1171

Slug: archive-update-1012

Author: chriscoe

Comments: 0

Tags: None

Title: Jack In The Box Drive-Thru

Category: Movies Updates

Date Posted: 2024


My cousins and I head over to Jack In The Box for some food, and waste time in the drive-thru before ordering.


The video was added to the movies section. Click on the image above for more details.

Post ID: 956

Permalink: https://brasscoestudios.com/?p=956

Slug: movies-update-raw-footage-3

Author: chriscoe

Comments: 0

Tags: None

Title: Arby’s Freestyle 1997

Category: Movies Updates

Date Posted: 2024


Back in 1997, I brought a video camera to work and recorded us goofing off.


The videos were added to the movies section. Click on the image above for more details.

part 1 of 3

part 2 of 3

part 3 of 3

Post ID: 940

Permalink: https://brasscoestudios.com/?p=940

Slug: movies-update-raw-footage-2

Author: chriscoe

Comments: 0

Tags: None

Title: Palm Desert Golf Cart

Category: Movies Updates

Date Posted: 2024


While at the PD condo, Erick and Eric decided to goof off with the golf cart. This lasted up until the security lady gave us a talking to. Twice!


The video was added to the movies section. Click on the image above for more details.

Post ID: 787

Permalink: https://brasscoestudios.com/?p=787

Slug: movies-update-jack-in-the-box-drive-thru-palm-desert-golf-cart-dummies

Author: chriscoe

Comments: 0

Tags: None

Title: Favorite Digital Image Update: October 2009

Category: Favorite Digital Image Updates

Date Posted: 2024


Below are some of my favorite digital image added to the picture’s sub-section.

2009-10-31      2009-10-31

2009-10-30      2009-10-25

Post ID: 716

Permalink: https://brasscoestudios.com/?p=716

Slug: featured-gallery-july

Author: chriscoe

Comments: 0

Tags: None

Title: Favorite Digital Image Update: September 2009

Category: Favorite Digital Image Updates

Date Posted: 2024


Below are some of my favorite digital image added to the picture’s sub-section.

2009-09-19      2009-09-18

2009-09-13      2009-09-13

2009-09-07      2009-09-06

2009-09-05      2009-09-05


Edit Note: A few image were added to this update after the post date.

Post ID: 712

Permalink: https://brasscoestudios.com/?p=712

Slug: featured-gallery-june

Author: chriscoe

Comments: 0

Tags: None

Title: Favorite Digital Image Update: August 2009

Category: Favorite Digital Image Updates

Date Posted: 2024


Below are some of my favorite digital image added to the picture’s sub-section.

2009-08-29      2009-08-23

2009-08-23      2009-08-22

2009-08-22      2009-08-16

2009-08-16      2009-08-15

2009-08-14      2009-08-14

Edit Note: A few image were added to this update after the post date.

Post ID: 450

Permalink: https://brasscoestudios.com/?p=450

Slug: featured-gallery-may

Author: chriscoe

Comments: 0

Tags: None

Title: Favorite Digital Image Update: November 2009

Category: Favorite Digital Image Updates

Date Posted: 2024


Below are some of my favorite digital image added to the picture’s sub-section.

2009-11-22      2009-11-22

2009-11-14      2009-11-06


Edit Note: A few image were added to this update after the post date.

Post ID: 446

Permalink: https://brasscoestudios.com/?p=446

Slug: favorite-image-of-the-month-april

Author: chriscoe

Comments: 0

Tags: None

Title: Favorite Digital Image Update: July 2009

Category: Favorite Digital Image Updates

Date Posted: 2024


Below are some of my favorite digital image added to the picture’s sub-section.

2009-07-18      2009-07-18

2009-07-18      2009-07-18

2009-07-18      2009-07-11

2009-07-11      2009-07-11

2009-07-04      2009-07-04

Edit Note: A few image weres added to this update after the post date.

Post ID: 109

Permalink: https://brasscoestudios.com/?p=109

Slug: featured-gallery-march

Author: chriscoe

Comments: 0

Tags: None

Title: Favorite Digital Image Update: June 2009

Category: Favorite Digital Image Updates

Date Posted: 2024


Below are some of my favorite digital image added to the picture’s sub-section.

2009-06-27      2009-06-06

Edit Note: 1 image was added to this update after the post date.

Post ID: 100

Permalink: https://brasscoestudios.com/?p=100

Slug: featured-gallery-february

Author: chriscoe

Comments: 0

Tags: None

Title: Favorite Digital Image Update: May 2009

Category: Favorite Digital Image Updates

Date Posted: 2024


Below are some of my favorite digital image added to the picture’s sub-section.

2009-05-30      2009-05-23

2009-05-23      2009-05-09


Post ID: 92

Permalink: https://brasscoestudios.com/?p=92

Slug: featured-gallery-january

Author: chriscoe

Comments: 0

Tags: None

Title: Favorite Digital Image Update: March 2009

Category: Favorite Digital Image Updates

Date Posted: 2024


Below are some of my favorite digital image added to the picture’s sub-section.

2009-03-27      2009-03-21


Post ID: 82

Permalink: https://brasscoestudios.com/?p=82

Slug: featured-gallery-december

Author: chriscoe

Comments: 0

Tags: None

Title: Favorite Digital Image Update: February 2009

Category: Favorite Digital Image Updates

Date Posted: 2024


Below are some of my favorite digital image added to the picture’s sub-section.

2009-02-17      2009-02-13

2009-02-07      2009-02-07


Post ID: 76

Permalink: https://brasscoestudios.com/?p=76

Slug: image-of-the-month-december

Author: chriscoe

Comments: 0

Tags: None

Title: Favorite Digital Image Update: December 2008

Category: Favorite Digital Image Updates

Date Posted: 2024


Below are some of my favorite digital image added to the picture’s sub-section.

2008-12-31      2008-12-26

2008-12-18      2008-12-07


Post ID: 27

Permalink: https://brasscoestudios.com/?p=27

Slug: featured-gallery-november

Author: chriscoe

Comments: 0

Tags: None

Title: Favorite Digital Image Update: January 2009

Category: Favorite Digital Image Updates

Date Posted: 2024


Below are some of my favorite digital image added to the picture’s sub-section.

2009-01-10      2009-01-02

Post ID: 24

Permalink: https://brasscoestudios.com/?p=24

Slug: featured-gallery-october

Author: chriscoe

Comments: 0

Tags: None

Title: Halloween Party 2007 (re-mastered)

Category: Clips And Montage

Date Posted: 2024


I found the perfect song and re-did my Halloween video from a few years back.


The video was added to the movies section. Click on the image above for more details.

Post ID: 8102

Permalink: https://brasscoestudios.com/?p=8102

Slug: halloween-party-2007-re-mastered

Author: chriscoe

Comments: 0

Tags: None

Title: Favorite Digital Image Update: March 2010

Category: Favorite Digital Image Updates

Date Posted: 2024


Below are some of my favorite digital image added to the picture’s sub-section.


Post ID: 7358

Permalink: https://brasscoestudios.com/?p=7358

Slug: favorite-image-of-the-month-march

Author: chriscoe

Comments: 0

Tags: None

Title: Bree Harlow

Category: Design Updates

Date Posted: 2024


I worked with Archstone Productions to create this series of videos showcasing their talented musician, Bree Harlow. The videos were added to the other video area within the archive section.


Click on the image above for more details.


Singing “Missing You”

Interview Outtakes

Post ID: 4804

Permalink: https://brasscoestudios.com/?p=4804

Slug: bree-harlow-2

Author: chriscoe

Comments: 0

Tags: None

Title: Bree Harlow – Interview & Song

Category: Other Video Area, The

Date Posted: 2024


Johannah sits down with Archstone Production’s newest addition, Bree Harlow, for an interview and photo session.


Singing Missing You

Interview – Outtakes

MEDIA: DVCProHD & MiniDV | RECORD DATE: 4-28-2012 | View via Youtube: Interview / Singing "Missing You" / Interview Outtakes

[listyofiles folder=../downloads/archive/2012-04-28_bree_harlow options=table, new_window]

I worked with Archstone Productions to produce this series of videos, featuring the artist, Bree Harlow. I was lucky enough to catch up with them while they worked on the album, and shot a quick little interview. During the taping, her friend Johannah snapped a bunch of awesome photos, hence the flashes of white seen throughout.

Pictures from this event are HERE (within the 2012 Misc People folder)


2012-04-28 2012-04-28 2012-04-28 2012-04-28
2012-04-28 2012-04-28 2012-04-28 2012-04-28
2012-04-28 2012-04-28 2012-04-28 2012-04-28
2012-04-28 2012-04-28 2012-04-28 2012-04-28
2012-04-28 2012-04-28 2012-04-28 2012-04-28
2012-04-28 2012-04-28 2012-04-28 2012-04-28
2012-04-28 2012-04-28 2012-04-28 2012-04-28
2012-04-28 2012-04-28 2012-04-28 2012-04-28
2012-04-28 2012-04-28 2012-04-28 2012-04-28
2012-04-28 2012-04-28 2012-04-28 2012-04-28


I shot this during the taping. You will notice that rather than recording to an internal P2 card, I opted to capture the DVCProHD codec via Adobe OnLocation on my laptop.


Since I found out that Sony Vegas doesn’t edit the DVCProHD codec natively, I converted all the footage to uncompressed-avi files, and went from there.

Also, it wasn’t until I played back the captured footage, did I notice the yellowish and reddish tones. I adjusted the color curves, lowered the saturation by 50%, tweaked a Magic Bullet Look a bit (including adding some film grain), and finished it off with 50% sharpening.

I like the new color palette.

2012-04-28   2012-04-28

Post ID: 4707

Permalink: https://brasscoestudios.com/?p=4707

Slug: bree-harlow

Author: chriscoe

Comments: 0

Tags: None

Title: The Vipers

Category: Design Updates

Date Posted: 2024


I found one of Erick’s old band site for The Vipers and added to the archive section. I hope to eventually upload some of their songs (if cleared) to the archive, too. Click on the image for details.


The Vipers (2000)

Post ID: 3433

Permalink: https://brasscoestudios.com/?p=3433

Slug: the-vipers

Author: chriscoe

Comments: 0

Tags: None

Title: Dana Audition

Category: Other Video Area, The

Date Posted: 2024


IWYS Audition Video (#1 in series).

MEDIA: MiniDV | RECORD DATE: 9-18-2010 | View directly via Youtube

[listyofiles folder=../downloads/archive/2010-09-18_iwys_dana_audition options=table, new_window]

This is my friend Dana’s audition video submission to be an official I Wear Your T-Shirt wearer in 2011.

I edited and color corrected the video.

Post ID: 3183

Permalink: https://brasscoestudios.com/?p=3183

Slug: dana-audition

Author: chriscoe

Comments: 0

Tags: None

Title: Day At The Beach With Cindy

Category: Other Video Area, The

Date Posted: 2024


IWYS follow up video (#4 in series).

MEDIA: DVCProHD & MiniDV | RECORD DATE: 11-02-2010 | View directly via Youtube

[listyofiles folder=../downloads/archive/2010-11-02_iwys_beach_day_with_cindy options=table, new_window]

This is my friend Dana’s follow up (to the follow up) video submitted in order to be an official I Wear Your T-Shirt wearer in 2011. The original video is HERE.

Dana directed this short. I shot, edited, and color corrected it. Side Note: All shots were done on MiniDV, except for the slow-motion, which was recorded as 60fps at 24p using the DVCproHD codec.


2010-11-02 2010-11-02 2010-11-02 2010-11-02
2010-11-02 2010-11-02 2010-11-02 2010-11-02
2010-11-02 2010-11-02 2010-11-02 2010-11-02
2010-11-02 2010-11-02 2010-11-02 2010-11-02
2010-11-02 2010-11-02 2010-11-02 2010-11-02
2010-11-02 2010-11-02 2010-11-02 2010-11-02


2010-11-02   2010-11-02

The original footage was recorded on MiniDV with a native resoultion of 720×480 (16×9) at 24 fps progressive. The footage was then mastered as HDV with a resoultion of 1280×720 (16×9) at 24 fps progressive. Final aspect ratio was cropped to mimic a 2.35 anamorphic look.

Post ID: 3182

Permalink: https://brasscoestudios.com/?p=3182

Slug: day-at-the-beach-with-cindy

Author: chriscoe

Comments: 0

Tags: None

Title: Day At The Beach With Cindy

Category: Other Video Area, The

Date Posted: 2024


IWYS follow up video (#4 in series).

MEDIA: MiniDV | DATE: 11-02-2010 | View directly via Youtube or download in HD:  [listyofiles folder=../downloads/archive/2010-11-02_iwys_beach_day_with_cindy options=table, filesize, new_window]

This is my friend Dana’s follow up (to the follow up) video submitted in order to be an official I Wear Your T-Shirt wearer in 2011. The original video is HERE.

Dana directed this short. I shot, edited, and color corrected it. Side Note: All shots were done on MiniDV, except for the slow-motion, which was recorded as 60p using the DVCproHD codec.


2010-11-02 2010-11-02 2010-11-02 2010-11-02
2010-11-02 2010-11-02 2010-11-02 2010-11-02
2010-11-02 2010-11-02 2010-11-02 2010-11-02
2010-11-02 2010-11-02 2010-11-02 2010-11-02
2010-11-02 2010-11-02 2010-11-02 2010-11-02
2010-11-02 2010-11-02 2010-11-02 2010-11-02


2010-11-02   2010-11-02

The original footage was recorded on MiniDV with a native resoultion of 720×480 (16×9) at 24 fps progressive. The footage was then mastered as HDV with a resoultion of 1280×720 (16×9) at 24 fps progressive. Final aspect ratio was cropped to mimic a 2.35 anamorphic look.

Post ID: 3171

Permalink: https://brasscoestudios.com/?p=3171

Slug: day-at-the-beach-with-cindy-2

Author: chriscoe

Comments: 0

Tags: None

Title: Erick Guitar Fullerton

Category: Movies Updates

Date Posted: 2024


I recorded Erick practicing some tunes on his guitar.


The videos were added to the movies section. Click on the image above for more details.

part 1 of 3

part 2 of 3

part 3 of 3

Post ID: 2065

Permalink: https://brasscoestudios.com/?p=2065

Slug: erick-guitar-fullerton

Author: chriscoe

Comments: 0

Tags: None

Title: Favorite Digital Image Update: December 2010

Category: Favorite Digital Image Updates

Date Posted: 2024


Below are some of my favorite digital image added to the picture’s sub-section.

2010-12-19      2010-12-17

Post ID: 1676

Permalink: https://brasscoestudios.com/?p=1676

Slug: favorite-digital-image-update-december-2010

Author: chriscoe

Comments: 0

Tags: None

Title: Favorite Digital Image Update: November 2010

Category: Favorite Digital Image Updates

Date Posted: 2024


Below are some of my favorite digital image added to the picture’s sub-section.


Post ID: 1675

Permalink: https://brasscoestudios.com/?p=1675

Slug: favorite-digital-image-update-november-2010

Author: chriscoe

Comments: 0

Tags: None

Title: Favorite Digital Image Update: October 2010

Category: Favorite Digital Image Updates

Date Posted: 2024


Below are some of my favorite digital image added to the picture’s sub-section.

2010-10-31      2010-10-30

Post ID: 1674

Permalink: https://brasscoestudios.com/?p=1674

Slug: favorite-digital-image-update-october-2010

Author: chriscoe

Comments: 0

Tags: None

Title: Favorite Digital Image Update: September 2010

Category: Favorite Digital Image Updates

Date Posted: 2024


Below are some of my favorite digital image added to the picture’s sub-section.


Post ID: 1672

Permalink: https://brasscoestudios.com/?p=1672

Slug: favorite-digital-image-update-september-2010

Author: chriscoe

Comments: 0

Tags: None

Title: Beach Day with Cindy

Category: Design Updates

Date Posted: 2024


The 4th video in the I Wear Your Shirt in 2011 contest submission for iwearyourshirt.com features a short video with my friend Dana as a princess, heading to the beach. It was added to the other video area within the archive section.


This was the first time I used in-camera slow motion, and purposely shot for the 2.35 anamorphic look. Click on the image above for more details.

Post ID: 1203

Permalink: https://brasscoestudios.com/?p=1203

Slug: archive-update-1108

Author: chriscoe

Comments: 0

Tags: None

Title: Dana Audition

Category: Design Updates

Date Posted: 2024


I created the other video area within the archive section in order to showcase the film projects I’ve had a hand in working with. The first one added is a short I edited for my friend, Dana.

This audition tape was created for iwearyourshirt.com and their I Wear Your Shirt in 2011 contest. It is the 1st in a series of 5. Click on the image above for more details.

Post ID: 1193

Permalink: https://brasscoestudios.com/?p=1193

Slug: archive-update-918

Author: chriscoe

Comments: 0

Tags: None

Title: Brasscoe and Tramstop

Category: Design Updates

Date Posted: 2024


As I begin to add the artwork used on our various old websites to the art & design section, I created two posts in the archive section showcasing a couple sites that the artwork was used on. Click on each image for details.

Post ID: 1186

Permalink: https://brasscoestudios.com/?p=1186

Slug: archive-update-120

Author: chriscoe

Comments: 0

Tags: None

Title: Big Bear Weekend

Category: Movies Updates

Date Posted: 2024


While in Big Bear, we snowboarded, had a snowball fight, and rode a home-made sled!


The video was added to the movies section. Click on the image above for more details.

Post ID: 1047

Permalink: https://brasscoestudios.com/?p=1047

Slug: movies-update-4

Author: chriscoe

Comments: 0

Tags: None

Title: Favorite Digital Image Update: July 2010

Category: Favorite Digital Image Updates

Date Posted: 2024


Below are some of my favorite digital image added to the picture’s sub-section.

2010-07-17      2010-07-17


Post ID: 746

Permalink: https://brasscoestudios.com/?p=746

Slug: favorite-image-of-the-month-august

Author: chriscoe

Comments: 0

Tags: None

Title: Favorite Digital Image Update: August 2010

Category: Favorite Digital Image Updates

Date Posted: 2024


Below are some of my favorite digital image added to the picture’s sub-section.

2010-08-27      2010-08-27


Post ID: 744

Permalink: https://brasscoestudios.com/?p=744

Slug: featured-gallery-august

Author: chriscoe

Comments: 0

Tags: None

Title: Favorite Digital Image Update: June 2010

Category: Favorite Digital Image Updates

Date Posted: 2024


Below are some of my favorite digital image added to the picture’s sub-section.

2010-06-26      2010-06-20

2010-06-20      2010-06-19

2010-06-13      2010-06-05

Edit Note: A few image were added to this update after the post date.

Post ID: 714

Permalink: https://brasscoestudios.com/?p=714

Slug: favorite-image-of-the-month-july

Author: chriscoe

Comments: 0

Tags: None

Title: Favorite Digital Image Update: May 2010

Category: Favorite Digital Image Updates

Date Posted: 2024


Below are some of my favorite digital image added to the picture’s sub-section.

2010-05-30      2010-05-16

2010-05-15      2010-05-15


Edit Note: A few image were added to this update after the post date.

Post ID: 710

Permalink: https://brasscoestudios.com/?p=710

Slug: favorite-image-of-the-month-june

Author: chriscoe

Comments: 0

Tags: None

Title: Favorite Digital Image Update: December 2009

Category: Favorite Digital Image Updates

Date Posted: 2024


Below are some of my favorite digital image added to the picture’s sub-section.

2009-12-27      2009-12-13


Edit Note: A few image were added to this update after the post date.

Post ID: 453

Permalink: https://brasscoestudios.com/?p=453

Slug: favorite-image-of-the-month-may

Author: chriscoe

Comments: 0

Tags: None

Title: Favorite Digital Image Update: January 2010

Category: Favorite Digital Image Updates

Date Posted: 2024


Below are some of my favorite digital image added to the picture’s sub-section.


Edit Note: The image above was added to this update after the post date.

Post ID: 104

Permalink: https://brasscoestudios.com/?p=104

Slug: favorite-image-of-the-month-february

Author: chriscoe

Comments: 0

Tags: None

Title: Favorite Digital Image Update: February 2010

Category: Favorite Digital Image Updates

Date Posted: 2024


Below are some of my favorite digital image added to the picture’s sub-section.

2010-02-21      2010-02-13

Edit Note: Both of these image were added to this update after the post date.

Post ID: 96

Permalink: https://brasscoestudios.com/?p=96

Slug: favorite-image-of-the-month-january

Author: chriscoe

Comments: 0

Tags: None

Title: Pictures Update 11/15

Category: Pictures Updates

Date Posted: 2024



[image_holder position=”start”][image_set id=5004 ][image_set id=5005 ][image_set id=5006 ][image_set id=5007 ][image_set id=5008 ][image_set id=5009 ][image_set id=5029 ][image_set id=1350 updated=”yes” ][image_set id=3757 updated=”yes” ][image_holder position=”end”]

Post ID: 5075

Permalink: https://brasscoestudios.com/?p=5075

Slug: pictures-update-1115

Author: chriscoe

Comments: 0

Tags: None

Title: Pictures Update 11/14

Category: Pictures Updates

Date Posted: 2024


[text_pictures_updates ]

[image_holder position=”start”][image_set id=4964 ][image_set id=4963 ][image_set id=4968 ][image_set id=4967 ][image_set id=4965 ][image_set id=4966 ][image_holder position=”end”]

Post ID: 5002

Permalink: https://brasscoestudios.com/?p=5002

Slug: pictures-update-1114

Author: chriscoe

Comments: 0

Tags: None

Title: Pictures Update 8/24

Category: Pictures Updates

Date Posted: 2024


[text_pictures_updates ]

[image_holder_start][image id=4924 ][image id=4934 ][image id=4933 ][image id=4932 ][image id=4863 ][image id=4943 ][image_holder_end]

Post ID: 4918

Permalink: https://brasscoestudios.com/?p=4918

Slug: pictures-update-824

Author: chriscoe

Comments: 0

Tags: None

Title: Pictures Update 8/05

Category: Pictures Updates

Date Posted: 2024



[image_holder_start][image id=4852 ][image id=4853 ][image id=4865 ][image id=4869 ][image id=4872 ][image id=4874 ][image id=4876 ][image id=4045 updated=yes ][image id=1350 updated=yes ][image_holder_end]

Post ID: 4830

Permalink: https://brasscoestudios.com/?p=4830

Slug: pictures-update-805

Author: chriscoe

Comments: 0

Tags: None

Title: Pictures Update 4/13

Category: Pictures Updates

Date Posted: 2024



[image_holder_start][image id=4514 ][image id=4506 ][image id=4510 ][image id=3757 updated=yes ][image_holder_end]

[text_side_notes included=”video” from=”sets” ]

During Stephanie’s dinner & drinks, the girls danced:

Meanwhile, during the Double Birthday party (3 out of 4):

Post ID: 4536

Permalink: https://brasscoestudios.com/?p=4536

Slug: pictures-update-413

Author: chriscoe

Comments: 0

Tags: None

Title: Sitewide Update 3/07

Category: Sitewide Updates

Date Posted: 2024


Per usual, below is a list of some changes I’ve made to the site:

1. I no longer have each section of the site running in a separate WordPress Blog. Thanks to WordPress’ Custom Post Types, I was finally able to merge it all into one database, rather than having to re-create each item – post by post – thanks to the igneous plugin called “Post Type Convertr.” During the migration process, I managed to clean up a lot of the coding and unneeded pages laying around, too.

2. With all the blogs (sections of the site) in one place, I had to fix some broken links and create some new official re-directs for the main sections aside from the Blog, namely Movies, Pictures, Art & Design, and the Archive. For example, brasscoestudios.com/pictures was converted to pictures.brasscoestudios.com. And with that, all #118 blog posts were tweaked to have the URL’s reach their intended target, or removed if invalid. Deleted areas were the planned Music section, along with all the Tape Logs (for now).

3. It took me a while to have both the Facebook LIKE button, and the Google+ button correctly display when viewing my site over various browsers and mobile devices. Removing some of the javascipt used for displaying certain fonts was the key. Also, those buttons can now be found in all areas of the site, rather than just in the blog posts.

4. With the above mentioned javascript change, I found out that using Google Fonts worked way better anyways!

[image_holder_start][image type=single id=5108 within=1 url=https://www.facebook.com/brasscoestudios ][image_holder_end]

5. Even though I already created a Facebook Fan Page for Brasscoe Studios a while ago, I was able to add a LIKE button for the website to the header. In addition, I added a tweaked Fan-Box widget to the sidebar, which displays image of those who have already Liked it.

6. I added breadcrumb trails to all of the sub areas. It was modified from the plugin “Prime Strategy Bread Crumb.”

7. Within the pictures section, I created a new area called “Photo Projects” and moved the Favorite Digital Images gallery into it. Also created are the galleries Black & White and The Jumping Project.

8. Lastly, I created a website icon:

[image_holder_start][image type=single id=3829 within=1 border=no ][image_holder_end]

SIDE NOTE: I’ve finally begun to work on my video camera and its attachments, in preparation for a short film I’m directing. It will be shot on DVCproHD, then mathematically remastered from 2x 1080p to 4K, and will be shot in true anamorphic! Below is an image of me trying to focus the lens in Cinemascope.

[image_holder_start][image type=single id=3829 within=2 ][image_holder_end]

Post ID: 4453

Permalink: https://brasscoestudios.com/?p=4453

Slug: 4453

Author: chriscoe

Comments: 0

Tags: delete Google Fonts test

Title: Pictures Update 3/09

Category: Pictures Updates

Date Posted: 2024


[text_pictures_updates ]

[image_holder_start][image id=4501 ][image id=4044 ][image id=3758 ][image id=1351 ][image id=1350 ][image id=4045 ][image id=3757 ][image_holder_end]

[text_side_notes included=”video” from=”sets” ]

And speaking of Kimberly’s party:

My friend Karla also edited herself a video:

Post ID: 4248

Permalink: https://brasscoestudios.com/?p=4248

Slug: pictures-update-309

Author: chriscoe

Comments: 0

Tags: None

Title: Pictures Update 1/21

Category: Pictures Updates

Date Posted: 2024



[image_holder_start][image id=3756 ][image id=3755 ][image id=3750 ][image id=3707 updated=yes ][image_holder_end]

Post ID: 3400

Permalink: https://brasscoestudios.com/?p=3400

Slug: pictures-update-121

Author: chriscoe

Comments: 0

Tags: None

Title: Pictures Update 12/19

Category: Pictures Updates

Date Posted: 2024


[text_pictures_updates ]

[image_holder_start][image id=3753 ][image id=3751 ][image id=3749 ][image id=3752 ][image id=3754 ][image_holder_end]

Post ID: 3147

Permalink: https://brasscoestudios.com/?p=3147

Slug: pictures-update-1219

Author: chriscoe

Comments: 0

Tags: None

Title: Pictures Update 11/22

Category: Pictures Updates

Date Posted: 2024



[image_holder_start][image id=3746 ][image id=3745 ][image id=3744 ][image id=3743 ][image id=3738 ][image id=3739 ][image id=3740 ][image id=3707 updated=yes ][image id=3717 updated=yes ][image_holder_end]

Post ID: 3074

Permalink: https://brasscoestudios.com/?p=3074

Slug: pictures-update-1122

Author: chriscoe

Comments: 0

Tags: None

Title: Pictures Update 11/28 – Happy Halloween

Category: Pictures Updates

Date Posted: 2024


[text_pictures_updates ]

[image_holder_start][image id=3747 ][image id=3748 ][image_holder_end]

Post ID: 3073

Permalink: https://brasscoestudios.com/?p=3073

Slug: pictures-update-1128-happy-halloween

Author: chriscoe

Comments: 0

Tags: None

Title: Big Bear Weekend

Category: Raw Footage

Date Posted: 2024


While in Big Bear, we snowboarded, had a snowball fight, and rode a home-made sled!

MEDIA: 1080p30 HDV | DATE: 2-19-2010 | View directly via Youtube & Vimeo or download in HD: [listyofiles folder=../downloads/videos/raw_footage/2010-02-19_big_bear_weekend options=table, filesize, new_window]

Pictures from this event are HERE

PLEASE NOTE: The High Def downloadable version is the rendered 1080 HDV M2T file. Save the file to your computer and delete the .zip extenstion for playback.



2010-02-19 2010-02-19 2010-02-19 2010-02-19
2010-02-19 2010-02-19 2010-02-19 2010-02-19
2010-02-19 2010-02-19 2010-02-19 2010-02-19
2010-02-19 2010-02-19 2010-02-19 2010-02-19
2010-02-19 2010-02-19 2010-02-19 2010-02-19
2010-02-19 2010-02-19 2010-02-19 2010-02-19
2010-02-19 2010-02-19 2010-02-19 2010-02-19
2010-02-19 2010-02-19 2010-02-19 2010-02-19
2010-02-19 2010-02-19 2010-02-19 2010-02-19
2010-02-19 2010-02-19 2010-02-19 2010-02-19
2010-02-19 2010-02-19 2010-02-19 2010-02-19
2010-02-19 2010-02-19 2010-02-19 2010-02-19
2010-02-19 2010-02-19 2010-02-19 2010-02-19
2010-02-19 2010-02-19 2010-02-19 2010-02-19
2010-02-19 2010-02-19 2010-02-19 2010-02-19
2010-02-19 2010-02-19 2010-02-19 2010-02-19
2010-02-19 2010-02-19 2010-02-19 2010-02-19
2010-02-19 2010-02-19 2010-02-19 2010-02-19



2010-02-19 2010-02-19

The original footage was recorded on HDV with a native resoultion of 1920×1080 (16×9) at 30 fps interlaced. The footage remained as HDV with a resoultion of 1920×1080 (16×9) but now at 30 fps progressive.

Post ID: 2947

Permalink: https://brasscoestudios.com/?p=2947

Slug: 2947-big-bear-weekend

Author: chriscoe

Comments: 0

Tags: None

Title: Erick Guitar Fullerton

Category: Raw Footage

Date Posted: 2024


I recorded Erick practicing some tunes on his guitar.

Part 1

Part 2

Part 3

MEDIA: DVCProHD | DATE: 4-22-2011 | View via Youtube: Part 1 2 3 & Vimeo Part 1 2 3 or download in HD:  [listyofiles folder=../downloads/videos/raw_footage/2011-04-22_erick_guitar_fullerton options=table, filesize, new_window]

Pictures from this event are HERE

PLEASE NOTE: The High Def downloadable versions are rendered using the DVCproHD Codec. Use VLC Player for playback.


2011-04-22   2011-04-22   2011-04-22   2011-04-22
2011-04-22   2011-04-22   2011-04-22   2011-04-22
2011-04-22   2011-04-22   2011-04-22   2011-04-22



Post ID: 2946

Permalink: https://brasscoestudios.com/?p=2946

Slug: 2946

Author: chriscoe

Comments: 0

Tags: None

Title: Bus Driver Roy – Blindsided

Category: Music Videos

Date Posted: 2024


A simple music video created for my friend’s band.

MEDIA: MiniDV | DATE: 5-25-2005 | View directly via Youtube or download in SD:  [listyofiles folder=../downloads/videos/old_renders/2005-05-22_bdr_blindsided options=table, filesize, new_window]

Pictures from this event are HERE

PLEASE NOTE: The downloadable version is the rendered MiniDV AVI file.

The band, Bus Driver Roy (later known as Brought Down Running), met up at a local recording studio practice hall to film a simple music video. The idea was to film a few quick scenes of the band, edit it that night, and enter it into an online video contest. The bad lighting, mis-matched audio, and low charged batteries proved that this video was gonna take some time to complete.

Storyline: Although the video doesn’t really follow any specific timeline, it does show the lead singer distraught over some girl’s love.

Directed by – Cory Cooke
Edited By – Christopher Coe
Starring – Brought Down Running (Jeff, Cory, Paul, David and Dive)
Guest Starring – Kaylin and Jessie


2005-06-05   2005-06-05   2005-06-05   2005-06-05
2005-06-05   2005-06-05   2005-06-05   2005-06-05
2005-06-05   2005-06-05   2005-06-05   2005-06-05
2005-06-05   2005-06-05   2005-06-05    


We used 2 video cameras, both recording on MiniDV. The song was playing via a CD through the stereo system. After a couple of takes were recorded with a .5 wide angle lens, close-ups of each band member was taken. In order to capture the scenes that took place outside on the roof, we had to use one of the video cameras as a playback device. To do this, we had to stand by the stereo system and record the song onto DV tape.


I used Adobe Premiere 6.5 with DV settings to edit this video. I believe some 30 clips were captured. About 15 were simple band members singing to the music. The others were individual moments to be used as fillers, if needed.


The normal easy way to edit a music video, is to lay each full take of the band’s performance on the timeline, line each one up with the CD Audio track, cut those full takes into parts, delete here and there, while still leaving the scenes you want at the right moment alone. Unknown at the time, the audio CD used on the day of recording didn’t match up with the footage captured on MiniDV.

To remedy this, I had to take all of the shots that I wanted to use and move then forward or backwards, sometimes only a fraction of a second, to line up everyones mouth to the beat.

A few months later, the first official edit was complete. Once viewed by the band, and changes to be made were noted, I went ahead and completed the final edit. This completed the music video itself, except for the entire Look of the piece.

I rendered the video with a few basic effects in order to gain an idea on what the band wanted. After some 27 renders and 2 steadying-program tests, we got what we were after.

Color Correction:

1. I rendered the final edit in native DV with a dimension of 4:3 (720×480) with the NTSC standard of 30fps.



2. I then rendered the video again within Adobe After Effects 6 using the Super 16mm Letterbox as a buffer (it’s not as cropped as the 16×9), but this time, I moved portions of the video up or down to prevent anything from getting cut off. I rendered that in native DV 4:3 (720×480) still at 30fps.



3. Lastly, I imported the video with the Super 16mm letterboxing into Sony Vegas 6.0. This is where I added all of the final Visual Effects that are in the video. The original idea was to make the walls completely white, while keeping the band in color. That didn’t work because Adobe After Effects picked up the yellow from the walls, which also took away the features of everyone’s face. So I decided to go with a film Bleach Bypass look.

Bleach Bypass is generally a processing technique known when developing movie film incorrectly, and causes a grainy black and white image with mild color tones.

To mimic that, I did some research on the net, and this is the formula I used:
11% white glow
color correction to remove most color (similar to black and white, but lets most reds come thru)
added 6% monochromatic noise
adjusted brightness/contrast
another black and white filter at 50% transparency

I then added a true 16×9 Widescreen TV Letterbox since I knew it will also be up-converted to High Definition in the future.

4. To finalize the piece, I rendered only in Widescreen using native DV 4:3 (720×480 Widescreen) again at NTSC 30fps, but this time with progressive, non-interlaced fields.



Post ID: 2937

Permalink: https://brasscoestudios.com/?p=2937

Slug: 2937-blindsided

Author: chriscoe

Comments: 0

Tags: None

Title: Pictures Update 9/25

Category: Pictures Updates

Date Posted: 2024


[text_pictures_updates ]

[image_holder_start][image id=3742 ][image id=3741 ][image id=3736 ][image id=3735 ][image id=3734 ][image id=3737 ][image id=3733 ][image_holder_end]

Post ID: 2205

Permalink: https://brasscoestudios.com/?p=2205

Slug: pictures-update-925-2

Author: chriscoe

Comments: 0

Tags: None

Title: Pictures Update 8/23

Category: Pictures Updates

Date Posted: 2024



[image_holder_start][image id=3731 ][image id=3732 ][image id=3730 ][image id=3727 ][image id=3728 ][image id=3729 ][image id=3706 updated=yes ][image id=3707 updated=yes ][image_holder_end]

[text_side_notes included=”video” from=”sets” ]

And amongst the misc-people additions…

This is me, drunk out of my mind… and an even bigger dork!

Post ID: 2162

Permalink: https://brasscoestudios.com/?p=2162

Slug: pictures-update-823

Author: chriscoe

Comments: 0

Tags: None

Title: Pictures Update 7/11

Category: Pictures Updates

Date Posted: 2024



[image_holder_start][image id=3726 ][image id=3725 ][image id=3724 ][image id=3722 ][image id=3707 updated=yes ][image_holder_end]

[text_side_notes included=”video” from=”sets” ]

Also added to that misc – people folder:

In the swimming pool (with a non-waterproof camera).

Post ID: 2132

Permalink: https://brasscoestudios.com/?p=2132

Slug: pictures-update-711

Author: chriscoe

Comments: 0

Tags: None

Title: Pictures Update 6/03

Category: Pictures Updates

Date Posted: 2024



[image_holder_start][image id=3723 ][image id=3721 ][image id=764 ][image id=3719 ][image id=762 ][image id=3717 updated=yes ][image_holder_end]

Post ID: 2109

Permalink: https://brasscoestudios.com/?p=2109

Slug: pictures-update-603

Author: chriscoe

Comments: 0

Tags: None

Title: Pictures Update 5/27

Category: Pictures Updates

Date Posted: 2024


[text_pictures_updates ]

[image_holder_start][image id=3720 ][image id=3703 ][image id=3700 ][image id=3701 ][image id=3702 ][image_holder_end]

Post ID: 2100

Permalink: https://brasscoestudios.com/?p=2100

Slug: pictures-update-527

Author: chriscoe

Comments: 0

Tags: None

Title: Sitewide Update 8/25

Category: Sitewide Updates

Date Posted: 2024


In the past few months, I’ve made tons of changes to this site. Below is a short list of them:

1. For the Blog areas, I noticed that Internet Explorer fails to display my post titles correctly. This is because I use a little javascript program that converts the title of the post into an image, which is an easy method of being able to use any font you want, whether the viewer had it installed on their own system or not. In order to remedy this issue, I added code to display a message for those using IE to browse the site with another browser – such as Chrome or Firefox.

2. I have slowly started fixing all of my ftp uploads that connect my Flickr videos with the actual High Definition video used to upload to Flickr. It’ll probably take me the year to get all 500+ videos added.

3. Speaking of Flickr videos, in order to be allowed to have my actual videos sitting in a download folder within my ftp area, I had to create a page linking back to this site. It automatically displays all of the videos so far added online. The link can also be found within the pictures menu.

4. On the pictures page, I fixed an issue where Firefox would display the next year’s set of image on the same line, rather than correctly starting on the next.

5. Up until last week, the gallery listing all digital image from 2000-2008 were manually created in a series of cell tables. I modified my method of displaying posts, in order to have it display the link only. Once that was achieved, I had to then re-add all those past image sets as new posts (by date), and watched as the populated the correct year area. The beauty of this method is when I decide to move 2009 in to that area, it will a simple line of code, rather than adding all 92 by hand.

6. I had to publicly remove some of my videos from the movies section, so I created a private area for those unlisted (and unsearchable) videos. Only a select few have the direct link to it. Also, a few other videos got removed simply because they’re next in line to be re-mastered. I hope to get those back up shortly.

7. The Brasscoe Timeline, which lists all the clips & videos created so far, had all of it’s links verified and corrected. The now-private videos are noted as such.

8. In the movie section, I tweaked the look of it – changing where the title appears, and displaying the views up front.

9. Also, the main movie image was changed to a silhouette of me and some of my camera equipment. It replaced the temporary image of my old camera, which was in place since 2008. I still plan to photograph an actual image that visually looks better, but it’ll do for now.

10. For my Tape Logs [link removed] section, I began scanning (OCR) all of my offline paperwork, in order to have complete and searchable listing.

11. Although I already mentioned that Captain EO was added to my archive, I finally uploaded the actual DVD file used when adding the video to MySpace years ago.

12. I removed the “posted dates” from all other website areas, except for the blog.

13. Lastly, I removed the FFlick link from the header, as that site was purchased by Google, and no longer displays my movie related posts.

Post ID: 2093

Permalink: https://brasscoestudios.com/?p=2093

Slug: sitewide-update-825

Author: chriscoe

Comments: 0

Tags: None

Title: Pictures Update 5/04

Category: Pictures Updates

Date Posted: 2024



[image_holder_start][image id=3716 ][image id=3715 ][image id=3714 ][image id=3709 updated=yes ][image id=3717 updated=yes ][image_holder_end]

[text_side_notes included=”video” from=”sets” ]

Behind the scenes while filming with Erick:

Erick vs. The Guitar.

Post ID: 2051

Permalink: https://brasscoestudios.com/?p=2051

Slug: pictures-update-412-2011

Author: chriscoe

Comments: 0

Tags: None

Title: Pictures Update 4/10

Category: Pictures Updates

Date Posted: 2024


[text_pictures_updates ]

[image_holder_start][image id=3699 ][image id=3698 ][image_holder_end]

[text_side_notes included=”video” from=”sets” ]

And while at The District:

I messed around with my wide-angle lens.

Post ID: 2047

Permalink: https://brasscoestudios.com/?p=2047

Slug: pictures-update-408

Author: chriscoe

Comments: 0

Tags: None

Title: Pictures Update 6/01

Category: Pictures Updates

Date Posted: 2024


[text_pictures_updates ]

[image_holder_start][image id=3696 ][image id=3695 ][image_holder_end]

Post ID: 2042

Permalink: https://brasscoestudios.com/?p=2042

Slug: pictures-update-420-2009

Author: chriscoe

Comments: 0

Tags: None

Title: Pictures Update 3/19

Category: Pictures Updates

Date Posted: 2024


[text_pictures_updates ]

[image_holder_start][image id=3713 ][image id=3712 ][image id=3711 ][image id=3710 ][image id=3709 ][image id=3708 ][image id=3707 ][image id=3706 ][image_holder_end]

Post ID: 2029

Permalink: https://brasscoestudios.com/?p=2029

Slug: pictures-update-319

Author: chriscoe

Comments: 0

Tags: None

Title: Pictures Update 11/25 – Happy Halloween

Category: Pictures Updates

Date Posted: 2024


[text_pictures_updates ]

[image_holder_start][image id=3704 ][image id=621 ][image_holder_end]

[text_side_notes included=”video” from=”sets” ]

While at Kaeli’s party, the girls decided to bust out some dance moves:

Dancing to Soulja Boy Tell’em – Crank That.

Dancing to Cali Swag District – Teach Me How To Dougie.

Post ID: 1104

Permalink: https://brasscoestudios.com/?p=1104

Slug: pictures-update-1125-happy-halloween

Author: chriscoe

Comments: 0

Tags: None

Title: Pictures Update 11/05

Category: Pictures Updates

Date Posted: 2024


[text_pictures_updates ]

[image_holder_start][image id=524 ][image id=526 ][image_holder_end]

Post ID: 934

Permalink: https://brasscoestudios.com/?p=934

Slug: pictures-update-1105

Author: chriscoe

Comments: 0

Tags: None

Title: Pictures Update 9/2

Category: Pictures Updates

Date Posted: 2024



[image_holder_start][image id=294 ][image id=290 ][image id=477 ][image id=475 ][image id=473 ][image id=471 ][image id=469 ][image id=467 ][image id=455 ][image id=5099 within=7 updated=yes ][image id=17 within=3 updated=yes ][image_holder_end]

[text_side_notes included=”video” from=”sets” ]

Among the various added items, I found this one pretty funny:

Ian and Melissa love Taylor Swift!

Post ID: 905

Permalink: https://brasscoestudios.com/?p=905

Slug: pictures-update-92

Author: chriscoe

Comments: 0

Tags: None

Title: Pictures Update 12/11

Category: Pictures Updates

Date Posted: 2024



[image_holder_start][image id=627 ][image id=3705 ][image id=623 ][image id=617 ][image id=541 ][image id=518 within=2 updated=yes ][image_holder_end]

Post ID: 873

Permalink: https://brasscoestudios.com/?p=873

Slug: pictures-update-1211

Author: chriscoe

Comments: 0

Tags: None

Title: Pictures Update 9/25

Category: Pictures Updates

Date Posted: 2024


[text_pictures_updates ]

[image_holder_start][image id=613 ][image id=609 ][image id=605 ][image id=599 ][image id=585 ][image id=537 ][image id=533 ][image_holder_end]

Post ID: 870

Permalink: https://brasscoestudios.com/?p=870

Slug: pictures-update-925

Author: chriscoe

Comments: 0

Tags: None

Title: Pictures Update 8/16

Category: Pictures Updates

Date Posted: 2024


[text_pictures_updates ]

[image_holder_start][image id=603 ][image id=597 ][image id=595 ][image id=593 ][image id=591 ][image id=589 ][image id=587 within=1 ][image id=583 ][image_holder_end]

Post ID: 865

Permalink: https://brasscoestudios.com/?p=865

Slug: pictures-update-816-add-videos

Author: chriscoe

Comments: 0

Tags: None

Title: Pictures Update 9/1

Category: Pictures Updates

Date Posted: 2024


[text_pictures_updates ]

[image_holder_start][image id=119 ][image id=99 ][image id=84 ][image id=61 ][image id=490 ][image id=32 ][image_holder_end]

[text_side_notes included=”video” from=”sets” ]

And speaking of Denny’s:

Wide angle lens.

Post ID: 851

Permalink: https://brasscoestudios.com/?p=851

Slug: pictures-update-91

Author: chriscoe

Comments: 0

Tags: None

Title: Sitewide Update 3/9

Category: Sitewide Updates

Date Posted: 2024


In the past year, I made tons of changes to this site. Here is a list of some of them:

1. I added some missing blog posts dated as-of when they were supposed to be posted. This goes all the way back to the site’s 2008-ish reboot. There were some dated through 2007, but those were lost due to my failure to back them up correctly. In any case, I recommend re-browsing through all of it. You might find something you missed!

2. One the blog side, I finally removed the temporary main image, for one more suited to the site. Eventually, the main site image will feature both of the Brasscoe Co-Presidents. The Index site’s polaroid image was also updated.

3. The blog’s main menu was expanded to include some upcoming-posts-sections, while removing the image of the month and featured galleries areas. Those were combined into a favorite digital image page, which now showcases all the image I liked amongst the hundreds I take each month. That can be found within the pictures area.

4. Speaking of new website areas, I also added two new sections to the movie page. The tape logs were moved out of the archive section and now displays VHS and MiniDV [links removed] items separately. Also, I created the Brasscoe timeline [link removed], which chronologically lists some of the movies we have worked on.

5. In the movies section, I uploaded the video files used for each movie, making the clips available for download. A few of the old videos are accompanied with their original renders. I hope to re-master them soon. Side Note: I posted actual blog updates only for the movies I re-mastered. Older items will be posted when they get re-done.

6. The art & design section was revamped to include items I created, and how-to listings, along with my usual artwork.

7. Among the plugins I use for the site, I added postviews (by Lester Chan) to help me see a visual count of how many visitors were seeing the various sections of the site. I also added page numbers (by Jens Tornell) which allowed me to modify how my various page counts are displayed, rather than the next and previous default. Also, I added the search highlight (by Ryan Boren) plugin in order to help identify the terms used when searching through the blog posts.

8. Since the archive section was meant to hold the site’s misc items, I created the other video area within it to showcase clips and shorts created in conjunction with Brasscoe, and some others I just wanted to show off.

9. On the html and css side, I moved most of the site’s clip art and .php files into one folder, helping page load times by using the same items throughout (The site is actually made up of 9 individual blogs, all tweaked in different ways). Also, I learned how to use javascript in order to display any font on the website I wanted (whether the end-user had it installed on their computer or not).

As of right now, my small list of items to finish includes these two huge tasks:

1. As I finish my catch-up with old flickr photos, I realize the total count pending is over 90gb’s worth. That’s over 14000 image, and maybe 100 videos. Not too sure if I will ever be done.

2. I began a photo-scanning project and hope to have all 1000+ photographs up by the end of the year. This includes pictures from my childhood, and when I worked at Disneyland during it’s construction phase in 1999.

Now, if I can only figure out solutions to my two current problems…

1. Why won’t WordPress let me upgrade the blog from 3.0 to 3.1 without problems.

2. Finding a stable hack for my Panasonic GF1. So far, I successfully completed a modification to the firmware with PTools changing the video recording size from 720p to 1080p, but want it to maintain the HD MJPEG quality at a 50-80 MBps data rate without issue, which is a big step up from the default 15 MBps setting. Probably need to get a Class 10 SDHC card.

Post ID: 1984

Permalink: https://brasscoestudios.com/?p=1984

Slug: sitewide-update-39

Author: chriscoe

Comments: 0

Tags: None

Title: Pictures Update 1/13

Category: Pictures Updates

Date Posted: 2024


[text_pictures_updates ]

[image_holder_start][image id=644 ][image id=514 ][image id=3697 ][image_holder_end]

Post ID: 1511

Permalink: https://brasscoestudios.com/?p=1511

Slug: pictures-update-113-2

Author: chriscoe

Comments: 0

Tags: None

Title: Pictures Update 1/22

Category: Pictures Updates

Date Posted: 2024


[text_pictures_updates ]

[image_holder_start][image id=640 ][image id=639 ][image id=636 ][image id=576 ][image id=629 ][image_holder_end]

[text_side_notes included=”video” from=”sets” ]

Returning back to the Vdara suite.

Post ID: 1144

Permalink: https://brasscoestudios.com/?p=1144

Slug: pictures-update-122

Author: chriscoe

Comments: 0

Tags: None

Title: Pictures Update 12/21 – Enjoy The Summer

Category: Pictures Updates

Date Posted: 2024



[image_holder_start][image id=615 ][image id=611 ][image id=601 ][image id=587 within=2 updated=yes ][image id=581 ][image id=461 ][image_holder_end]

[text_side_notes included=”video” from=”sets” ]

During Kaeli’s Graduation pool party, I caught a few funny moments:

Pushed into the pool.

A few flips in the bounce house, until someone falls out.

Post ID: 1090

Permalink: https://brasscoestudios.com/?p=1090

Slug: pictures-update-1221-summer

Author: chriscoe

Comments: 0

Tags: None

Title: Pictures Update 7/1

Category: Pictures Updates

Date Posted: 2024



[image_holder_start][image id=579 ][image id=565 ][image id=545 within=2 updated=yes ][image id=539 ][image_holder_end]

[text_side_notes included=”video” from=”sets” ]

Speaking of parties… we have flip-cup: Coe vs. Four!

Post ID: 858

Permalink: https://brasscoestudios.com/?p=858

Slug: pictures-update-71-add-videos

Author: chriscoe

Comments: 0

Tags: None

Title: Pictures Update 5/04 – Music News

Category: Pictures Updates

Date Posted: 2024


[text_pictures_updates ]

[image_holder_start][image id=547 ][image id=545 within=1 ][image id=535 ][image_holder_end]

[text_side_notes included=”video” from=”set_and_related” ]

Per the above picture set, here are two videos of Erick playing with the Sons of Mothers:

Erick performing at The Mist – 01.

Erick performing at The Mist – 02.

And again, since this post is music related, two more related videos:

Adrian freestyles to NO music while heading to the bar. The odd dissolves is me trying to match him up to the beat.

Karaoke Taxi: The gang sings ‘Hero’ (after leaving the bar). [Video 1 of 4]

Post ID: 757

Permalink: https://brasscoestudios.com/?p=757

Slug: pictures-update-502-music-news

Author: chriscoe

Comments: 0

Tags: None

Title: Pictures Update 5/01

Category: Pictures Updates

Date Posted: 2024


[text_pictures_updates ]

[image_holder_start][image id=563 ][image id=543 ][image id=522 ][image id=518 within=1 ][image id=516 within=1 ][image_holder_end]

[text_side_notes included=”video” from=”sets” ]

My current video editing setup will play the raw 1080i HDV footage without issue. The video clip is among the 14 hours of unedited footage during my trip to Europe in 2007. This was shot at Oktoberfest in Munich, Germany.

Post ID: 754

Permalink: https://brasscoestudios.com/?p=754

Slug: pictures-update-501

Author: chriscoe

Comments: 0

Tags: None

Title: Pictures Update 4/30

Category: Pictures Updates

Date Posted: 2024



[image_holder_start][image id=449 ][image id=292 ][image id=288 ][image id=5517 ][image id=286 ][image id=465 ][image id=5099 within=6 updated=yes ][image_holder_end]

[text_side_notes included=”video” from=”sets” ]

Ian really hates to be recorded!

Post ID: 749

Permalink: https://brasscoestudios.com/?p=749

Slug: pictures-update-430

Author: chriscoe

Comments: 0

Tags: None

Title: Pictures Update 4/07

Category: Pictures Updates

Date Posted: 2024



[image_holder_start][image id=451 ][image id=479 ][image id=463 ][image id=459 ][image id=487 ][image id=457 ][image id=3694 ][image id=481 ][image id=485 ][image id=5099 updated=yes within=5 ][image_holder_end]

[text_side_notes included=”video” from=”sets” ]

Mike almost owns that bull!

Post ID: 734

Permalink: https://brasscoestudios.com/?p=734

Slug: pictures-update-407

Author: chriscoe

Comments: 0

Tags: None

Title: Pictures Update 2/25

Category: Pictures Updates

Date Posted: 2024



[image_holder_start][image id=91 within=2 updated=yes ][image id=492 ][image id=117 within=2 updated=yes ][image id=1084 ][image id=158 within=2 updated=yes ][image id=283 ][image_holder_end]

[text_side_notes included=”video” from=”sets” ]

2009-05-23 Vegas Trip 4.

2009-07-18 Vegas: Hofbrauhaus.

Post ID: 725

Permalink: https://brasscoestudios.com/?p=725

Slug: pictures-update-225

Author: chriscoe

Comments: 0

Tags: None

Title: Pictures Update 11/3

Category: Pictures Updates

Date Posted: 2024


[text_pictures_updates ]

[image_holder_start][image id=3674 ][image id=3673 ][image id=3680 ][image_holder_end]

Post ID: 4520

Permalink: https://brasscoestudios.com/?p=4520

Slug: pictures-update-113

Author: chriscoe

Comments: 0

Tags: None

Title: Pictures Update 2/25 – Misc 2009

Category: Pictures Updates

Date Posted: 2024



[image_holder_start][image id=5099 within=4 updated=yes ][image id=17 within=2 updated=yes ][image id=3687 within=2 updated=yes ][image_holder_end]

[text_side_notes included=”video” from=”sets” ]

Adrian rapping. [Video Part 2 of 2]

Dealing with drunks in the Taco Bell drive-thru.

Post ID: 722

Permalink: https://brasscoestudios.com/?p=722

Slug: pictures-update-225-misc-2009

Author: chriscoe

Comments: 0

Tags: None

Title: Pictures Update 12/17 – Scott-A-Palooza

Category: Pictures Updates

Date Posted: 2024


[text_pictures_updates single_set=yes ]

[image_holder_start][image id=112 ][image_holder_end]

[text_side_notes included=”video” from=”set” ]

And since our usual party past-time is flip-cup, let the games begin: [ 3 of 11 total in set ]

Round 1 of 3 (And take special note at how much Danny is peeved at Otis’ poor flipping skills!)

Round 2 of 3

Round 3 of 3 is a split screen between 2 cameras.

Post ID: 703

Permalink: https://brasscoestudios.com/?p=703

Slug: pictures-update-1217-scott-a-palooza

Author: chriscoe

Comments: 0

Tags: None

Title: Sitewide Update 12/5

Category: Sitewide Updates

Date Posted: 2024


There are a number of things I’ve been doing behind the scenes, so I decided to list them here:

1. Archiving – I now have about 50 miniDV & HDV tapes, filled with footage from 2000 until now. I have since begun digitally capturing every tape, from beginning to end, to the hard drive. Each hour takes up about 13gb of space. So far, I have captured DV tapes 1-8 and 19. Once the drive is filled up, I will submit it for online backup. The purpose of capturing an identical copy to the HDD is to not lug out each cassette when looking for footage.

2. Tape Logs – Speaking of searching through content, I have added the MiniDV/HDV & VHS Tape Logs [links removed] to the archive section. Although not entirely complete, or verified to be accurate (most were written years ago with no time-code to date stamp it), I plan to list the content of every tape on hand.

3. Raw Footage Updates – In going through my tape archiving, I have come across raw footage of moments recorded that (to some) may find interesting or funny. At least to me, it is. Some of that footage will finally make it’s way online, or help to re-master content already available, but in HD.

4. Re-Mastering – There are still quite a few videos left online that are low in quality due to its upload date compared to when Vimeo & YouTube finally made the change to 1080p viewable. Arg! So obtaining all that raw footage is helping me do that! The first item for complete re-master and re-edit is the NYE 2000 / Pseudo Porno short film. I am halfway done with the edit in Sony Vegas HD, and will make it a nice 10 minute version, removing all the extra non-essential junk that sat in there all this time.

5. HD Downloads – I have now made it a habit to first upload the High Def versions of my Flickr videos to my site before I add them to Flickr. This way, once added, someone will have the option to view on Flickr (which has proven to be horrible when a low-light video is added with lots of video noise), or download the full HD version I used in the first place. I have also tried to go back and add the other missing HD versions of other videos. Yes, I plan to have it all online, soon.

6. Flickr – Yes, I have lagged so much on this! It is mostly due to my backup & re-organizing attempts. At last count, I still need to upload 29.7gb of stuff. That’s almost 2900 image and almost 100 more video clips! Oddly enough, in my other backup folders, I have found even older content that was thought to be lost. I hope to finally be back in the Flickr mode this weekend and get it all up before the New Year.

[image_holder_start][image type=single id=3837 within=1 ][image_holder_end]

7. Lastly, backup! – Since I am realizing that my hard drives won’t last forever, I have since been using mozy.com to backup all my content. At the moment, I have 283.8gb backed up online, and 2.2 still in progress. When all is said and done, the 500gb drive I use a my main content holder, will have its copy online (just in case).

Post ID: 632

Permalink: https://brasscoestudios.com/?p=632

Slug: sitewide-update-125

Author: chriscoe

Comments: 0

Tags: None

Title: Pictures Update 11/11 – Happy Halloween!

Category: Pictures Updates

Date Posted: 2024


[text_pictures_updates ]

[image_holder_start][image id=161 ][image id=158 within=1 ][image id=156 ][image_holder_end]

Post ID: 625

Permalink: https://brasscoestudios.com/?p=625

Slug: pictures-update-1111-happy-halloween

Author: chriscoe

Comments: 0

Tags: None

Title: Pictures Update 11/06

Category: Pictures Updates

Date Posted: 2024



[image_holder_start][image id=150 ][image id=148 ][image id=152 ][image id=5099 within=3 updated=yes ][image_holder_end]

Post ID: 619

Permalink: https://brasscoestudios.com/?p=619

Slug: pictures-update-1106

Author: chriscoe

Comments: 0

Tags: None

Title: Sitewide Update 11/03

Category: Sitewide Updates

Date Posted: 2024


It’s hard to believe I haven’t made a full site update since January! Time flies…

First off, I had to put aside my flickr updates for over a month while I re-designed this entire website. The choice to do so was when I found out I can run multiple blog indexes under one main blog component! It has made my updating efforts a breeze. To get a glimpse of the nerdy process, feel free to watch the youtube video I found: Create Multiple WordPress Blogs Using a Single Database. It was the most simplistic way to do it, I found.

In the past, I had to manaully modify each website section by hand, taking the html grid and thumbnail placements and changing it all in GoLive, which is an HTML editor. Now, all I need to do is add the updates as a new posting, and it moves the older items over.

As for WordPress templates, I used The Unstandard for all of the website sections: art, archive, movies & pictures. For the actual blog section, I went with Plainscape. I did my best to match the multiple blogs into one consistent look that matched up, site-wide.

In the before & after screen shots below, you can see how much I needed to change everything from stock.

[image_holder_start][image type=double id=5108 within=2 ][image type=double id=5108 within=3 ][image_holder_end]

This includes the page layouts.

[image_holder_start][image type=double id=5108 within=4 ][image type=double id=5108 within=5 ][image_holder_end]

The hardest modification came from the section templates. I found one that displayed blog posts as image and had to severely tweak them!

[image_holder_start][image type=double id=5108 within=6 ][image type=double id=5108 within=7 ][image_holder_end]

And again for the page layout.

[image_holder_start][image type=double id=5108 within=8 ][image type=double id=5108 within=9 ][image_holder_end]

For copyright reasons, I wanted to give the template authors proper credit:

The Unstandard template belongs to 5thirtyone.com and can be downloaded free here. The live preview is here. The Plainscape template belongs to srinig.com and can be downloaded free here. The live preview is here.

As far as catching up on pictures goes, I am so behind.

Currently, I have about 25 sets and a few misc updates to upload to Flickr. Doing a search, it looks like a total of about 3000+ pictures and about 100+ videos! Those updates are coming soon.

Post ID: 577

Permalink: https://brasscoestudios.com/?p=577

Slug: sitewide-update-1103

Author: chriscoe

Comments: 0

Tags: None

Title: Pictures Update 10/30

Category: Pictures Updates

Date Posted: 2024


[text_pictures_updates ]

[image_holder_start][image id=117 ][image id=95 ][image_holder_end]

Post ID: 572

Permalink: https://brasscoestudios.com/?p=572

Slug: pictures-update-1030-2

Author: chriscoe

Comments: 0

Tags: None

Title: Pictures Update 10/29

Category: Pictures Updates

Date Posted: 2024



[image_holder_start][image id=129 ][image id=127 ][image id=125 ][image id=123 ][image id=121 ][image id=115 ][image id=110 ][image id=108 ][image id=106 ][image id=101 ][image id=97 ][image id=93 ][image id=91 within=1 ][image id=88 ][image id=3693 ][image id=3692 ][image id=80 ][image id=78 ][image id=3691 ][image id=3687 within=1 ][image id=5099 within=2 updated=yes ][image id=17 within=1 updated=yes ][image_holder_end]

Post ID: 567

Permalink: https://brasscoestudios.com/?p=567

Slug: pictures-update-1030

Author: chriscoe

Comments: 0

Tags: None

Title: Pictures Update 4/17

Category: Pictures Updates

Date Posted: 2024


[text_pictures_updates ]

[image_holder_start][image id=74 ][image id=3690 ][image id=70 ][image id=65 ][image id=63 ][image id=59 ][image id=57 ][image id=55 ][image id=53 ][image id=50 ][image id=48 ][image id=46 ][image id=44 ][image id=42 ][image id=40 ][image id=5099 within=1 ][image_holder_end]

Post ID: 118

Permalink: https://brasscoestudios.com/?p=118

Slug: pictures-update-417

Author: chriscoe

Comments: 0

Tags: None

Title: Pictures Updates 2/23

Category: Pictures Updates

Date Posted: 2024



[image_holder_start][image id=3689 ][image id=34 ][image id=38 ][image id=3674 updated=yes within=1 ][image_holder_end]

[text_side_notes included=”video” from=”sets” ]

Per that Superbowl Update, here is 1 of the 4 videos of Ian dropping some knowledge on us:

The grammer off.

Post ID: 86

Permalink: https://brasscoestudios.com/?p=86

Slug: pictures-updates-223

Author: chriscoe

Comments: 0

Tags: None

Title: Pictures Update 1/21

Category: Pictures Updates

Date Posted: 2024


[text_pictures_updates ]

[image_holder_start][image id=29 ][image id=3688 ][image id=25 ][image id=103 ][image id=23 ][image_holder_end]

Post ID: 72

Permalink: https://brasscoestudios.com/?p=72

Slug: pictures-update-120-2

Author: chriscoe

Comments: 0

Tags: None

Title: Pictures Update 1/19

Category: Pictures Updates

Date Posted: 2024



[image_holder_start][image id=3669 ][image id=3670 ][image id=3671 ][image id=3681 ][image id=3672 ][image id=3682 ][image id=3683 ][image id=3684 ][image id=3634 within=1 updated=yes ][image id=3628 within=2 updated=yes ][image id=3632 within=2 updated=yes ][image_holder_end]

[text_side_notes included=”video” from=”sets” ]

Beginning of Danger of Monotony song.

End of Danger of Monotony song.

Post ID: 68

Permalink: https://brasscoestudios.com/?p=68

Slug: pictures-update-120

Author: chriscoe

Comments: 0

Tags: None

Title: Sitewide Update 1/6

Category: Sitewide Updates

Date Posted: 2024


Since it has been a month since my last blog post… I feel the need to explain why – I got sick!

On Friday December 6th, Ian and I were done drinking and trying to crash at Nicole’s house, knocking on her door at 3am. Since there was no answer, we crashed in my car. Me, in the back seat, and him sleeping out on the grass, next to the car… with his feet inside, on my passenger seat. Now, with the door open until 7am, and me with no jacket, I assume I caught the cold that way. Argg!

Exhibit A:

[image_holder_start][image type=single id=3684 within=1 ][image_holder_end]

Anyway, here is a list of what I have been doing:

12/5 Uploaded most of HD versions of straggling 2008 digital camera videos.

12/15 Began to prep 2006 for tags.

12/16 Finished tagging all of the 2006 image, but realized I messed up on a few.

12/17 Cataloged the HDV tape #53 and added it to the tape logs. I also added a temporary link to both tape logs and published it to the website.

12/19 I finished all 2006 tags.

12/20 I rendered the 2007 Halloween video back to HDV tape as a Master.

12/21 Began to create the video page for the Halloween video on the website.

12/22 & 12/23 I worked on finalizing a corrected output master for both raw footage videos (jack in the box & palm desert). Printing it to HDV tape for the Master and back to MiniDV just didn’t work as I wanted.

12/24 I created the movie pages for both the Jack In The Box & Palm Desert Golf Cart Dummies videos. I decided that all MiniDV footage will be Mastered as 720p HD at 30fps or 24fps (depending on originating frame rate).

12/25 Verified my logs for DV tapes #2 and #4. I noted HDV tape #54 which contains the raw footage of the BDR acoustic session at Travis’. I also uploaded the corrected 720p version of Jack In The Box to YouTube & MySpace.

12/26 I began to edit the BDR acoustics session. I also uploaded the Palm Desert Dummies 720p version to YouTube & MySpace.

12/27 I uploaded the 2007 Mareanne Halloween 720p version of the video to YouTube & my ftp. On that ftp, I also continued to upload the other HD versions of the videos for public downloads. Lastly, I rendered the BDR song Danger of Monotony at The Roxy video.

12/28 Uploaded the BDR Roxy 720p HD video to YouTube & MySpace, along with adding it to my ftp. I also rendered out the Flickr videos from my company holiday party.

12/29-1/4 I took all my free time to catch up and render out all of the videos that accompany the image to their color-corrected and edited Flickr versions.

1/5 I began to upload the image & videos to Flickr that I have taken over the past month but noticed a problem. Flickr has since chosen to use the new H.264 MPEG-4 codec for their uploaded videos. I like the idea, but it is seemingly changing my videos’ frame rates which is causing a ghosting/strobbing effect. So until the problem is figured out, I will only upload image that weren’t taken with any videos.

I enjoyed my Christmas and New Year vacation time off. Now back to the regular routine!

Post ID: 36

Permalink: https://brasscoestudios.com/?p=36

Slug: sitewide-update-16

Author: chriscoe

Comments: 0

Tags: None

Title: Pictures Update 12/4

Category: Pictures Updates

Date Posted: 2024


[text_pictures_updates ]

[image_holder_start][image id=3685 ][image id=3676 ][image_holder_end]

[text_side_notes included=”video” from=”sets” ]

And since my favorite game is Flip-Cup, here are 2 funny videos from that Halloween Party. The first is our loudest game before getting shut down, and the second is about our country and it’s love for Flip-Cup!

Post ID: 33

Permalink: https://brasscoestudios.com/?p=33

Slug: pictures-update-124

Author: chriscoe

Comments: 0

Tags: None

Title: Sitewide Update 11/24

Category: Sitewide Updates

Date Posted: 2024


Since it’s been almost a month since my last update, here is a basic list of what I’ve been up to:

10/27 & 10/28: Began to render my birthday videos.

10/29: Having wanted to see some old footage, I popped in and captured my MiniDV tape #04. It shows me and my cousins, Luis & John, in a Buena Park drive-thru in 2000. I decided to quickly edit the raw footage for Youtube.

10/30: After normalizing the audio, I began to render out various versions, attempting to remove the 30fps interlacing for a correct 24 progressive image.

11/6: I finally uploaded the Jack In The Box Drive Thru raw footage.

11/10: On the same tape, I found some PD footage, named it Palm Desert Golf Cart Dummies. Also began to re-design the Movie section.

11/11: Finished my birthday videos – to be posted up soon. Cont’d on the Movie section.

11/12: Uploaded the new Movie section design – STILL UNFINISHED.

11/21: Uploaded most of the missing HD versions of the digital camera videos. I will add them to Flickr as downloadable links soon.

Post ID: 30

Permalink: https://brasscoestudios.com/?p=30

Slug: sitewide-update-1124

Author: chriscoe

Comments: 0

Tags: None

Title: Pictures Update 11/24

Category: Pictures Updates

Date Posted: 2024


[text_pictures_updates ]

[image_holder_start][image id=3686 ][image id=3678 ][image id=3675 ][image id=3677 ][image id=3679 ][image_holder_end]

Post ID: 15

Permalink: https://brasscoestudios.com/?p=15

Slug: pictures-update-1124

Author: chriscoe

Comments: 0

Tags: None

Title: Test Post within the Movies Type

Category: Video

Date Posted: 2024


This is the content WITHIN the movies post type test post

Post ID: 5725

Permalink: https://brasscoestudios.com/?p=5725

Slug: 5725

Author: chriscoe

Comments: 0

Tags: None

Title: Bree Harlow CD Release Party

Category: Other Video Area, The

Date Posted: 2024


2012-10-05 2 Bree Harlow CD Release Party (lo-res video) from Christopher Coe on Vimeo.

Post ID: 4992

Permalink: https://brasscoestudios.com/?p=4992

Slug: bree-harlow-cd-release-party

Author: chriscoe

Comments: 0

Tags: None

Title: Sitewide Update 10/24

Category: Sitewide Updates

Date Posted: 2024


After two weeks, I finally finished my latest video – footage from Mareanne’s 8th annual Halloween party! But more on that later…

Due to time constraints, I only managed to upload 2 galleries to my Flickr account, as seen in the previous post, with 1 more pending; my birthday!!! There were about 380 image taken that night, along with 7-or-so videos. I pretty much don’t remember any of it. I plan to get those up next week, after rendering out the videos for Flickr.

Anyway, I received an email from Youtube on 10/16/08 that scared me at first. I thought I had lost the rights to show off my most popular video, 2001 Toyota Corolla, due to Copyright Infringement! What!?!


[image_holder_start][image type=single id=5108 within=10 ][image_holder_end]


[image_holder_start][image type=single id=5108 within=11 ][image_holder_end]

It turns out that the song I used, Kanye West – Two Words, was detected by Universal (UMG) but was deemed acceptable and left untouched – public – so long as a small advertisement is placed on the webpage.

I thought to myself: Oh, in that case… Sure! No problem. I guess reaching over 20,000 hits prompts the system to double check the video and/or audio content.

[image_holder_start][image type=single id=3626 within=1 url=”set” overlay=”yes” ][image_holder_end]

And so, per the image above, Halloween is upon us!

I decided to edit the footage I recorded last year at Mareanne’s Halloween Party 2007 [link removed]. Click on the picture above to see the pictures taken that night (which includes a better glimpse of my awesome Pirate Costume).

Post ID: 4519

Permalink: https://brasscoestudios.com/?p=4519

Slug: sitewide-update-1024

Author: chriscoe

Comments: 0

Tags: None

Title: Pictures Update 10/24

Category: Pictures Updates

Date Posted: 2024



[image_holder_start][image id=3667 ][image id=3668 ][image id=3632 updated=yes within=1 ][image_holder_end]

Post ID: 4518

Permalink: https://brasscoestudios.com/?p=4518

Slug: pictures-update

Author: chriscoe

Comments: 0

Tags: None

Title: 2001 Toyota Corolla

Category: Video

Date Posted: 2024


Various footage was used to make this simple showcase video of my old 2001 Toyota Corolla.

MEDIA: MiniDV | DATE: 10-23-07 | View directly via Youtube or download in SD: [listyofiles folder=../downloads/videos/old_renders/2001_toyota_corolla options=table, filesize, new_window]

The various video clips used were taken from 2001-2007. The car featured a custom-made clear dash-kit, custom-made coil-overs, and 18 inch Racing Hart Evolution Type C2 rims.

Song Credit: Kanye West – Two Words (before the Copyright removal) | Album – The College Dropout


Before my video got temporarily blocked due to Copyright Infringement, it hit most viewed the day after I put it up!


Post ID: 2943

Permalink: https://brasscoestudios.com/?p=2943

Slug: 2943

Author: chriscoe

Comments: 0

Tags: None

Title: Durty Nellys Lori & Ian Karaoke

Category: Video

Date Posted: 2024


Lori invited us to hang out while her crew did some Karaoke. Halfway through her performance, I ask Ian (I was drunk) to join her on stage. I think it was pretty funny.

MEDIA: 1080i HDV | DATE: 12-22-2007 | View directly via Youtube or download in HD: [listyofiles folder=../downloads/videos/old_renders/2007-12-22_dirty_nellys_karaoke options=table, filesize, new_window]

I shot the footage by holding the camera in one hand, with a beer in the other. I generally try to keep all my shots steady, but with the alcohol in my system, I did my best! Oh, and if you didn’t hear me at the end, I said oh man… see now I can go pee. I had to wait for these guys to go!


2007-12-22 2007-12-22 2007-12-22 2007-12-22
2007-12-22 2007-12-22 2007-12-22 2007-12-22
2007-12-22 2007-12-22

Post ID: 2942

Permalink: https://brasscoestudios.com/?p=2942

Slug: durty-nellys-lori-ian-karaoke

Author: chriscoe

Comments: 0

Tags: None

Title: Steering Wheel Controller

Category: Uncategorized

Date Posted: 2024


I added to the art & design section a quick update displaying my steering wheel controller install & diagram. Click on the image for details.


PAC Steering Wheel controller (SWI-PS) for my 2007 Scion TC.

Post ID: 2154

Permalink: https://brasscoestudios.com/?p=2154

Slug: steering-wheel-controller

Author: chriscoe

Comments: 0

Tags: None

Title: Polaroids (added more)

Category: Uncategorized

Date Posted: 2024


As I finish up my complete website overhaul, I finally updated the landing page with a new polaroid image. It was added to the collection of older image within the art & design section.


Post ID: 1951

Permalink: https://brasscoestudios.com/?p=1951

Slug: polaroids-added-more

Author: chriscoe

Comments: 0

Tags: None

Title: Space Road Trip

Category: Uncategorized

Date Posted: 2024


Added to the art & design section is this image I drew on my laptop during a road trip home. Click on the image for details.


Post ID: 1557

Permalink: https://brasscoestudios.com/?p=1557

Slug: art-design-update-space-road-trip

Author: chriscoe

Comments: 0

Tags: None

Title: No Country for Old Men

Category: Uncategorized

Date Posted: 2024


For my Halloween costume, I made a prop gun in the style of the No Country for Old Men killer, and added how I created it to the art & design section.


My No Country for Old Men prop gun (2008)

Post ID: 1519

Permalink: https://brasscoestudios.com/?p=1519

Slug: art-design-update-no-country-for-old-men

Author: chriscoe

Comments: 0

Tags: None

Title: Short Circuit – Johnny 5

Category: Uncategorized

Date Posted: 2024


While scanning some of my old photographs, I found a few image of the Johnny 5 Lego robot I made, and added it to the art & design section. Click on the image for details.

Side Note: My image with the robot also made it onto rad-dudes.com‘s facebook page:


Post ID: 1370

Permalink: https://brasscoestudios.com/?p=1370

Slug: art-design-update-short-circuit-johnny-5

Author: chriscoe

Comments: 0

Tags: None

Title: Lowrider Truck

Category: Uncategorized

Date Posted: 2024


Years ago, I made a Lowrider truck out of wood – complete with a speaker box in the bed. Pump that bass! A few of the image were added to the art & design section. Click on the image for details.


Post ID: 1364

Permalink: https://brasscoestudios.com/?p=1364

Slug: art-design-update-lowrider-truck

Author: chriscoe

Comments: 0

Tags: None

Title: My 7th Grade Dinosaur

Category: Uncategorized

Date Posted: 2024


I took some photographs of my little dinosaur created in junior high and added it to the art & design section. Click on the image for details.


Post ID: 1359

Permalink: https://brasscoestudios.com/?p=1359

Slug: art-design-update-my-7th-grade-dinosaur

Author: chriscoe

Comments: 0

Tags: None

Title: Corrupt

Category: Uncategorized

Date Posted: 2024


I added a post to the art & design section of my nickname in high school made out of wood. Click on the image for details.


Post ID: 1353

Permalink: https://brasscoestudios.com/?p=1353

Slug: art-design-update-corrupt

Author: chriscoe

Comments: 0

Tags: None

Title: Misc Graphics (added more)

Category: Uncategorized

Date Posted: 2024


For one of my Halloween costumes this year, I needed to make a Press Pass for it. The below image was added to the misc graphics post within the art & design section.


Post ID: 1343

Permalink: https://brasscoestudios.com/?p=1343

Slug: art-design-update-misc-graphics-more

Author: chriscoe

Comments: 0

Tags: None

Title: The Paparazzi

Category: Uncategorized

Date Posted: 2024


I love messing around with digital image, and so I created old photographs out of some of them. A few examples of this were added to the art & design section. Click on the image for details.


Post ID: 1328

Permalink: https://brasscoestudios.com/?p=1328

Slug: art-design-update-the-paparazzi

Author: chriscoe

Comments: 0

Tags: None

Title: Labor Day

Category: Uncategorized

Date Posted: 2024


Here is another drawing I did to accompany my station notices. It was added to the art & design section. Click on the image for details.


Post ID: 1326

Permalink: https://brasscoestudios.com/?p=1326

Slug: art-design-update-labor-day

Author: chriscoe

Comments: 0

Tags: None

Title: Other Websites

Category: Uncategorized

Date Posted: 2024


Along with my main websites, I’ve created artwork for many other sites. A few examples were added to the art & design section. Click on the image for details.


Post ID: 1324

Permalink: https://brasscoestudios.com/?p=1324

Slug: art-design-update-other-websites

Author: chriscoe

Comments: 0

Tags: None

Title: 4th of July

Category: Uncategorized

Date Posted: 2024


Just like my email signatures, I’ve always created artwork to accompany my station notices. This one was added to the art & design section. Click on the image for details.


4th of July (6-30-09)

Post ID: 1292

Permalink: https://brasscoestudios.com/?p=1292

Slug: art-design-update-4th-of-july

Author: chriscoe

Comments: 0

Tags: None

Title: Amanda

Category: Uncategorized

Date Posted: 2024


Every once in a while, I’ll make a template image to be replaced later. I added this one in particular to the art & design section. Click on the image for details.


Post ID: 1268

Permalink: https://brasscoestudios.com/?p=1268

Slug: art-design-update-8

Author: chriscoe

Comments: 0

Tags: None

Title: Toyota Corolla and Other Cars

Category: Uncategorized

Date Posted: 2024


I often try to visualize what an item would look like modified – then enters Photoshop! So I decided to add two new posts to my art & design section: My edits on the Toyota Corolla and Other Cars, including a Scion (same as what I own now). Click on each image for details.

Toyota Corolla


Other Cars

Post ID: 1258

Permalink: https://brasscoestudios.com/?p=1258

Slug: art-design-update-7

Author: chriscoe

Comments: 0

Tags: None

Title: Misc Graphics

Category: Uncategorized

Date Posted: 2024


Amongst the numerous random graphics I’ve created, I decided to post a few them on this site. They were added to the art & design section. Click on the image for details.


Misc Graphics

Post ID: 1249

Permalink: https://brasscoestudios.com/?p=1249

Slug: art-design-update-6

Author: chriscoe

Comments: 0

Tags: None

Title: My Clear Dash Kit

Category: Uncategorized

Date Posted: 2024


On my old Corolla Project website, I had a how-to page describing the steps used to create my clear dash kit. An updated version of that was added to the art & design section. Click on the image for details.


My Clear Dash Kit (2002)

Post ID: 1241

Permalink: https://brasscoestudios.com/?p=1241

Slug: art-design-update-5

Author: chriscoe

Comments: 0

Tags: None

Title: Spider-Man 3

Category: Uncategorized

Date Posted: 2024


I added to the art & design section a painting of Spider-Man that I completed and hung up in my office at Sony. Click on the image for details.


Spider-Man (painted in 2006)

Post ID: 1234

Permalink: https://brasscoestudios.com/?p=1234

Slug: art-design-2

Author: chriscoe

Comments: 0

Tags: None

Title: Klaus Baudelaire

Category: Uncategorized

Date Posted: 2024


While watching the movie, Lemony Snicket’s: A Series of Unfortunate Events (2004), I decided to sketch out and watercolor the character Klaus Baudelaire, and added it to the art & design section. Click on the image for details.


Klaus Baudelaire (painted in 2005)

Post ID: 1230

Permalink: https://brasscoestudios.com/?p=1230

Slug: art-design-update-4

Author: chriscoe

Comments: 0

Tags: None

Title: Britney and Lindsay

Category: Uncategorized

Date Posted: 2024


Added to the art & design section are two image that explain why I never plan on drawing faces in oil paint again. In time, I will probably update them to faceless females. Click on the image for details.


Britney (painted in 2005)


Lindsay (painted in 2005)

Post ID: 1221

Permalink: https://brasscoestudios.com/?p=1221

Slug: art-design

Author: chriscoe

Comments: 0

Tags: None

Title: Ali G

Category: Uncategorized

Date Posted: 2024


For my second acrylic oil painting, I decided to draw my favorite Sacha Baron Cohen charater – Ali G. The item was added to the art & design section. Click on the image for details.


Ali G (painted 2005)

Post ID: 1219

Permalink: https://brasscoestudios.com/?p=1219

Slug: art-design-update-3

Author: chriscoe

Comments: 0

Tags: None

Title: Adrian Bumpers

Category: Uncategorized

Date Posted: 2024


I added my first real acrylic oil painting to the art & design section. It’s an image of my buddy, Adrian, falling over some boxes at Arby’s. Click on the image for details.


Adrian Bumpers (painted in 2004)

Post ID: 1216

Permalink: https://brasscoestudios.com/?p=1216

Slug: art-design-update-2

Author: chriscoe

Comments: 0

Tags: None

Title: Snoop Dogg and Racer Needs Repair

Category: Uncategorized

Date Posted: 2024


I’ve created tons of artwork over the years and recently re-designed this site to include it. Below are 2 items added to the art & design section. Click on each image for details.


Snoop Dogg (painted in 1993)


Racer Needs Repair (painted in 1997)

Post ID: 1214

Permalink: https://brasscoestudios.com/?p=1214

Slug: art-design-update

Author: chriscoe

Comments: 0

Tags: None

Title: xxx

Category: Uncategorized

Date Posted: 2024


Below are some of my (LINK post=7956):

[LINK post=7956]

added to the (LINK cat=”photo projects”):

[LINK cat=”photo projects”]


Post ID: 7977

Permalink: https://brasscoestudios.com/?p=7977

Slug: xxx

Author: chriscoe

Comments: 0

Tags: None

Title: [VIDEO UPDATE] Halloween Party 2007 (re-mastered)

Category: Video Updates

Date Posted: 2024


I found the perfect song and re-did my Halloween video from a few years back.

[YOUTUBE post=4552]

The video was added to the [LINK cat=video] section. Click on the image above for more details.

Post ID: 4620

Permalink: https://brasscoestudios.com/?p=4620

Slug: halloween-party-2007-re-mastered-2

Author: chriscoe

Comments: 0

Tags: None

Title: [VIDEO POST] Halloween Party 2007 (re-mastered)

Category: Clips & Montage

Date Posted: 2024


Every year, Mareanne hosts a Halloween party and I decided to grab my video camera and record everything I saw.

MEDIA: 1080i30 HDV | DATE: 10-27-2007 | View directly via Youtube & Vimeo or download in HD: [listyofiles folder=../downloads/videos/clips_and_montage/2007-10-27_halloween_party_2007 options=table, filesize, new_window]


PLEASE NOTE: The High Def downloadable version is the rendered 1080 HDV M2T file. Save the file to your computer and delete the .zip extenstion for playback.

Pictures from this event are HERE

Song Credit: The Juanitos – Welcome in the House of Fun    [ http://www.jamendo.com/en/artist/5261/juanitos ]


2007-10-27 2007-10-27 2007-10-27 2007-10-27
2007-10-27 2007-10-27 2007-10-27 2007-10-27
2007-10-27 2007-10-27 2007-10-27 2007-10-27
2007-10-27 2007-10-27 2007-10-27 2007-10-27
2007-10-27 2007-10-27 2007-10-27 2007-10-27
2007-10-27 2007-10-27 2007-10-27 2007-10-27
2007-10-27 2007-10-27 2007-10-27



Due to YouTube’s music copyright crack down, this video sat offline for over a year, until I finally came across the perfect tune to use for this re-master. I imported the old project into Sony Vegas Pro 10 (64-bit), and re-ordered a few of the raw M2T HDV files, while also deleting a bit, too. The opening credits and subtitles where all changed.

The original footage was recorded with a Canon HV10 on HDV with a native resolution of 1440×1080 (16×9) at 30 fps, interlaced. The footage remains 1080 HDV, but was converted to 30 fps, progressive.

Post ID: 4552

Permalink: https://brasscoestudios.com/?p=4552

Slug: 4552

Author: chriscoe

Comments: 0

Tags: (featured)

Title: 2011-11-12 brittany & ashley’s birthday

Category: 2011

Date Posted: 2024


Post ID: 3754

Permalink: https://brasscoestudios.com/?p=3754

Slug: 2011-11-12-brittany-ashleys-birthday

Author: chriscoe

Comments: 0

Tags: None

Title: 2011-10-29 sara & mike’s halloween party

Category: 2011

Date Posted: 2024


Post ID: 3748

Permalink: https://brasscoestudios.com/?p=3748

Slug: 2011-10-29-sara-mikes-halloween-party

Author: chriscoe

Comments: 0

Tags: None

Title: 2011-10-28 kaeli’s halloween party

Category: 2011

Date Posted: 2024


Post ID: 3747

Permalink: https://brasscoestudios.com/?p=3747

Slug: 2011-10-28-kaelis-halloween-party

Author: chriscoe

Comments: 0

Tags: None

Title: 2011-11-05 new way on at worthington’s tavern

Category: 2011

Date Posted: 2024


Post ID: 3745

Permalink: https://brasscoestudios.com/?p=3745

Slug: 2011-11-05-new-way-on-at-worthingtons-tavern

Author: chriscoe

Comments: 0

Tags: None

Title: 2011-10-21 the brassfield band at mothers

Category: 2011

Date Posted: 2024


Post ID: 3744

Permalink: https://brasscoestudios.com/?p=3744

Slug: 2011-10-21-the-brassfield-band-at-mothers

Author: chriscoe

Comments: 0

Tags: None

Title: 2011-10-01 goathill

Category: 2011

Date Posted: 2024


Post ID: 3743

Permalink: https://brasscoestudios.com/?p=3743

Slug: 2011-10-01-goathill

Author: chriscoe

Comments: 0

Tags: None

Title: 2011-09-17 brassfield band at mother’s tavern

Category: 2011

Date Posted: 2024


Post ID: 3742

Permalink: https://brasscoestudios.com/?p=3742

Slug: 2011-09-17-sons-of-mothers

Author: chriscoe

Comments: 0

Tags: None

Title: 2011-09-02 after orange int’l street fair

Category: 2011

Date Posted: 2024


Post ID: 3741

Permalink: https://brasscoestudios.com/?p=3741

Slug: 2011-09-02-after-orange-intl-street-fair

Author: chriscoe

Comments: 0

Tags: None

Title: 2011-08-07 kim’s birthday – patio

Category: 2011

Date Posted: 2024


Post ID: 3740

Permalink: https://brasscoestudios.com/?p=3740

Slug: 2011-08-07-kims-birthday-patio

Author: chriscoe

Comments: 0

Tags: None

Title: 2011-08-07 kim’s birthday – bbq

Category: 2011

Date Posted: 2024


Post ID: 3739

Permalink: https://brasscoestudios.com/?p=3739

Slug: 2011-08-07-kims-birthday-bbq

Author: chriscoe

Comments: 0

Tags: None

Title: 2011-08-19 maloney’s and the keating

Category: 2011

Date Posted: 2024


Post ID: 3738

Permalink: https://brasscoestudios.com/?p=3738

Slug: 2011-08-19-maloneys-and-the-keating

Author: chriscoe

Comments: 0

Tags: None

Title: 2011-08-11 goathill tavern and cabo cantina

Category: 2011

Date Posted: 2024


2011-08-11 goathill / cabo

Post ID: 3737

Permalink: https://brasscoestudios.com/?p=3737

Slug: 2011-08-11-goathill-and-cabo-cantina

Author: chriscoe

Comments: 0

Tags: None

Title: 2011-09-02 orange int’l street fair

Category: 2011

Date Posted: 2024


Post ID: 3736

Permalink: https://brasscoestudios.com/?p=3736

Slug: 2011-09-02-orange-intl-street-fair

Author: chriscoe

Comments: 0

Tags: None

Title: 2011-08-27 paul’s & the district

Category: 2011

Date Posted: 2024


Post ID: 3735

Permalink: https://brasscoestudios.com/?p=3735

Slug: 2011-08-27-pauls-the-district

Author: chriscoe

Comments: 0

Tags: None

Title: 2011-08-13 cabo cantina

Category: 2011

Date Posted: 2024


Post ID: 3734

Permalink: https://brasscoestudios.com/?p=3734

Slug: 2011-08-13-cabo-cantina

Author: chriscoe

Comments: 0

Tags: None

Title: 2011-08-05 kim’s birthday at zimzala

Category: 2011

Date Posted: 2024


Post ID: 3733

Permalink: https://brasscoestudios.com/?p=3733

Slug: 2011-08-05-kims-birthday-at-zimzala

Author: chriscoe

Comments: 0

Tags: None

Title: 2011-07-22 durty nelly’s

Category: 2011

Date Posted: 2024


Post ID: 3732

Permalink: https://brasscoestudios.com/?p=3732

Slug: 2011-07-22-durty-nellys

Author: chriscoe

Comments: 0

Tags: None

Title: 2011-07-28 brought down running at the doll hut

Category: 2011

Date Posted: 2024


Post ID: 3731

Permalink: https://brasscoestudios.com/?p=3731

Slug: 2011-07-28-brought-down-running-at-the-doll-hut

Author: chriscoe

Comments: 0

Tags: None

Title: 2011-07-16 rad dudes birthday party

Category: 2011

Date Posted: 2024


Post ID: 3730

Permalink: https://brasscoestudios.com/?p=3730

Slug: 2011-07-16-rad-dudes-birthday-party

Author: chriscoe

Comments: 0

Tags: None

Title: 2011-07-02 new way on at red, white & brewfest

Category: 2011

Date Posted: 2024


Post ID: 3728

Permalink: https://brasscoestudios.com/?p=3728

Slug: 2011-07-02-red-white-brewfest

Author: chriscoe

Comments: 0

Tags: None

Title: 2011-07-08 palm desert weekend

Category: 2011

Date Posted: 2024


Post ID: 3727

Permalink: https://brasscoestudios.com/?p=3727

Slug: 2011-07-08-palm-desert-weekend

Author: chriscoe

Comments: 0

Tags: None

Title: The Vipers

Category: Website Creation

Date Posted: 2024


Erick’s old band site for The Vipers.

Index Page

I found this old site on my hard drive, and decided to throw it up online. Most of the links were disabled.

Direct link to website HERE

Post ID: 3416

Permalink: https://brasscoestudios.com/?p=3416

Slug: 3416

Author: chriscoe

Comments: 0

Tags: None

Title: Steering Wheel Controller

Category: I Made That

Date Posted: 2024



[image_array image_post_id=3260 image_number=1 image_target=blank link_to_post_id=3260]

I found it a bit difficult to understand (read below) the exact wiring directions that came with my PAC Steering Wheel controller (SWI-PS for 2007 Scion TC), so I decided to diagram the exact connection for anyone else searching for a simple how-to method.


[image_array image_post_id=3260 image_number=2 image_target=blank link_to_post_id=3260]

Along with a product video found on YouTube, here are the directions found on the manufacture’s website, if needed:

PAC SWI-PS for Scion TC 2007

1. Quick description before we start wiring the SWI-PS.

The SWI-PS’s wire color we are going to use is White. This is the White wire on the SWI-PS, not the vehicle!
The other wires on the SWI-PS, green, yellow, orange and blue wires are not used for your Scion tC.

This leaves you with a Red, Black and two loop wires. These wires will be discussed down below.

2. (picture not attached)

3. Connecting the SWI-PS’s steering wheel control input wire to vehicle plug.

Read the note in the chart below.

Note #2
Connect pin 6 wire to ground. Connect pin 7 to the INTERFACE’s White wire. Connect one end of a 560 ohm resistor to pin 8,
then connect the other end of the resistor to the INTERFACE’s white wire. So basically you will have two wires,
one with a resistor in series, connected to the INTERFACE’s White wire.

4. Connecting power and ground wires.

Black wire: Connect the SWI-PS’s black wire to chassis ground. This is usually a black wire on the aftermarket wire kit.
Red wire: Connect the SWI-PS’s red wire to a switched +12volt wire. This is usually a red wire on the aftermarket wire kit.

5. Instructions for cutting or not cutting loop wires.

Step A: The purple loop wire does not need to be cut. (unless stated different previously)
Step B: The brown loop wire does not need to be cut. (unless stated different previously)

6. Programming the SWI-PS with a version number.

The SWI-PS has to be programmed for version # 8.

#1. Press and hold the Program Button on the SWI-PS while turning on the vehicle to the accessory position. The LED will turn on.
#2. Release the Program Button and the LED will turn off.
#3. Press the Program Button 8 times. Each time you press and release the Program Button, the LED will turn on and off.
Once you press the Program Button 8 times, wait or 3 seconds. The LED will flash eight times indicating
it is programmed for version 8. If it flashes the wrong version number, you will have to start all over
at step 1 above in this section. Turn the key off.
#4. Once you have programmed the correct version number, you will not have to do these steps again. If you need to reprogram the steering wheel control, you can go directly to the next section.

7. Programming the SWI-PS to learn steering wheel control functions.

#1. Turn the key to the accessory position (you do not need to hold the Program Button at this time). The LED will flash 8 times. This indicates it is programmed for version 8.
#2. Press the Program Button until the LED turns on, then release the button (This will erase all previous learned steering wheel control functions).
The SWI-PS is now ready to learn a command from the steering wheel.
#3. The SWI-PS must be programmed in the specific order shown in the chart below. If a function is not needed, it may be skipped.

Programming order for SWI-PS N/A
1 Volume Up
2 Volume Down
3 Mute
4 Track Up/ Seek Up
5 Track Down/ Seek Down
6 Source
7 Preset Up/ Disc Up
8 Preset Down/ Disc Down
9 Band
New functions added for Pioneer
10 Phone Status, Rev. 1.6.7
11 Answer Call, Rev. 1.6.7
12 End Call, Rev. 1.6.7
13 Voice Recognition, Rev. 1.6.8

4. With the LED on, press your steering wheel button until the light goes out and hold for one second more.

5. Release and the LED should come back on. If it does not please double check all connections and verify for correct version programming.

6. Repeat step 4 and 5 to program additional steering wheel buttons in the order corresponding to the chart above for your SWI interface.

7. If you come across a command in the chart that your steering wheel does not have, or you do not want to program, press the Program Button on the side of the SWI interface.

8. The LED will flash once rapidly and then stay on confirming that you have successfully skipped that command and are ready for the next button.

9. When you are done programming all the buttons, wait for about 7 seconds. The LED will flash 3 times indicating it is done programming. The LED will then flash 8 times indicating the version number.

8. Testing the SWI-PS.

#1. Connect the plug to back of radio’s steering wheel input jack or harness.
#2. With the vehicle on, press a steering wheel button to control the stereo. The SWI-PS should control the aftermarket stereo
with the function you taught it. Test all other buttons.
#3. If the interface does not control the radio as the steering wheel indicates, the buttons were either pressed in the wrong order
or a step was not skipped properly. Return to category 7 and reprogram.
#4. Make sure all unused wires are isolated separately.
#5. After all commands are verified to work properly, secure the SWI interface so that tension will not pull either
of the connectors loose or apart.

9. That’s it! Enjoy!

=============COPIED OVER===================================

[image image_post_id=3260 image_number=1 image_target=blank link_to_post_id=3260]

I found it a bit difficult to understand (read below) the exact wiring directions that came with my PAC Steering Wheel controller (SWI-PS for 2007 Scion TC), so I decided to diagram the exact connection for anyone else searching for a simple how-to method.

[image image_post_id=3260 image_number=2 image_target=blank link_to_post_id=3260]

Along with a product video found on YouTube, here are the directions found on the manufacture’s website, if needed:

PAC SWI-PS for Scion TC 2007

1. Quick description before we start wiring the SWI-PS.

The SWI-PS’s wire color we are going to use is White. This is the White wire on the SWI-PS, not the vehicle!
The other wires on the SWI-PS, green, yellow, orange and blue wires are not used for your Scion tC.

This leaves you with a Red, Black and two loop wires. These wires will be discussed down below.

2. (picture not attached)

3. Connecting the SWI-PS’s steering wheel control input wire to vehicle plug.

Read the note in the chart below.

Note #2
Connect pin 6 wire to ground. Connect pin 7 to the INTERFACE’s White wire. Connect one end of a 560 ohm resistor to pin 8,
then connect the other end of the resistor to the INTERFACE’s white wire. So basically you will have two wires,
one with a resistor in series, connected to the INTERFACE’s White wire.

4. Connecting power and ground wires.

Black wire: Connect the SWI-PS’s black wire to chassis ground. This is usually a black wire on the aftermarket wire kit.
Red wire: Connect the SWI-PS’s red wire to a switched +12volt wire. This is usually a red wire on the aftermarket wire kit.

5. Instructions for cutting or not cutting loop wires.

Step A: The purple loop wire does not need to be cut. (unless stated different previously)
Step B: The brown loop wire does not need to be cut. (unless stated different previously)

6. Programming the SWI-PS with a version number.

The SWI-PS has to be programmed for version # 8.

#1. Press and hold the Program Button on the SWI-PS while turning on the vehicle to the accessory position. The LED will turn on.
#2. Release the Program Button and the LED will turn off.
#3. Press the Program Button 8 times. Each time you press and release the Program Button, the LED will turn on and off.
Once you press the Program Button 8 times, wait or 3 seconds. The LED will flash eight times indicating
it is programmed for version 8. If it flashes the wrong version number, you will have to start all over
at step 1 above in this section. Turn the key off.
#4. Once you have programmed the correct version number, you will not have to do these steps again. If you need to reprogram the steering wheel control, you can go directly to the next section.

7. Programming the SWI-PS to learn steering wheel control functions.

#1. Turn the key to the accessory position (you do not need to hold the Program Button at this time). The LED will flash 8 times. This indicates it is programmed for version 8.
#2. Press the Program Button until the LED turns on, then release the button (This will erase all previous learned steering wheel control functions).
The SWI-PS is now ready to learn a command from the steering wheel.
#3. The SWI-PS must be programmed in the specific order shown in the chart below. If a function is not needed, it may be skipped.

Programming order for SWI-PS N/A
1 Volume Up
2 Volume Down
3 Mute
4 Track Up/ Seek Up
5 Track Down/ Seek Down
6 Source
7 Preset Up/ Disc Up
8 Preset Down/ Disc Down
9 Band
New functions added for Pioneer
10 Phone Status, Rev. 1.6.7
11 Answer Call, Rev. 1.6.7
12 End Call, Rev. 1.6.7
13 Voice Recognition, Rev. 1.6.8

4. With the LED on, press your steering wheel button until the light goes out and hold for one second more.

5. Release and the LED should come back on. If it does not please double check all connections and verify for correct version programming.

6. Repeat step 4 and 5 to program additional steering wheel buttons in the order corresponding to the chart above for your SWI interface.

7. If you come across a command in the chart that your steering wheel does not have, or you do not want to program, press the Program Button on the side of the SWI interface.

8. The LED will flash once rapidly and then stay on confirming that you have successfully skipped that command and are ready for the next button.

9. When you are done programming all the buttons, wait for about 7 seconds. The LED will flash 3 times indicating it is done programming. The LED will then flash 8 times indicating the version number.

8. Testing the SWI-PS.

#1. Connect the plug to back of radio’s steering wheel input jack or harness.
#2. With the vehicle on, press a steering wheel button to control the stereo. The SWI-PS should control the aftermarket stereo
with the function you taught it. Test all other buttons.
#3. If the interface does not control the radio as the steering wheel indicates, the buttons were either pressed in the wrong order
or a step was not skipped properly. Return to category 7 and reprogram.
#4. Make sure all unused wires are isolated separately.
#5. After all commands are verified to work properly, secure the SWI interface so that tension will not pull either
of the connectors loose or apart.

9. That’s it! Enjoy!


Post ID: 3260

Permalink: https://brasscoestudios.com/?p=3260

Slug: 3260

Author: chriscoe

Comments: 0

Tags: None

Title: Brasscoe and Tramstop

Category: Uncategorized

Date Posted: 2024


Added to the art & design section are two posts showcasing some of the numerous image used on both of my old websites: this Brasscoe site, and Tramstop (our Disneyland Parking Lot Website). Click on each image for details.


Brasscoe Studios



Post ID: 1322

Permalink: https://brasscoestudios.com/?p=1322

Slug: art-design-update-brasscoe-and-tramstop

Author: chriscoe

Comments: 0

Tags: None

Title: Polaroids

Category: Uncategorized

Date Posted: 2024


I’ve created numerous index polaroids for my site. I added a few of them to the art & design section. Click on the image for details.


Post ID: 1320

Permalink: https://brasscoestudios.com/?p=1320

Slug: art-design-update-polaroids

Author: chriscoe

Comments: 0

Tags: None

Title: Email Signatures

Category: Uncategorized

Date Posted: 2024


I used to add seasonal pictures to my email signatures, especially during the holidays. A few examples were added to the art & design section. Click on the image for details.


Post ID: 1310

Permalink: https://brasscoestudios.com/?p=1310

Slug: art-design-update-email-signatures

Author: chriscoe

Comments: 0

Tags: None

Title: Custom Coil-Over Suspension

Category: Uncategorized

Date Posted: 2024


Just like my other how-to page, I added to the art & design section a post describing the steps I took when making my custom coil-over setup. Click on the image for details.


My Custom Coil-Over Suspension (2002)

Post ID: 1285

Permalink: https://brasscoestudios.com/?p=1285

Slug: art-design-update-10

Author: chriscoe

Comments: 0

Tags: None

Title: Birthday and Halloween

Category: Uncategorized

Date Posted: 2024


Back in the days of MySpace, I used to post image comments for people’s birthday and an occasional seasonal greeting. I added a couple to the art & design section. Click on each image for details.


Happy Birthday


Happy Halloween

Post ID: 1280

Permalink: https://brasscoestudios.com/?p=1280

Slug: art-update-update

Author: chriscoe

Comments: 0

Tags: None

Title: American Standard

Category: Uncategorized

Date Posted: 2024


I began writing a feature-length film back in 1995, which has changed titles and test-promotional artwork over the years. The various versions were added to the art & design section. Click on the image for details.


Post ID: 1272

Permalink: https://brasscoestudios.com/?p=1272

Slug: art-design-update-9

Author: chriscoe

Comments: 0

Tags: None

Title: Space Road Trip

Category: Digital Artwork

Date Posted: 2024



During the road trip back, I drew this on my laptop using Adobe Photoshop.

[image_array image_post_id=3300 image_target=blank link_to_post_id=3300]

During the road trip back, I drew this on my laptop using Adobe Photoshop.

was in metadata image1



api set:
id=72157617717252908, title=computer graphics & image manipulations, photos_count=120, videos_count=0, views_count=35, farm=3, primary=3885357411, secret=b97cff351c, server=2648

Post ID: 5083

Permalink: https://brasscoestudios.com/?p=5083

Slug: 5083

Author: chriscoe

Comments: 0

Tags: None

Title: 2011-06-26 kaeli’s summer pool party

Category: 2011

Date Posted: 2024


Post ID: 3729

Permalink: https://brasscoestudios.com/?p=3729

Slug: 2011-06-26-kaelis-summer-pool-party

Author: chriscoe

Comments: 0

Tags: None

Title: 2011-06-25 jen & janelle’s bbq party

Category: 2011

Date Posted: 2024


Post ID: 3726

Permalink: https://brasscoestudios.com/?p=3726

Slug: 2011-06-25-jen-janelles-bbq-party

Author: chriscoe

Comments: 0

Tags: None

Title: 2011-06-04 brian & ashley’s wedding & reception

Category: 2011

Date Posted: 2024


Post ID: 3725

Permalink: https://brasscoestudios.com/?p=3725

Slug: 2011-06-04-brian-ashleys-wedding-and-reception

Author: chriscoe

Comments: 0

Tags: None

Title: 2011-05-27 durty nelly’s

Category: 2011

Date Posted: 2024


Post ID: 3724

Permalink: https://brasscoestudios.com/?p=3724

Slug: 2011-05-27-durty-nellys

Author: chriscoe

Comments: 0

Tags: None

Title: 2011-05-21 new way on at doll hut

Category: 2011

Date Posted: 2024


Post ID: 3723

Permalink: https://brasscoestudios.com/?p=3723

Slug: 2011-05-21-new-way-on-at-doll-hut

Author: chriscoe

Comments: 0

Tags: None

Title: 2011-05-14 new way on at worthington’s

Category: 2011

Date Posted: 2024


Post ID: 3722

Permalink: https://brasscoestudios.com/?p=3722

Slug: 2011-05-14-new-way-on-at-worthingtons

Author: chriscoe

Comments: 0

Tags: None

Title: 2011-04-29 micro championship wrestling

Category: 2011

Date Posted: 2024


Post ID: 3721

Permalink: https://brasscoestudios.com/?p=3721

Slug: 2011-04-29-micro-championship-wrestling

Author: chriscoe

Comments: 0

Tags: None

Title: 2010-12-18 janelle birthday bowling and dubliner

Category: 2010

Date Posted: 2024


Post ID: 3720

Permalink: https://brasscoestudios.com/?p=3720

Slug: 2010-12-18-janelle-birthday-bowling-and-auld-dubliner

Author: chriscoe

Comments: 0

Tags: None

Title: 2011-04-08 clara birthday at the shore

Category: 2011

Date Posted: 2024


Post ID: 3719

Permalink: https://brasscoestudios.com/?p=3719

Slug: 2011-04-08-clara-birthday-at-the-shore

Author: chriscoe

Comments: 0

Tags: None

Title: 2011 misc – set design

Category: 2011

Date Posted: 2024


Post ID: 3718

Permalink: https://brasscoestudios.com/?p=3718

Slug: 2011-misc-set-design

Author: chriscoe

Comments: 0

Tags: None

Title: 2011 misc – electronics

Category: 2011

Date Posted: 2024


Post ID: 3717

Permalink: https://brasscoestudios.com/?p=3717

Slug: 2011-misc-electronics

Author: chriscoe

Comments: 0

Tags: None

Title: 2011-04-22 erick guitar fullerton

Category: 2011

Date Posted: 2024


set_within_01_api = title=2011-04-22 004 DSC06533_DxO, views_count=21, farm=6, secret=508a999ecb, server=5310

Post ID: 3716

Permalink: https://brasscoestudios.com/?p=3716

Slug: 2011-04-22-erick-guitar-fullerton

Author: chriscoe

Comments: 0

Tags: None

Title: 2011-02-26 jeff & karen’s wedding and reception

Category: 2011

Date Posted: 2024


Post ID: 3715

Permalink: https://brasscoestudios.com/?p=3715

Slug: 2011-02-26-jeff-karens-wedding-and-reception

Author: chriscoe

Comments: 0

Tags: None

Title: 2011-01-14 vegas bachelor party

Category: 2011

Date Posted: 2024


Post ID: 3714

Permalink: https://brasscoestudios.com/?p=3714

Slug: 2011-01-14-vegas-bachelor-party

Author: chriscoe

Comments: 0

Tags: None

Title: 2011-03-12 paul and erika’s wedding & reception

Category: 2011

Date Posted: 2024


Post ID: 3713

Permalink: https://brasscoestudios.com/?p=3713

Slug: 2011-03-12-erikas-wedding

Author: chriscoe

Comments: 0

Tags: None

Title: 2011-03-12 walking through downtown miami

Category: 2011

Date Posted: 2024


Post ID: 3712

Permalink: https://brasscoestudios.com/?p=3712

Slug: 2011-03-12-walking-through-downtown-miami

Author: chriscoe

Comments: 0

Tags: None

Title: 2011-03-12 grove isle hotel & spa

Category: 2011

Date Posted: 2024


Post ID: 3711

Permalink: https://brasscoestudios.com/?p=3711

Slug: 2011-03-12-grove-isle-hotel-spa

Author: chriscoe

Comments: 0

Tags: None

Title: 2011-03-11 rehearsal dinner at rusty pelican

Category: 2011

Date Posted: 2024


Post ID: 3710

Permalink: https://brasscoestudios.com/?p=3710

Slug: 2011-03-11-rehearsal-dinner-at-rusty-pelican

Author: chriscoe

Comments: 0

Tags: None

Title: 2011 misc – garage clean up

Category: 2011

Date Posted: 2024


Post ID: 3709

Permalink: https://brasscoestudios.com/?p=3709

Slug: 2011-misc-garage-clean-up

Author: chriscoe

Comments: 0

Tags: None

Title: 2011 misc – green screens & marker placements

Category: 2011

Date Posted: 2024


Post ID: 3708

Permalink: https://brasscoestudios.com/?p=3708

Slug: 2011-misc-green-screens-marker-placements

Author: chriscoe

Comments: 0

Tags: None

Title: 2011 misc – people

Category: 2011

Date Posted: 2024


Post ID: 3707

Permalink: https://brasscoestudios.com/?p=3707

Slug: 2011-misc-people

Author: chriscoe

Comments: 0

Tags: None

Title: 2011 misc

Category: 2011

Date Posted: 2024


Post ID: 3706

Permalink: https://brasscoestudios.com/?p=3706

Slug: 2011-misc

Author: chriscoe

Comments: 0

Tags: None

Title: 2010-11-20 irma’s prom birthday party

Category: 2010

Date Posted: 2024


Post ID: 3705

Permalink: https://brasscoestudios.com/?p=3705

Slug: 2010-11-20-irmas-prom-birthday-party

Author: chriscoe

Comments: 0

Tags: None

Title: Short Circuit: Johnny 5

Category: I Made That

Date Posted: 2024


I have always been a fan of Legos, and over time, I found myself creating stuff not mentioned in the instructional manuals. Plus, I like robots. Around the time of Short Circuit, I decided to create a 2-foot tall version of my favorite character Johnny 5.

I found some scanned image that showed off my creation:

[image_array image_post_id=3265 image_number=1 image_target=blank link_to_post_id=3265]
[image_array image_post_id=3265 image_number=2 image_target=blank link_to_post_id=3265]
[image_array image_post_id=3265 image_number=3 image_target=blank link_to_post_id=3265]
[image_array image_post_id=3265 image_number=4 image_target=blank link_to_post_id=3265]
[image_array image_post_id=3265 image_number=5 image_target=blank link_to_post_id=3265]

[click HERE to see the other Lego objects I made]

My image with the robot also made it onto rad-dudes.com‘s facebook page:

[new table:

[image_array image_post_id=3265 image_number=6 image_target=blank link_to_post_id=3265]
[image_array image_post_id=3265 image_number=7 image_target=blank link_to_post_id=3265]

:new table]



Post ID: 3265

Permalink: https://brasscoestudios.com/?p=3265

Slug: 3265

Author: chriscoe

Comments: 0

Tags: None

Title: 2011-04-23 brian bday union cattle

Category: 2011

Date Posted: 2024


Post ID: 764

Permalink: https://brasscoestudios.com/?p=764

Slug: 2011-04-23-brian-bday-union-cattle

Author: chriscoe

Comments: 0

Tags: None

Title: 2011-02-06 the swinging door

Category: 2011

Date Posted: 2024


Post ID: 762

Permalink: https://brasscoestudios.com/?p=762

Slug: 2011-02-06-the-swinging-door

Author: chriscoe

Comments: 0

Tags: None

Title: 2010-12-19 sharkeez newport

Category: 2010

Date Posted: 2024


Post ID: 640

Permalink: https://brasscoestudios.com/?p=640

Slug: 2010-12-19-sharkeez-newport

Author: chriscoe

Comments: 0

Tags: None

Title: 2010-12-17 new way on at worthington’s tavern

Category: 2010

Date Posted: 2024


Post ID: 639

Permalink: https://brasscoestudios.com/?p=639

Slug: 2010-12-17-new-way-on-at-worthingtons-tavern

Author: chriscoe

Comments: 0

Tags: None

Title: 2010-12-04 tracy’s birthday

Category: 2010

Date Posted: 2024



2010-12-04 020 DSC06153_DxO

Post ID: 627

Permalink: https://brasscoestudios.com/?p=627

Slug: 2010-12-04-tracys-birthday

Author: chriscoe

Comments: 0

Tags: None

Title: 2010-11-06 melissa’s piñata

Category: 2010

Date Posted: 2024


Post ID: 623

Permalink: https://brasscoestudios.com/?p=623

Slug: 2010-11-06-melissas-pinata

Author: chriscoe

Comments: 0

Tags: None

Title: Happy Labor Day

Category: Digital Artwork

Date Posted: 2024



I drew this image in Photoshop (9-03-09) and placed it on my US Television Station notice about our studio closure on Monday – Labor Day. Also, I did it in 15 minutes!


[image_array image_post_id=3301 image_number=1 image_description=yes image_target=blank link_to_post_id=3301]

I drew this image in Photoshop (9-03-09) and placed it on my US Television Station notice about our studio closure on Monday – Labor Day. Also, I did it in 15 minutes!


2nd image


Post ID: 5082

Permalink: https://brasscoestudios.com/?p=5082

Slug: 5082

Author: chriscoe

Comments: 0

Tags: None

Title: 2010-10-29 sara & mike’s halloween party

Category: 2010

Date Posted: 2024


Post ID: 3704

Permalink: https://brasscoestudios.com/?p=3704

Slug: 2010-10-29-sara-mikes-halloween-party

Author: chriscoe

Comments: 0

Tags: None

Title: Other Website Images

Category: Image Manipulation

Date Posted: 2024


Here are some items I created for old websites… mine and my friends:


My original Toyota Camry Fix Up website.


Same site, redone.


This is one of the first incarnations of the Brasscoe website.



My friend liked Beastie Boys, so I made a homepage with that theme (see bottom image in sequence).













[image_array image_post_id=3324 image_number=16 image_target=blank link_to_post_id=3324]

In 2010, I created this simple header for Erick’s website.

Post ID: 3324

Permalink: https://brasscoestudios.com/?p=3324

Slug: 3324

Author: chriscoe

Comments: 0

Tags: None

Title: The Paparazzi

Category: Image Manipulation

Date Posted: 2024


I took some regular digital image and made old photographs out of them:


[image_array image_post_id=3323 image_number=1 image_target=blank link_to_post_id=3323]


Orginal image used:

2008-02-23 2008-02-23

Post ID: 3323

Permalink: https://brasscoestudios.com/?p=3323

Slug: 3323

Author: chriscoe

Comments: 0

Tags: None

Title: Happy 4th of July

Category: Digital Artwork

Date Posted: 2024


[image_array image_post_id=3302 image_description=yes image_target=blank link_to_post_id=3302]

I drew this image in Photoshop (6-30-09) with a right-handed mouse. Keep in mind, I am left-handed! It was then added to my 4th of July Company Closure Notice and sent out to U.S. television stations.

Post ID: 3302

Permalink: https://brasscoestudios.com/?p=3302

Slug: 3302

Author: chriscoe

Comments: 0

Tags: None

Title: Corrupt

Category: I Made That

Date Posted: 2024


Years ago, I worked at the Boys and Girls Club of BP, and was able to make things out of wood. Among them, I made my high school nickname: Corrupt C. Yes, it was a take on Kurupt from Tha Dogg Pound.

I love my gangsta-rap!


[image_array image_post_id=3268 image_number=1 image_target=blank link_to_post_id=3268]






Post ID: 3268

Permalink: https://brasscoestudios.com/?p=3268

Slug: 3268

Author: chriscoe

Comments: 0

Tags: None

Title: My 7th Grade Dinosaur

Category: I Made That

Date Posted: 2024


In Jr. High, I created this little dinosaur in art class. It has taken a beating over the years, so I decided to photograph it before it ultimately crumbles with age.


[image_array image_post_id=3267 image_number=1 image_target=blank link_to_post_id=3267]













[ click here to see all 135 image ]

Post ID: 3267

Permalink: https://brasscoestudios.com/?p=3267

Slug: 3267

Author: chriscoe

Comments: 0

Tags: None

Title: Lowrider Truck

Category: I Made That

Date Posted: 2024


Years ago, while working at the Boys and Girls Club of Buena Park and the kids were making shapes out of wood, I decided to create a Lowrider truck. Over time, it may have lost it’s wheels, but it still has the huge speaker box. Pump that bass!




[image_array image_post_id=3266 image_number=3 image_target=blank link_to_post_id=3266]










[ click here to see all 73 image of this lowrider truck ]

Post ID: 3266

Permalink: https://brasscoestudios.com/?p=3266

Slug: 3266

Author: chriscoe

Comments: 0

Tags: None

Title: 2010-07-02 vegas trip

Category: 2010

Date Posted: 2024


Post ID: 636

Permalink: https://brasscoestudios.com/?p=636

Slug: 2010-07-02-vegas-trip

Author: chriscoe

Comments: 0

Tags: None

Title: 2010-10-30 kaeli’s halloween party

Category: 2010

Date Posted: 2024


Post ID: 621

Permalink: https://brasscoestudios.com/?p=621

Slug: 2010-10-30-kaelis-halloween-party

Author: chriscoe

Comments: 0

Tags: None

Title: 2010-10-23 huntington beach bars

Category: 2010

Date Posted: 2024


Post ID: 617

Permalink: https://brasscoestudios.com/?p=617

Slug: 2010-10-23-huntington-beach-bars

Author: chriscoe

Comments: 0

Tags: None

Title: 2010-09-12 kaeli’s end of summer pool party

Category: 2010

Date Posted: 2024


Post ID: 615

Permalink: https://brasscoestudios.com/?p=615

Slug: 2010-09-12-kaelis-end-of-summer-pool-party

Author: chriscoe

Comments: 0

Tags: None

Title: 2010-09-05 new way on at worthington’s tavern

Category: 2010

Date Posted: 2024


Post ID: 613

Permalink: https://brasscoestudios.com/?p=613

Slug: 2010-09-05-new-way-on-at-worthingtons-tavern

Author: chriscoe

Comments: 0

Tags: None

Title: 2010-09-05 pool jump

Category: 2010

Date Posted: 2024


Post ID: 611

Permalink: https://brasscoestudios.com/?p=611

Slug: 2010-09-05-pool-jump

Author: chriscoe

Comments: 0

Tags: None

Title: 2010-08-27 the den of hollywood

Category: 2010

Date Posted: 2024


Post ID: 609

Permalink: https://brasscoestudios.com/?p=609

Slug: 2010-08-27-the-den-of-hollywood

Author: chriscoe

Comments: 0

Tags: None

Title: 2010-08-27 happy hour

Category: 2010

Date Posted: 2024


Post ID: 607

Permalink: https://brasscoestudios.com/?p=607

Slug: 2010-08-27-happy-hour

Author: chriscoe

Comments: 0

Tags: None

Title: 2010-08-15 game night

Category: 2010

Date Posted: 2024


Post ID: 605

Permalink: https://brasscoestudios.com/?p=605

Slug: 2010-08-15-game-night

Author: chriscoe

Comments: 0

Tags: None

Title: 2010-08-07 bbq at ian’s house

Category: 2010

Date Posted: 2024


Post ID: 603

Permalink: https://brasscoestudios.com/?p=603

Slug: 2010-08-07-bbq-at-ians-house

Author: chriscoe

Comments: 0

Tags: None

Title: 2010-08-07 huntington beach vs. weezer

Category: 2010

Date Posted: 2024


Post ID: 601

Permalink: https://brasscoestudios.com/?p=601

Slug: 2010-08-07-huntington-beach-vs-weezer

Author: chriscoe

Comments: 0

Tags: None

Title: 2010-07-30 sons of mother’s at neptunes

Category: 2010

Date Posted: 2024


Post ID: 599

Permalink: https://brasscoestudios.com/?p=599

Slug: 2010-07-30-sons-of-mothers-at-neptunes

Author: chriscoe

Comments: 0

Tags: None

Title: 2010-07-29 self photos

Category: 2010

Date Posted: 2024


Post ID: 597

Permalink: https://brasscoestudios.com/?p=597

Slug: 2010-07-29-self-photos

Author: chriscoe

Comments: 0

Tags: None

Title: 2010-07-17 lori’s summer party in laguna beach

Category: 2010

Date Posted: 2024


Post ID: 595

Permalink: https://brasscoestudios.com/?p=595

Slug: 2010-07-17-loris-summer-party-in-laguna-beach

Author: chriscoe

Comments: 0

Tags: None

Title: 2010-07-17 laguna beach

Category: 2010

Date Posted: 2024


Post ID: 593

Permalink: https://brasscoestudios.com/?p=593

Slug: 2010-07-17-laguna-beach

Author: chriscoe

Comments: 0

Tags: None

Title: 2010-07-04 july 4th fireworks

Category: 2010

Date Posted: 2024


Post ID: 591

Permalink: https://brasscoestudios.com/?p=591

Slug: 2010-07-04-july-4th-fireworks

Author: chriscoe

Comments: 0

Tags: None

Title: 2010-06-25 the underground

Category: 2010

Date Posted: 2024


Post ID: 589

Permalink: https://brasscoestudios.com/?p=589

Slug: 2010-06-25-the-underground

Author: chriscoe

Comments: 0

Tags: None

Title: 2010-06-19 palm desert weekend

Category: 2010

Date Posted: 2024


Post ID: 587

Permalink: https://brasscoestudios.com/?p=587

Slug: 2010-06-19-palm-desert-weekend

Author: chriscoe

Comments: 0

Tags: None

Title: 2010-06-13 house of blues in anaheim

Category: 2010

Date Posted: 2024


Post ID: 585

Permalink: https://brasscoestudios.com/?p=585

Slug: 2010-06-13-house-of-blues-in-anaheim

Author: chriscoe

Comments: 0

Tags: None

Title: 2010-06-12 medieval times for dana’s birthday

Category: 2010

Date Posted: 2024


Post ID: 583

Permalink: https://brasscoestudios.com/?p=583

Slug: 2010-06-12-medieval-times-for-danas-birthday

Author: chriscoe

Comments: 0

Tags: None

Title: 2010-05-08 sharkeez ufc

Category: 2010

Date Posted: 2024


Post ID: 3703

Permalink: https://brasscoestudios.com/?p=3703

Slug: 2010-05-08-sharkeez-ufc

Author: chriscoe

Comments: 0

Tags: None

Title: 2010-02-06 ufc sharkeez

Category: 2010

Date Posted: 2024


Post ID: 3702

Permalink: https://brasscoestudios.com/?p=3702

Slug: 2010-02-06-ufc-sharkeez

Author: chriscoe

Comments: 0

Tags: None

Title: 2010-02-16 patrick malloys lakers game

Category: 2010

Date Posted: 2024


Post ID: 3701

Permalink: https://brasscoestudios.com/?p=3701

Slug: 2010-02-16-patrick-malloys-lakers-game

Author: chriscoe

Comments: 0

Tags: None

Title: 2010-04-30 sharkeez sara happy hour

Category: 2010

Date Posted: 2024


Post ID: 3700

Permalink: https://brasscoestudios.com/?p=3700

Slug: 2010-04-30-sharkeez-sara-happy-hour

Author: chriscoe

Comments: 0

Tags: None

Title: 2010-01-08 district newport

Category: 2010

Date Posted: 2024


Post ID: 3699

Permalink: https://brasscoestudios.com/?p=3699

Slug: 2010-01-08-district-newport

Author: chriscoe

Comments: 0

Tags: None

Title: 2010-01-02 sharkeez ufc

Category: 2010

Date Posted: 2024


Post ID: 3698

Permalink: https://brasscoestudios.com/?p=3698

Slug: 2010-01-02-sharkeez-ufc

Author: chriscoe

Comments: 0

Tags: None

Title: Brasscoe Website Images

Category: Image Manipulation

Date Posted: 2024


Various image used on the Brasscoe Website:


Co-President Chris.


[image_array image_post_id=3326 image_number=2 image_target=blank link_to_post_id=3326]


Both Co-Presidents, Chris and Erick.


An old Index image.


Two different Main Leader image previously used.


An old Pictures section Main Leader image.

Post ID: 3326

Permalink: https://brasscoestudios.com/?p=3326

Slug: 3326

Author: chriscoe

Comments: 0

Tags: None

Title: Tramstop Website Images

Category: Image Manipulation

Date Posted: 2024


Various image used on the Tramstop Website:




[image_array image_post_id=3325 image_number=3 image_target=blank link_to_post_id=3325]

Post ID: 3325

Permalink: https://brasscoestudios.com/?p=3325

Slug: 3325

Author: chriscoe

Comments: 0

Tags: None

Title: No Country for Old Men

Category: I Made That

Date Posted: 2024


As a fan of the movie, No Country for Old Men, I decided to dress like Anton Chigurh (Javier Bardem), the psychopathic killer on Halloween, and made myself the gun from the movie as my prop.

Below is a step-by-step guide on what I did:


I bought a toy gun.


Cut out spacers from card board.


Create an inner structure.


Lay it down on thick poster board.


Rolled it around the spacers.


I began to prep the front.


Taped up the inside for support.


The back was closed up, leaving a notch for the gun.


I sealed up the front.


The back is sealed up.


I placed it one the gun for inspection.


Covered the item with foil.


The back and front holes/notch is cut out.


I taped up the bottom.


[image_array image_post_id=3269 image_number=15 image_description=yes image_target=blank link_to_post_id=3269]

And the gun was complete.


I was an instantly recognizable character!

[ More image of this process can be seen here and also the party I used it at here ]

Post ID: 3269

Permalink: https://brasscoestudios.com/?p=3269

Slug: 3269

Author: chriscoe

Comments: 0

Tags: None

Title: Tramstop

Category: Website Creation

Date Posted: 2024


Disneyland Parking Lot Website.


Around the time I was working at Disneyland (1998), I made a little website showcasing some of the pictures that were taken then. The image collection grew to include the original parking lot, construction of California Adventure, the day our Harbor Blvd. Disneyland sign came down, and a night the few of us walked the rides.

Post ID: 3185

Permalink: https://brasscoestudios.com/?p=3185

Slug: 3185

Author: chriscoe

Comments: 0

Tags: None

Title: Brasscoe Studios

Category: Website Creation

Date Posted: 2024


Various versions of the site over the years.


Some of our original websites were hosted for free on GeoCities and were created with Aol Press. Yes, it was pretty simple and plain (2000-10-26).


A while later, I learned how to make a bit more clean and polished website (2002-07-21).


As I got better at working with HTML, I made the switch over to Adobe GoLive and changed up my website’s design (2005-02-01).

2005-02-01 2005-02-01

This was the pictures page (2005-02-01) and the old Archive page (2005-02-01).


To make the actual gallery pages, I used a self-modified JAlbum program to create my image thumbnails and galleries, while also still having it match my website’s design (2005-01-18).


After getting comfortable with GoLive’s template features, I was able to build my sites in pieces, which would let me make one change, and have that change appear on all pages. This new design followed the last, which was a bit more streamlined in each section (2006-04-06).


The archive page (2006-08-22):


For some time, I used a newly created website to showcase my artwork and paintings (2006-10-18).

2006-10-18 2006-11-27

The pictures page evolved little over time – screen shot one (2006-10-18) and two (006-11-27):

2007-04-13 2007-04-13

Undergoing a whole new re-design, I made all the updates display on the main page (2007-04-13). The about page (2007-04-13).


I modified the site’s look again (2007-04-25).

2007-04-25 2007-04-19

The main news and updates page (2007-04-25). About Brasscoe Studios (2007-04-19).

2007-06-08 2007-06-11

Here are two movie pages created. One for a pending title (2007-06-08) and a quick short I did while in Newport Beach (2007-06-11).

2007-04-21 2007-06-24

The index page changed a few times – The bloody one (2007-04-21), followed by a simpler one (2007-06-24).

2007-06-11 2007-06-24

Once I made a simpler index page, I modified the main page. One had me with my video camera (2007-06-11), while the other was a reflection (2007-06-24).


I decided to change up the pictures page (2007-08-16).

2008-01-28 2008-01-28

Yet another total redesign: The index page (2008-01-28). I made a test main page (2008-01-28).

2008-03-13 2008-01-28

The main page finished (2008-03-13). The archive page (2008-01-28).

2008-03-13 2008-03-13

The movies page (2008-03-13). And an individual movie page (2008-03-13).

2009-11-02 2009-11-02

I finally converted my entire website into a modified blog (both image dated 2009-11-02).

2009-11-02 2009-11-02

The movie pages (both image dated 2009-11-02).

Post ID: 3184

Permalink: https://brasscoestudios.com/?p=3184

Slug: 3184

Author: chriscoe

Comments: 0

Tags: None

Title: 2010 misc – garage clean up – luis’

Category: 2010

Date Posted: 2024


Post ID: 629

Permalink: https://brasscoestudios.com/?p=629

Slug: 2010-misc-garage-clean-up-luis

Author: chriscoe

Comments: 0

Tags: None

Title: 2010-06-05 kaeli’s graduation pool party

Category: 2010

Date Posted: 2024


Post ID: 581

Permalink: https://brasscoestudios.com/?p=581

Slug: 2010-06-05-kaelis-graduation-pool-party

Author: chriscoe

Comments: 0

Tags: None

Title: 2010-05-30 memorial day weekend

Category: 2010

Date Posted: 2024


Post ID: 579

Permalink: https://brasscoestudios.com/?p=579

Slug: 2010-05-30-memorial-day-weekend

Author: chriscoe

Comments: 0

Tags: None

Title: 2010-05-14 vegas trip

Category: 2010

Date Posted: 2024


Post ID: 576

Permalink: https://brasscoestudios.com/?p=576

Slug: 2010-05-14-vegas-trip

Author: chriscoe

Comments: 0

Tags: None

Title: 2010-05-01 house party in venice

Category: 2010

Date Posted: 2024


Post ID: 565

Permalink: https://brasscoestudios.com/?p=565

Slug: 2010-05-01-house-party-in-venice

Author: chriscoe

Comments: 0

Tags: None

Title: 2010-04-17 blue star lounge huntington beach

Category: 2010

Date Posted: 2024


Post ID: 563

Permalink: https://brasscoestudios.com/?p=563

Slug: 2010-04-17-blue-star-lounge-huntington-beach

Author: chriscoe

Comments: 0

Tags: None

Title: 2010-04-03 sons of mother’s at mist

Category: 2010

Date Posted: 2024


Post ID: 547

Permalink: https://brasscoestudios.com/?p=547

Slug: 2010-04-03-sons-of-mothers-at-mist

Author: chriscoe

Comments: 0

Tags: None

Title: 2010-03-12 karaoke taxi and the shore

Category: 2010

Date Posted: 2024


Post ID: 545

Permalink: https://brasscoestudios.com/?p=545

Slug: 2010-03-12-karaoke-taxi-and-the-shore

Author: chriscoe

Comments: 0

Tags: None

Title: 2010-03-04 edison downtown

Category: 2010

Date Posted: 2024


Post ID: 543

Permalink: https://brasscoestudios.com/?p=543

Slug: 2010-03-04-edison-downtown

Author: chriscoe

Comments: 0

Tags: None

Title: 2010-02-26 speedzone mike’s birthday

Category: 2010

Date Posted: 2024


Post ID: 541

Permalink: https://brasscoestudios.com/?p=541

Slug: 2010-02-26-speedzone-mikes-birthday

Author: chriscoe

Comments: 0

Tags: None

Title: 2010-02-19 big bear weekend

Category: 2010

Date Posted: 2024


Post ID: 539

Permalink: https://brasscoestudios.com/?p=539

Slug: 2010-02-19-big-bear-weekend

Author: chriscoe

Comments: 0

Tags: None

Title: 2010-02-14 long beach bar

Category: 2010

Date Posted: 2024


Post ID: 537

Permalink: https://brasscoestudios.com/?p=537

Slug: 2010-02-14-long-beach-bar

Author: chriscoe

Comments: 0

Tags: None

Title: 2010-02-13 adrian performs in long beach

Category: 2010

Date Posted: 2024


Post ID: 535

Permalink: https://brasscoestudios.com/?p=535

Slug: 2010-02-13-adrian-performs-in-long-beach

Author: chriscoe

Comments: 0

Tags: None

Title: 2010-01-31 aimee’s house warming party

Category: 2010

Date Posted: 2024


Post ID: 533

Permalink: https://brasscoestudios.com/?p=533

Slug: 2010-01-31-aimees-house-warming-party

Author: chriscoe

Comments: 0

Tags: None

Title: 2010 misc – my lowrider truck

Category: 2010

Date Posted: 2024


Post ID: 530

Permalink: https://brasscoestudios.com/?p=530

Slug: 2010-misc-my-lowrider-truck

Author: chriscoe

Comments: 0

Tags: None

Title: 2010 misc – my 7th grade dinosaur

Category: 2010

Date Posted: 2024


Post ID: 528

Permalink: https://brasscoestudios.com/?p=528

Slug: 2010-misc-my-7th-grade-dinosaur

Author: chriscoe

Comments: 0

Tags: None

Title: 2010 misc – items from garage cleanup

Category: 2010

Date Posted: 2024


Post ID: 526

Permalink: https://brasscoestudios.com/?p=526

Slug: 2010-misc-items-from-garage-cleanup

Author: chriscoe

Comments: 0

Tags: None

Title: 2010 misc – garage clean up

Category: 2010

Date Posted: 2024


Post ID: 524

Permalink: https://brasscoestudios.com/?p=524

Slug: 2010-misc-garage-clean-up

Author: chriscoe

Comments: 0

Tags: None

Title: 2010 misc – electronics

Category: 2010

Date Posted: 2024


Post ID: 522

Permalink: https://brasscoestudios.com/?p=522

Slug: 2010-misc-electronics

Author: chriscoe

Comments: 0

Tags: None

Title: 2010 misc – people

Category: 2010

Date Posted: 2024


(9 is the same as 2)
sXXXet_wXXXXhin_01_aXXXXpi = title=2010-02-13 P1000877_DxO, views_count=34, farm=3, secret=73c232d5d2, server=2736
sXXXet_wXXXXXithin_02_apXXXXi = title=2010-12-05 001 DSC06172_DxO, views_count=187, farm=6, secret=3b63e8b0ce, server=5006
sXXXXet_wiXXXXthin_09_aXXXpi = title=2010-12-05 001 DSC06172_DxO, views_count=187, farm=6, secret=3b63e8b0ce, server=5006
sXXXet_wXXXXithin_0XXX9_id = 5240666634

Post ID: 518

Permalink: https://brasscoestudios.com/?p=518

Slug: 2010-misc-people

Author: chriscoe

Comments: 0

Tags: None

Title: 2009-11-14 sharkeez newport

Category: 2009

Date Posted: 2024


Post ID: 5517

Permalink: https://brasscoestudios.com/?p=5517

Slug: 2009-11-14-sharkeez-newport

Author: chriscoe

Comments: 0

Tags: None

Title: 2009-12-12 sharkeez

Category: 2009

Date Posted: 2024


Post ID: 3697

Permalink: https://brasscoestudios.com/?p=3697

Slug: 2009-12-12-sharkeez-ssssssssssssssss

Author: chriscoe

Comments: 0

Tags: None

Title: 2009-11-07 melissa birthday at the shore

Category: 2009

Date Posted: 2024


Post ID: 3696

Permalink: https://brasscoestudios.com/?p=3696

Slug: 2009-11-07-melissa-birthday-at-the-shore

Author: chriscoe

Comments: 0

Tags: None

Title: 2009-10-17 chris’ birthday

Category: 2009

Date Posted: 2024


Post ID: 3695

Permalink: https://brasscoestudios.com/?p=3695

Slug: 2009-10-17-chris-birthday

Author: chriscoe

Comments: 0

Tags: None

Title: Happy Birthday

Category: Image Manipulation

Date Posted: 2024


I used to make image and post them as comments on my friend’s MySpace pages:


Original image used:



[image_array image_post_id=3329 image_number=3 image_target=blank link_to_post_id=3329]

Here is one I made for my pal Heather. She hated it!

Post ID: 3329

Permalink: https://brasscoestudios.com/?p=3329

Slug: 3329

Author: chriscoe

Comments: 0

Tags: None

Title: Happy Halloween

Category: Image Manipulation

Date Posted: 2024


[image_array image_post_id=3328 image_number=1 image_target=blank link_to_post_id=3328]


Back in the days of MySpace, I posted this image as a comment to over 200 people, wishing them a Happy Halloween!

Post ID: 3328

Permalink: https://brasscoestudios.com/?p=3328

Slug: 3328

Author: chriscoe

Comments: 0

Tags: None

Title: Site Polaroids

Category: Image Manipulation

Date Posted: 2024


These are a few of the index polaroids used for this website:

[image_array image_post_id=3327 image_number=1 image_target=blank link_to_post_id=3327]

[image_array image_post_id=3327 image_number=2 image_target=blank link_to_post_id=3327]

[image_array image_post_id=3327 image_number=3 image_target=blank link_to_post_id=3327]

[image_array image_post_id=3327 image_number=4 image_target=blank link_to_post_id=3327]

[image_array image_post_id=3327 image_number=5 image_target=blank link_to_post_id=3327]

[image_array image_post_id=3327 image_number=6 image_target=blank link_to_post_id=3327]

[image_array image_post_id=3327 image_number=7 image_target=blank link_to_post_id=3327]

2008-04-15 index_polaroid_hug

Post ID: 3327

Permalink: https://brasscoestudios.com/?p=3327

Slug: 3327

Author: chriscoe

Comments: 0

Tags: None

Title: Email Signature Images

Category: Digital Artwork

Date Posted: 2024


To accompany my work email signature, I always added a little image during the Holiday seasons. Below are a few examples.

2006-10-23 Halloween

2006-11-28 Christmas

2006-12-06 Christmas

2007-04-04 Good Friday

2007-11-19 Thanksgiving

[image_array image_post_id=3303 image_number=5 image_target=blank link_to_post_id=3303]

Post ID: 3303

Permalink: https://brasscoestudios.com/?p=3303

Slug: 3303

Author: chriscoe

Comments: 0

Tags: None

Title: BCBlues22

Category: Website Creation

Date Posted: 2024


Erick’s original website.

2009-10-12 2009-10-12
Index Page
Main Site Page

Once Erick began to book gigs and perform the music he loved, he wanted to showcase his interests via his own website (1999). I initially helped with the design, and he took over with the updates and picture galleries.

Direct link to archived website: HERE

Post ID: 3189

Permalink: https://brasscoestudios.com/?p=3189

Slug: 3189

Author: chriscoe

Comments: 0

Tags: None

Title: Stubriks

Category: Website Creation

Date Posted: 2024


Website we made for a bar in Fullerton.

2009-10-12 2009-10-12
Index Page
Main Site Page

The local bar in Fullerton California requested assistance when it came to designing their new website (2002). Erick and I teamed up to provide them with a simple, yet informative, site to spark interest.

Direct link to website: HERE

Post ID: 3188

Permalink: https://brasscoestudios.com/?p=3188

Slug: 3188

Author: chriscoe

Comments: 0

Tags: None

Title: Corolla Project

Category: Website Creation

Date Posted: 2024


My first automobile tuner site.

2009-10-12 2009-10-12
Index Page
Main Site Page

When I first bought my car, I wanted to create a website (2002) that displayed its ongoing upgrade from stock. When visiting the archived website, you can still visit the areas I created, but links to videos and full size image were removed.

Direct link to website HERE

Post ID: 3187

Permalink: https://brasscoestudios.com/?p=3187

Slug: 3187

Author: chriscoe

Comments: 0

Tags: None

Title: 2009-12-31 new year’s eve ’10

Category: 2009

Date Posted: 2024


Post ID: 644

Permalink: https://brasscoestudios.com/?p=644

Slug: 2009-12-31-new-years-eve-10

Author: chriscoe

Comments: 0

Tags: None

Title: 2010 misc

Category: 2010

Date Posted: 2024


Post ID: 516

Permalink: https://brasscoestudios.com/?p=516

Slug: 2010-misc

Author: chriscoe

Comments: 0

Tags: None

Title: 2009-12-26 sharkeez hermosa

Category: 2009

Date Posted: 2024


Post ID: 514

Permalink: https://brasscoestudios.com/?p=514

Slug: 2009-12-26-sharkeez-hermosa

Author: chriscoe

Comments: 0

Tags: None

Title: 2009-10-31 halloween night, the shore

Category: 2009

Date Posted: 2024


Post ID: 479

Permalink: https://brasscoestudios.com/?p=479

Slug: 2009-10-31-halloween-night-the-shore

Author: chriscoe

Comments: 0

Tags: None

Title: 2009-10-16 goathill

Category: 2009

Date Posted: 2024


Post ID: 477

Permalink: https://brasscoestudios.com/?p=477

Slug: 2009-10-16-goathill

Author: chriscoe

Comments: 0

Tags: None

Title: 2009-10-10 oktoberfest huntington beach

Category: 2009

Date Posted: 2024


Post ID: 475

Permalink: https://brasscoestudios.com/?p=475

Slug: 2009-10-10-oktoberfest-huntington-beach

Author: chriscoe

Comments: 0

Tags: None

Title: 2009-10-09 alene’s birthday at union cattle

Category: 2009

Date Posted: 2024


Post ID: 473

Permalink: https://brasscoestudios.com/?p=473

Slug: 2009-10-09-alenes-birthday-at-union-cattle

Author: chriscoe

Comments: 0

Tags: None

Title: 2009-12-19 saddle ranch

Category: 2009

Date Posted: 2024


Post ID: 451

Permalink: https://brasscoestudios.com/?p=451

Slug: 2009-12-19-saddle-ranch

Author: chriscoe

Comments: 0

Tags: None

Title: 2009-12-05 benchwarmers at empire

Category: 2009

Date Posted: 2024


Post ID: 449

Permalink: https://brasscoestudios.com/?p=449

Slug: 2009-12-05-benchwarmers-at-empire

Author: chriscoe

Comments: 0

Tags: None

Title: 2009-12-04 tracy birthday at shangri-la hotel

Category: 2009

Date Posted: 2024


Post ID: 294

Permalink: https://brasscoestudios.com/?p=294

Slug: 2009-12-04-shangri-la-hotel-and-local-bar-tracy-birthday

Author: chriscoe

Comments: 0

Tags: None

Title: 2009-12-03 game night

Category: 2009

Date Posted: 2024


Post ID: 292

Permalink: https://brasscoestudios.com/?p=292

Slug: 2009-12-03-game-night

Author: chriscoe

Comments: 0

Tags: None

Title: 2009-11-21 irma glam rock birthday

Category: 2009

Date Posted: 2024


Post ID: 290

Permalink: https://brasscoestudios.com/?p=290

Slug: 2009-11-21-irma-glam-rock-birthday

Author: chriscoe

Comments: 0

Tags: None

Title: 2009-11-21 holiday costume party

Category: 2009

Date Posted: 2024


Post ID: 288

Permalink: https://brasscoestudios.com/?p=288

Slug: 2009-11-21-holiday-costume-party

Author: chriscoe

Comments: 0

Tags: None

Title: 2009-11-14 hermosa beach

Category: 2009

Date Posted: 2024


Post ID: 286

Permalink: https://brasscoestudios.com/?p=286

Slug: 2009-11-14-hermosa-beach

Author: chriscoe

Comments: 0

Tags: None

Title: 2009-11-06 california adventure and disneyland

Category: 2009

Date Posted: 2024


Post ID: 283

Permalink: https://brasscoestudios.com/?p=283

Slug: 2009-11-06-california-adventure-and-disneyland

Author: chriscoe

Comments: 0

Tags: None

Title: 2009-10-31 flight halloween night

Category: 2009

Date Posted: 2024


Post ID: 161

Permalink: https://brasscoestudios.com/?p=161

Slug: 2009-10-31-flight-halloween-night

Author: chriscoe

Comments: 0

Tags: None

Title: 2009-10-30 halloween party

Category: 2009

Date Posted: 2024


Post ID: 158

Permalink: https://brasscoestudios.com/?p=158

Slug: 2009-10-30-halloween-party

Author: chriscoe

Comments: 0

Tags: None

Title: 2009-10-30 before halloween party

Category: 2009

Date Posted: 2024


Post ID: 156

Permalink: https://brasscoestudios.com/?p=156

Slug: 2009-10-30-before-halloween-party

Author: chriscoe

Comments: 0

Tags: None

Title: 2009-10-29 happy hour

Category: 2009

Date Posted: 2024


Post ID: 152

Permalink: https://brasscoestudios.com/?p=152

Slug: 2009-10-29-happy-hour

Author: chriscoe

Comments: 0

Tags: None

Title: 2009-10-24 ufc after party club nokia

Category: 2009

Date Posted: 2024


Post ID: 150

Permalink: https://brasscoestudios.com/?p=150

Slug: 2009-10-24-ufc-after-party-club-nokia

Author: chriscoe

Comments: 0

Tags: None

Title: 2009-08-15 hillbilly party

Category: 2009

Date Posted: 2024


Post ID: 7356

Permalink: https://brasscoestudios.com/?p=7356

Slug: 2009-08-15-hillbilly-party

Author: chriscoe

Comments: 0

Tags: None

Title: 2009-08-08 justin birthday goathill proof

Category: 2009

Date Posted: 2024


Post ID: 7355

Permalink: https://brasscoestudios.com/?p=7355

Slug: 2009-08-08-justin-birthday-goathill-proof

Author: chriscoe

Comments: 0

Tags: None

Title: 2009-07-17 vegas: rok, hotel and friends

Category: 2009

Date Posted: 2024


Post ID: 7354

Permalink: https://brasscoestudios.com/?p=7354

Slug: 2009-07-17-vegas-rok-hotel-and-friends

Author: chriscoe

Comments: 0

Tags: None

Title: 2009-08-28 wpf beach party

Category: 2009

Date Posted: 2024


Post ID: 3694

Permalink: https://brasscoestudios.com/?p=3694

Slug: 2009-08-28-wpf-beach-party

Author: chriscoe

Comments: 0

Tags: None

Title: Custom Coil-Over Suspension

Category: I Made That

Date Posted: 2024



[ Watch the video I made showcasing my coil-over set up on YouTube ]

Above is quick overview of the process. Below is a step-by-step guide on what I did:


1. The stock springs sit on top of a very large perch.


2. When removed, each spring is a very wide and short (when compressed).


3. This is the stock macpherson strut, without spring.


4. Coil-overs can be used to re-adjust ride-height without the need to change springs.


5. Initially, I placed the coil-overs on top of the stock struts, but that only gave me 1 inch of wheel travel.


6. This was due to the fact that the spring-perch sits on top of the wheel.


7. My cousin and I began to remove the spring perch, in order to lower where the coil-over sits.


8. The stock strut, minus the perch.


9. With it removed, the coil-over sits dramatically lower.


10. Luckily they make 2.5 inch diameter springs, which just barely clear my 18×7.5 inch rims.


11. Here is a better view.


12. This is what the vehicle looked like when lowered over 5 inches in front, on stock wheels.


13. After some time, I decided to change my original pair of coil-over springs, for a softer & taller pair.


[image_array image_post_id=3270 image_number=14 image_target=blank link_to_post_id=3270]

14. The finished product.


15. With the coil-overs installed, I was able to maintain a softer/smoother ride, 5.45 inches below the stock ride height, all without much sacrificing wheel travel.

[ More image of my coil-over setup can be seen here: 8/21/01, 3/05/02, 8/23/02, and 3/30/04-10/25/04 ]


Post ID: 3270

Permalink: https://brasscoestudios.com/?p=3270

Slug: 3270

Author: chriscoe

Comments: 0

Tags: None

Title: 2009-06-26 goathill

Category: 2009

Date Posted: 2024


Post ID: 492

Permalink: https://brasscoestudios.com/?p=492

Slug: 2009-06-26-goathill

Author: chriscoe

Comments: 0

Tags: None

Title: 2009-08-21 vegas

Category: 2009

Date Posted: 2024


Post ID: 487

Permalink: https://brasscoestudios.com/?p=487

Slug: 2009-08-21-vegas

Author: chriscoe

Comments: 0

Tags: None

Title: 2009-08-01 christina birthday

Category: 2009

Date Posted: 2024


Post ID: 485

Permalink: https://brasscoestudios.com/?p=485

Slug: 2009-08-01-christina-birthday

Author: chriscoe

Comments: 0

Tags: None

Title: 2009-08-14 krista bday sharkeez hb

Category: 2009

Date Posted: 2024


Post ID: 481

Permalink: https://brasscoestudios.com/?p=481

Slug: 2009-08-14-krista-bday-sharkeez-hb

Author: chriscoe

Comments: 0

Tags: None

Title: 2009-10-03 oktoberfest huntington beach

Category: 2009

Date Posted: 2024


Post ID: 471

Permalink: https://brasscoestudios.com/?p=471

Slug: 2009-10-03-oktoberfest-huntington-beach

Author: chriscoe

Comments: 0

Tags: None

Title: 2009-09-18 tucker dj at avalon

Category: 2009

Date Posted: 2024


Post ID: 469

Permalink: https://brasscoestudios.com/?p=469

Slug: 2009-09-18-tucker-dj-at-avalon

Author: chriscoe

Comments: 0

Tags: None

Title: 2009-09-12 small irvine house party

Category: 2009

Date Posted: 2024


Post ID: 467

Permalink: https://brasscoestudios.com/?p=467

Slug: 2009-09-12-small-irvine-house-party

Author: chriscoe

Comments: 0

Tags: None

Title: 2009-09-12 sharkeez newport

Category: 2009

Date Posted: 2024


Post ID: 465

Permalink: https://brasscoestudios.com/?p=465

Slug: 2009-09-12-sharkeez-newport

Author: chriscoe

Comments: 0

Tags: None

Title: 2009-09-06 labor day drinking games

Category: 2009

Date Posted: 2024


Post ID: 463

Permalink: https://brasscoestudios.com/?p=463

Slug: 2009-09-06-labor-day-drinking-games

Author: chriscoe

Comments: 0

Tags: None

Title: 2009-09-05 kaeli summer bbq

Category: 2009

Date Posted: 2024


Post ID: 461

Permalink: https://brasscoestudios.com/?p=461

Slug: 2009-09-05-kaeli-summer-bbq

Author: chriscoe

Comments: 0

Tags: None

Title: 2009-09-04 orange street fair

Category: 2009

Date Posted: 2024


Post ID: 459

Permalink: https://brasscoestudios.com/?p=459

Slug: 2009-09-04-orange-street-fair

Author: chriscoe

Comments: 0

Tags: None

Title: 2009-08-29 goathill

Category: 2009

Date Posted: 2024


Post ID: 457

Permalink: https://brasscoestudios.com/?p=457

Slug: 2009-08-29-goathill

Author: chriscoe

Comments: 0

Tags: None

Title: 2009-08-29 beach day monica birthday

Category: 2009

Date Posted: 2024


Post ID: 455

Permalink: https://brasscoestudios.com/?p=455

Slug: 2009-08-29-beach-day-monica-birthday

Author: chriscoe

Comments: 0

Tags: None

Title: 2009-10-07 westwood office exit

Category: 2009

Date Posted: 2024


Post ID: 148

Permalink: https://brasscoestudios.com/?p=148

Slug: 2009-10-07-westwood-office-exit

Author: chriscoe

Comments: 0

Tags: None

Title: 2009-08-22 vegas: room, ibar, voodoo lounge

Category: 2009

Date Posted: 2024


Post ID: 129

Permalink: https://brasscoestudios.com/?p=129

Slug: 2009-08-22-vegas-hotel-room-ibar-voodoo-lounge

Author: chriscoe

Comments: 0

Tags: None

Title: 2009-08-22 vegas: blush, room, and the strip

Category: 2009

Date Posted: 2024


Post ID: 127

Permalink: https://brasscoestudios.com/?p=127

Slug: 2009-08-22-vegas-blush-hotel-room-and-the-strip

Author: chriscoe

Comments: 0

Tags: None

Title: 2009-08-21 vegas: rio hotel suite

Category: 2009

Date Posted: 2024


Post ID: 125

Permalink: https://brasscoestudios.com/?p=125

Slug: 2009-08-21-vegas-rio-hotel-suite

Author: chriscoe

Comments: 0

Tags: None

Title: 2009-07-18 vegas: fremont street, wynn

Category: 2009

Date Posted: 2024


Post ID: 119

Permalink: https://brasscoestudios.com/?p=119

Slug: 2009-07-18-vegas-fremont-street-wynn

Author: chriscoe

Comments: 0

Tags: None

Title: 2009-07-18 vegas: hofbrauhaus

Category: 2009

Date Posted: 2024


Post ID: 117

Permalink: https://brasscoestudios.com/?p=117

Slug: 2009-07-18-vegas-hofbrauhaus

Author: chriscoe

Comments: 0

Tags: None

Title: 2009-07-11 scott’s birthday house party

Category: 2009

Date Posted: 2024


Post ID: 112

Permalink: https://brasscoestudios.com/?p=112

Slug: 2009-07-11-scotts-birthday-house-party

Author: chriscoe

Comments: 0

Tags: None

Title: 2009-07-04 july 4th nick bbq

Category: 2009

Date Posted: 2024


Post ID: 110

Permalink: https://brasscoestudios.com/?p=110

Slug: 2009-07-04-july-4th-nick-bbq

Author: chriscoe

Comments: 0

Tags: None

Title: 2009-07-03 district newport

Category: 2009

Date Posted: 2024


Post ID: 108

Permalink: https://brasscoestudios.com/?p=108

Slug: 2009-07-03-district-newport

Author: chriscoe

Comments: 0

Tags: None

Title: 2009-06-19 Kickball Teams WPF vs. DMG

Category: 2009

Date Posted: 2024


Post ID: 106

Permalink: https://brasscoestudios.com/?p=106

Slug: 2009-06-19-kickball-teams-wpf-vs-dmg

Author: chriscoe

Comments: 0

Tags: None

Title: 2009-06-13 sharkeez hermosa dana birthday

Category: 2009

Date Posted: 2024


Post ID: 101

Permalink: https://brasscoestudios.com/?p=101

Slug: 2009-06-13-sharkeez-hermosa-dana-birthday

Author: chriscoe

Comments: 0

Tags: None

Title: 2009-06-13 drunks at denny’s

Category: 2009

Date Posted: 2024


Post ID: 99

Permalink: https://brasscoestudios.com/?p=99

Slug: 2009-06-13-drunks-at-dennys

Author: chriscoe

Comments: 0

Tags: None

Title: 2009-06-12 dirty nellys

Category: 2009

Date Posted: 2024


Post ID: 97

Permalink: https://brasscoestudios.com/?p=97

Slug: 2009-06-12-dirty-nellys

Author: chriscoe

Comments: 0

Tags: None

Title: 2009-06-05 sharkeez district newport lens

Category: 2009

Date Posted: 2024


Post ID: 95

Permalink: https://brasscoestudios.com/?p=95

Slug: 2009-06-05-sharkeez-district-newport-lens

Author: chriscoe

Comments: 0

Tags: None

Title: 2009-05-30 goathill with lens

Category: 2009

Date Posted: 2024


Post ID: 93

Permalink: https://brasscoestudios.com/?p=93

Slug: 2009-05-30-goathill-with-lens

Author: chriscoe

Comments: 0

Tags: None

Title: 2009-05-23 vegas trip

Category: 2009

Date Posted: 2024


Post ID: 91

Permalink: https://brasscoestudios.com/?p=91

Slug: 2009-05-23-vegas-trip

Author: chriscoe

Comments: 0

Tags: None

Title: 2009-05-16 vegas trip

Category: 2009

Date Posted: 2024


Post ID: 88

Permalink: https://brasscoestudios.com/?p=88

Slug: 2009-05-16-vegas-trip

Author: chriscoe

Comments: 0

Tags: None

Title: 2009-05-09 district pauls orange

Category: 2009

Date Posted: 2024


Post ID: 3693

Permalink: https://brasscoestudios.com/?p=3693

Slug: 2009-05-09-district-pauls-orange

Author: chriscoe

Comments: 0

Tags: None

Title: 2009-04-18 goathill tavern

Category: 2009

Date Posted: 2024


Post ID: 3692

Permalink: https://brasscoestudios.com/?p=3692

Slug: 2009-04-18-goathill-tavern

Author: chriscoe

Comments: 0

Tags: None

Title: 2009-04-10 patty birthday at sharkeez

Category: 2009

Date Posted: 2024


Post ID: 3691

Permalink: https://brasscoestudios.com/?p=3691

Slug: 2009-04-10-patty-birthday-at-sharkeez

Author: chriscoe

Comments: 0

Tags: None

Title: 2009-04-03 vegas trip

Category: 2009

Date Posted: 2024


Post ID: 3690

Permalink: https://brasscoestudios.com/?p=3690

Slug: 2009-04-03-vegas-trip

Author: chriscoe

Comments: 0

Tags: None

Title: Toyota Corolla

Category: Image Manipulation

Date Posted: 2024










[image_array image_post_id=3331 image_number=8 image_description=yes image_target=blank link_to_post_id=3331]


Also, my Toyota Corolla was featured on the website below, among the image within the rotating list of side shots:



Post ID: 3331

Permalink: https://brasscoestudios.com/?p=3331

Slug: 3331

Author: chriscoe

Comments: 0

Tags: None

Title: Other Cars

Category: Image Manipulation

Date Posted: 2024


Scion TC

[image_array image_post_id=3330 image_number=1 image_description=yes image_target=blank link_to_post_id=3330]

Toyota Matrix

Toyota Matrix




Saturn SL2

Saturn SL2

Saturn SL2

Acura Legend

Post ID: 3330

Permalink: https://brasscoestudios.com/?p=3330

Slug: 3330

Author: chriscoe

Comments: 0

Tags: None

Title: Amanda

Category: Digital Artwork

Date Posted: 2024



[image_array image_post_id=3305 image_target=blank link_to_post_id=3305]

Drew this as a template for another image. Decided to keep it as is.



Post ID: 3305

Permalink: https://brasscoestudios.com/?p=3305

Slug: 3305

Author: chriscoe

Comments: 0

Tags: None

Title: American Standard

Category: Digital Artwork

Date Posted: 2024


A wrote a feature-length film back in 1995, which was originally titled What I’m After. Over the years of re-writes and updates, the title has changed with it:






The next few items are from a marketing campaign idea, originating from this image:




original image used:



[image_array image_post_id=3304 image_number=12 image_description=yes image_target=blank link_to_post_id=3304]




Post ID: 3304

Permalink: https://brasscoestudios.com/?p=3304

Slug: 3304

Author: chriscoe

Comments: 0

Tags: None

Title: 2009-02-22 battle of the bands – bdr

Category: 2009

Date Posted: 2024


Post ID: 490

Permalink: https://brasscoestudios.com/?p=490

Slug: 2009-02-22-battle-of-the-bands-brought-down-running

Author: chriscoe

Comments: 0

Tags: None

Title: 2009-05-02 hb brew co.

Category: 2009

Date Posted: 2024


Post ID: 84

Permalink: https://brasscoestudios.com/?p=84

Slug: 2009-05-02-hb-brew-co

Author: chriscoe

Comments: 0

Tags: None

Title: 2009-04-11 luis birthday party

Category: 2009

Date Posted: 2024


Post ID: 80

Permalink: https://brasscoestudios.com/?p=80

Slug: 2009-04-11-luis-birthday-party

Author: chriscoe

Comments: 0

Tags: None

Title: 2009-04-10 after the bar

Category: 2009

Date Posted: 2024


Post ID: 78

Permalink: https://brasscoestudios.com/?p=78

Slug: 2009-04-10-after-the-bar

Author: chriscoe

Comments: 0

Tags: None

Title: 2009-04-06 new room in redondo

Category: 2009

Date Posted: 2024


Post ID: 74

Permalink: https://brasscoestudios.com/?p=74

Slug: 2009-04-06-new-room-in-redondo

Author: chriscoe

Comments: 0

Tags: None

Title: 2009-03-28 edison downtown john bday

Category: 2009

Date Posted: 2024


Post ID: 70

Permalink: https://brasscoestudios.com/?p=70

Slug: 2009-03-28-edison-downtown-john-bday

Author: chriscoe

Comments: 0

Tags: None

Title: 2009-03-27 after sharkeez nb

Category: 2009

Date Posted: 2024


Post ID: 65

Permalink: https://brasscoestudios.com/?p=65

Slug: 2009-03-27-after-sharkeez-nb

Author: chriscoe

Comments: 0

Tags: None

Title: 2009-03-21 goathill tavern

Category: 2009

Date Posted: 2024


Post ID: 63

Permalink: https://brasscoestudios.com/?p=63

Slug: 2009-03-21-goathill-tavern

Author: chriscoe

Comments: 0

Tags: None

Title: 2009-03-19 bdr show LA

Category: 2009

Date Posted: 2024


Post ID: 61

Permalink: https://brasscoestudios.com/?p=61

Slug: 2009-03-19-bdr-show-la

Author: chriscoe

Comments: 0

Tags: None

Title: 2009-03-14 sharkeez ian bday

Category: 2009

Date Posted: 2024


Post ID: 59

Permalink: https://brasscoestudios.com/?p=59

Slug: 2009-03-14-sharkeez-ian-bday

Author: chriscoe

Comments: 0

Tags: None

Title: 2009-02-27 cabo cantina

Category: 2009

Date Posted: 2024


Post ID: 57

Permalink: https://brasscoestudios.com/?p=57

Slug: 2009-02-27-cabo-cantina

Author: chriscoe

Comments: 0

Tags: None

Title: 2009 misc – people

Category: 2009

Date Posted: 2024


set_id => 72157614324468005,
within_1_photo_id => 3307543975,
within_2_photo_id => 3829601506,
within_3_photo_id => 4076701204,2009-09-03 chris with heather,Pictures Update 11-06-09,
within_4_photo_id => 4305512919,2009-12-11 mike and ian shotgun a beer,Pictures Update 2-25 misc 2009 2-25-10,
within_5_photo_id => 4386119429,2009-10-31 Group Photo Clara Brian Gary Chris,Pictures Update 4-07-2010,
within_6_photo_id => 4536741577,2009-10-09 Chris Brian Ian Tuaca shots,Pictures Update 4-30-2010,
within_7_photo_id => 4933770979,2009-12-12 Krista with camera Nick in bar,Pictures Update 9-02-2010,


2009-01-10 IMG_1356

Post ID: 5099

Permalink: https://brasscoestudios.com/?p=5099

Slug: 2009-misc-people

Author: chriscoe

Comments: 0

Tags: None

Title: 2009-01-31 sharkeez district cabo cantina

Category: 2009

Date Posted: 2024


Post ID: 3689

Permalink: https://brasscoestudios.com/?p=3689

Slug: 2009-01-31-sharkeez-district-cabo-cantina

Author: chriscoe

Comments: 0

Tags: None

Title: 2009-01-17 barcopa glen

Category: 2009

Date Posted: 2024


Post ID: 3688

Permalink: https://brasscoestudios.com/?p=3688

Slug: 2009-01-17-barcopa-glen

Author: chriscoe

Comments: 0

Tags: None

Title: 2009 misc – electronics

Category: 2009

Date Posted: 2024


Post ID: 3687

Permalink: https://brasscoestudios.com/?p=3687

Slug: 2009-misc-electronics

Author: chriscoe

Comments: 0

Tags: None

Title: 2008-11-22 the district in orange

Category: 2008

Date Posted: 2024


Post ID: 3685

Permalink: https://brasscoestudios.com/?p=3685

Slug: 2008-11-22-the-district-in-orange

Author: chriscoe

Comments: 0

Tags: None

Title: 2008-12-07 cabo cantina

Category: 2008

Date Posted: 2024


Post ID: 3684

Permalink: https://brasscoestudios.com/?p=3684

Slug: 2008-12-07-cabo-cantina

Author: chriscoe

Comments: 0

Tags: None

Title: 2008-12-18 company holiday party

Category: 2008

Date Posted: 2024


Post ID: 3683

Permalink: https://brasscoestudios.com/?p=3683

Slug: 2008-12-18-company-holiday-party

Author: chriscoe

Comments: 0

Tags: None

Title: 2008-12-18 espn zone downtown disney

Category: 2008

Date Posted: 2024


Post ID: 3682

Permalink: https://brasscoestudios.com/?p=3682

Slug: 2008-12-18-espn-zone-downtown-disney

Author: chriscoe

Comments: 0

Tags: None

Title: 2008-12-20 durty nelly’s

Category: 2008

Date Posted: 2024


Post ID: 3681

Permalink: https://brasscoestudios.com/?p=3681

Slug: 2008-12-20-durty-nellys

Author: chriscoe

Comments: 0

Tags: None

Title: 2008-12-19 bdr show at the crest

Category: 2008

Date Posted: 2024


Post ID: 3672

Permalink: https://brasscoestudios.com/?p=3672

Slug: 2008-12-19-bdr-show-at-the-crest

Author: chriscoe

Comments: 0

Tags: None

Title: 2008-12-26 bdr show at the roxy

Category: 2008

Date Posted: 2024


Post ID: 3671

Permalink: https://brasscoestudios.com/?p=3671

Slug: 2008-12-26-bdr-show-at-the-roxy

Author: chriscoe

Comments: 0

Tags: None

Title: 2008-12-27 gary’s birthday at woody’s

Category: 2008

Date Posted: 2024


Post ID: 3670

Permalink: https://brasscoestudios.com/?p=3670

Slug: 2008-12-27-garys-birthday-at-woodys

Author: chriscoe

Comments: 0

Tags: None

Title: 2008-12-31 new year’s eve ’09

Category: 2008

Date Posted: 2024


Post ID: 3669

Permalink: https://brasscoestudios.com/?p=3669

Slug: 2008-12-31-new-years-eve-09

Author: chriscoe

Comments: 0

Tags: None

Title: Klaus Baudelaire

Category: Water-Color

Date Posted: 2024



[image_array image_post_id=3383 image_number=1 image_description=yes image_target=blank link_to_post_id=3383]

Painted May 2005
18″x24″ Watercolor on”Medium”
Drawing Paper : Un-Framed

While I was watching the DVD of “Lemony Snicket’s: A Series of Unfortunate Events,” I paused the portion of the test-footage while this kid, who played Klaus, sat in this big chair with his leg crossed. Within a few minutes I outlined the image I saw, finished the movie and extras, and completed the image that night. I used a permanent marker to outline it.

2005_xx_xx_art_paintings 2005_xx_xx_art_paintings 2005_xx_xx_art_paintings 2005_xx_xx_art_paintings

[ More image of this art can be found HERE ]

Post ID: 3383

Permalink: https://brasscoestudios.com/?p=3383

Slug: 3383

Author: chriscoe

Comments: 0

Tags: None

Title: Lindsay

Category: Paintings

Date Posted: 2024



[image_array image_post_id=3361 image_number=1 image_description=yes image_target=blank link_to_post_id=3361]

Painted in January 2005
24″x30″ Acrylic Oil on
Canvas Paper : Framed

I noticed this particular image while running across a website. It was one of the 1st image that I had planned on drawing in Acrylic. I think it’s a decent attempt. Even though the skin colors came out more neapolitan then I had hoped, it overall meshed well with the surrounding browns.

2005_xx_xx_art_paintings 2005_xx_xx_art_paintings 2005_xx_xx_art_paintings 2005_xx_xx_art_paintings 2005_xx_xx_art_paintings

In Progress:

2005_xx_xx_art_paintings 2005_xx_xx_art_paintings 2005_xx_xx_art_paintings 2005_xx_xx_art_paintings 2005_xx_xx_art_paintings 2005_xx_xx_art_paintings 2005_xx_xx_art_paintings 2005_xx_xx_art_paintings

[ More image of this art can be found HERE ]

Post ID: 3361

Permalink: https://brasscoestudios.com/?p=3361

Slug: 3361

Author: chriscoe

Comments: 0

Tags: None

Title: Spider-Man 3

Category: Paintings

Date Posted: 2024



[image_array image_post_id=3360 image_number=1 image_description=yes image_target=blank link_to_post_id=3360]

Painted in Nov/Dec 2006
4ft.x3ft. Acrylic Oil on
Canvas: Framed

After getting to see a sneak preview of the Spider-Man 3 trailer (before it became public), I set out to draw an image showcasing the transitional period before Spider-Man becomes evil. I’m not a comic book reader, but it’s what it looked like from the trailer.

To do this painting, I used acrylic oil paint, and worked for about 10 hours total. I started it in November, laying out the background and character outline. A week later, I added the dark shading. It is signed and dated December 2006, and currently hanging in my office at Sony.

2006_11_07_spiderman3 2006_11_07_spiderman3 2006_11_07_spiderman3 2006_11_07_spiderman3 2006_11_07_spiderman3 2006_11_07_spiderman3 2006_11_07_spiderman3 2006_11_07_spiderman3 2006_11_07_spiderman3
2006_11_07_spiderman3 2006_11_07_spiderman3 2006_11_07_spiderman3

In Progress:

2006_11_07_spiderman3 2006_11_07_spiderman3 2006_11_07_spiderman3 2006_11_07_spiderman3 2006_11_07_spiderman3 2006_11_07_spiderman3

[ More image of this art can be found HERE ]

Post ID: 3360

Permalink: https://brasscoestudios.com/?p=3360

Slug: 3360

Author: chriscoe

Comments: 0

Tags: None

Title: Misc Graphics

Category: Digital Artwork

Date Posted: 2024



Our friend was brought to tears when her local Sharkeez in Hermosa Beach burned down. To rub it in, another friend asked me to create the above image, in order to send it over.


[image_array image_post_id=3306 image_number=2 image_target=blank link_to_post_id=3306]

An album cover(?).


While on a Mexican cruise, my buddy and I took some drunk pictures before the Safety drill. This montage was edited for MySpace.


New to photoshop, my friend and I created this zen-like image.


For a friend’s school project, I took an image from Independence Day and a pyramid, and made this album cover.


This is the first image I made with a computer.


In computer art class, we were asked to design an image for the Summer Olympics.


Low-rider stamp.


[image_array image_post_id=3306 image_number=9 image_target=blank link_to_post_id=3306]

For my Halloween Costume as a paparazzi, I created a press pass.


Post ID: 3306

Permalink: https://brasscoestudios.com/?p=3306

Slug: 3306

Author: chriscoe

Comments: 0

Tags: None

Title: Clear Dash Kit

Category: I Made That

Date Posted: 2024



[image_array image_post_id=3271 image_number=1 image_description=yes image_target=blank link_to_post_id=3271]

While at an import auto show, I noticed a car with a semi-frosted instrument panel. About a month later, I saw an ad for the same items and was surprised that the were selling the pieces for about $200 each. I admit, I was a bit impressed with the look. I never really did prefer the glowing dash kits that were actually popular at the time.

Then one day, I decided to see if I can make something similar. Upon completion, I kept it as my dash for the next 5 years.

[ Watch the video I made showcasing my clear dash kit on YouTube ]

Below is a step-by-step guide on what I did:

2002-02-14 2002-02-14
1. The dash panel is surrounded by a piece of plastic. 2. Unscrew the top two areas. Then pull off the cover.
2002-02-14 2002-02-14
3. Once exposed, remove the two bottom screws. 4. Pull out the entire instrument cluster.
2002-02-14 2002-02-14
5. Unplug the four connectors holding it to the dash. 6. This will leave a hole in the dash.
2002-02-14 2002-02-14
7. This is the instrument panel as a whole. 8. You will need to pop off ONLY the black/white clips. Do not touch the clear/black clips!
2002-02-14 2002-02-14
9. Remove the cover piece. 10. The dash guages come as individual face plates.
2002-02-14 2002-02-14
11. After removing the guage needles, unscrew each item to be removed. 12. I chose to modify those four pieces.
2002-02-14 2002-02-14
13. Unplug the light bulbs that will be changed. 14. The main bulbs have a green cover.
2002-02-14 2002-02-25
15. For reference, I made notes on the cover (speed and rpm). 16. Scanned each guage item at high resolution and inverted the colors.
2002-02-25 2002-03-05
17. Printed each item onto color transparency, then laminated for glossiness. 18. This is the finished product.
2002-03-05 2002-03-05
19. On the rpm side, I removed the stock colors and safety info. 20. On the mph side, I removed the speed info located within the inner ring.

[ More image of this dash kit can be seen here: 2/14/02, 2/25/02, and 3/05/02 ]

Post ID: 3271

Permalink: https://brasscoestudios.com/?p=3271

Slug: 3271

Author: chriscoe

Comments: 0

Tags: None

Title: 2009-01-10 vegas trip

Category: 2009

Date Posted: 2024


Post ID: 103

Permalink: https://brasscoestudios.com/?p=103

Slug: 2009-01-10-vegas-trip

Author: chriscoe

Comments: 0

Tags: None

Title: 2009-02-21 medusa lounge david bday

Category: 2009

Date Posted: 2024


Post ID: 55

Permalink: https://brasscoestudios.com/?p=55

Slug: 2009-02-21-medusa-lounge-david-bday

Author: chriscoe

Comments: 0

Tags: None

Title: 2009-02-20 sharkeez hermosa

Category: 2009

Date Posted: 2024


Post ID: 53

Permalink: https://brasscoestudios.com/?p=53

Slug: 2009-02-20-sharkeez-hermosa

Author: chriscoe

Comments: 0

Tags: None

Title: 2009-02-15 sharkeez and the district

Category: 2009

Date Posted: 2024


Post ID: 50

Permalink: https://brasscoestudios.com/?p=50

Slug: 2009-02-15-sharkeez-and-the-district

Author: chriscoe

Comments: 0

Tags: None

Title: 2009-02-13 house jenga

Category: 2009

Date Posted: 2024


Post ID: 48

Permalink: https://brasscoestudios.com/?p=48

Slug: 2009-02-13-house-jenga

Author: chriscoe

Comments: 0

Tags: None

Title: 2009-02-13 goathill tavern

Category: 2009

Date Posted: 2024


Post ID: 46

Permalink: https://brasscoestudios.com/?p=46

Slug: 2009-02-13-goathill-tavern

Author: chriscoe

Comments: 0

Tags: None

Title: 2009-02-07 beachfront freds dennys

Category: 2009

Date Posted: 2024


Post ID: 44

Permalink: https://brasscoestudios.com/?p=44

Slug: 2009-02-07-beachfront-freds-dennys

Author: chriscoe

Comments: 0

Tags: None

Title: 2009-02-06 goathill tavern

Category: 2009

Date Posted: 2024


Post ID: 42

Permalink: https://brasscoestudios.com/?p=42

Slug: 2009-02-06-goathill-tavern

Author: chriscoe

Comments: 0

Tags: None

Title: 2009-02-03 taco tuesday

Category: 2009

Date Posted: 2024


Post ID: 40

Permalink: https://brasscoestudios.com/?p=40

Slug: 2009-02-03-taco-tuesday

Author: chriscoe

Comments: 0

Tags: None

Title: 2009-02-01 superbowl sunday

Category: 2009

Date Posted: 2024


Post ID: 38

Permalink: https://brasscoestudios.com/?p=38

Slug: 2009-02-01-superbowl-sunday

Author: chriscoe

Comments: 0

Tags: None

Title: 2009-01-24 sharkeez nb

Category: 2009

Date Posted: 2024


Post ID: 34

Permalink: https://brasscoestudios.com/?p=34

Slug: 2009-01-24-sharkeez-nb

Author: chriscoe

Comments: 0

Tags: None

Title: 2009-01-23 hermosa netter

Category: 2009

Date Posted: 2024


Post ID: 32

Permalink: https://brasscoestudios.com/?p=32

Slug: 2009-01-23-hermosa-netter

Author: chriscoe

Comments: 0

Tags: None

Title: 2009-01-18 after bar

Category: 2009

Date Posted: 2024


Post ID: 29

Permalink: https://brasscoestudios.com/?p=29

Slug: 2009-01-18-after-bar

Author: chriscoe

Comments: 0

Tags: None

Title: 2009-01-16 woodys glen

Category: 2009

Date Posted: 2024


Post ID: 25

Permalink: https://brasscoestudios.com/?p=25

Slug: 2009-01-16-woodys-glen

Author: chriscoe

Comments: 0

Tags: None

Title: 2009-01-02 goathill tavern

Category: 2009

Date Posted: 2024


Post ID: 23

Permalink: https://brasscoestudios.com/?p=23

Slug: 2009-01-02-goathill-tavern

Author: chriscoe

Comments: 0

Tags: None

Title: 2009 misc

Category: 2009

Date Posted: 2024



2009-06-27 jager DSC00918

Post ID: 17

Permalink: https://brasscoestudios.com/?p=17

Slug: 2009-misc

Author: chriscoe

Comments: 0

Tags: None

Title: 2008-11-15 irma’s birthday at sharkeez

Category: 2008

Date Posted: 2024


Post ID: 3686

Permalink: https://brasscoestudios.com/?p=3686

Slug: 2008-11-15-irmas-birthday-at-sharkeez

Author: chriscoe

Comments: 0

Tags: None

Title: 2008-10-10 dave’s birthday at hennessey’s tavern

Category: 2008

Date Posted: 2024


Post ID: 3680

Permalink: https://brasscoestudios.com/?p=3680

Slug: 2008-10-10-daves-birthday-at-hennesseys-tavern

Author: chriscoe

Comments: 0

Tags: None

Title: 2008-10-17 erick number 22

Category: 2008

Date Posted: 2024


Post ID: 3679

Permalink: https://brasscoestudios.com/?p=3679

Slug: 2008-10-17-erick-number-22

Author: chriscoe

Comments: 0

Tags: None

Title: 2008-10-18 chris’ birthday

Category: 2008

Date Posted: 2024


Post ID: 3678

Permalink: https://brasscoestudios.com/?p=3678

Slug: 2008-10-18-chris-birthday

Author: chriscoe

Comments: 0

Tags: None

Title: 2008-11-08 goathill tavern

Category: 2008

Date Posted: 2024


Post ID: 3677

Permalink: https://brasscoestudios.com/?p=3677

Slug: 2008-11-08-goathill-tavern

Author: chriscoe

Comments: 0

Tags: None

Title: 2008-11-01 bdr halloween party

Category: 2008

Date Posted: 2024


Post ID: 3676

Permalink: https://brasscoestudios.com/?p=3676

Slug: 2008-11-01-bdr-halloween-party

Author: chriscoe

Comments: 0

Tags: None

Title: 2008-10-31 halloween at fred’s

Category: 2008

Date Posted: 2024


Post ID: 3675

Permalink: https://brasscoestudios.com/?p=3675

Slug: 2008-10-31-halloween-at-freds

Author: chriscoe

Comments: 0

Tags: None

Title: 2008-10-25 mareanne’s 9th annual halloween

Category: 2008

Date Posted: 2024


2008-10-25 mareanne 9th halloween IMG_0084 (1)

Post ID: 3674

Permalink: https://brasscoestudios.com/?p=3674

Slug: 2008-10-25-mareannes-9th-annual-halloween-party

Author: chriscoe

Comments: 0

Tags: None

Title: 2008-10-25 no country for old men gun

Category: 2008

Date Posted: 2024


Post ID: 3673

Permalink: https://brasscoestudios.com/?p=3673

Slug: 2008-10-25-no-country-for-old-men-gun

Author: chriscoe

Comments: 0

Tags: None

Title: 2008-10-03 goathill tavern

Category: 2008

Date Posted: 2024



2008-10-03 goathill 2

Post ID: 3668

Permalink: https://brasscoestudios.com/?p=3668

Slug: 2008-10-03-goathill-tavern

Author: chriscoe

Comments: 0

Tags: None

Title: 2008-10-04 oktoberfest huntington beach

Category: 2008

Date Posted: 2024


2008-10-04 oktoberfest 2

Post ID: 3667

Permalink: https://brasscoestudios.com/?p=3667

Slug: 2008-10-04-oktoberfest-huntington-beach

Author: chriscoe

Comments: 0

Tags: None

Title: 2008-08-16 krista’s birthday at beachfront

Category: 2008

Date Posted: 2024


Post ID: 3666

Permalink: https://brasscoestudios.com/?p=3666

Slug: 2008-08-16-kristas-birthday-at-beachfront

Author: chriscoe

Comments: 0

Tags: None

Title: 2008-08-17 dubbing 8mm tape to miniDV

Category: 2008

Date Posted: 2024


Post ID: 3665

Permalink: https://brasscoestudios.com/?p=3665

Slug: 2008-08-17-dubbing-8mm-tape-to-minidv

Author: chriscoe

Comments: 0

Tags: None

Title: 2008-08-20 company beach party

Category: 2008

Date Posted: 2024


Post ID: 3664

Permalink: https://brasscoestudios.com/?p=3664

Slug: 2008-08-20-company-beach-party

Author: chriscoe

Comments: 0

Tags: None

Title: 2008-09-27 mollie’s end-of-summer party

Category: 2008

Date Posted: 2024


Post ID: 3663

Permalink: https://brasscoestudios.com/?p=3663

Slug: 2008-09-27-mollies-end-of-summer-party

Author: chriscoe

Comments: 0

Tags: None

Title: 2008-09-26 goathill tavern

Category: 2008

Date Posted: 2024


Post ID: 3662

Permalink: https://brasscoestudios.com/?p=3662

Slug: 2008-09-26-goathill-tavern

Author: chriscoe

Comments: 0

Tags: None

Title: 2008-09-20 oktoberfest huntington beach

Category: 2008

Date Posted: 2024


Post ID: 3661

Permalink: https://brasscoestudios.com/?p=3661

Slug: 2008-09-20-oktoberfest-huntington-beach

Author: chriscoe

Comments: 0

Tags: None

Title: 2008-09-19 camera bag & equipment

Category: 2008

Date Posted: 2024


Post ID: 3660

Permalink: https://brasscoestudios.com/?p=3660

Slug: 2008-09-19-camera-bag-equipment

Author: chriscoe

Comments: 0

Tags: None

Title: 2008-09-06 abby’s birthday at black bull

Category: 2008

Date Posted: 2024


Post ID: 3659

Permalink: https://brasscoestudios.com/?p=3659

Slug: 2008-09-06-abbys-birthday-at-black-bull-chop-house

Author: chriscoe

Comments: 0

Tags: None

Title: 2008-08-23 fred’s huntington beach

Category: 2008

Date Posted: 2024


Post ID: 3658

Permalink: https://brasscoestudios.com/?p=3658

Slug: 2008-08-23-freds-huntington-beach

Author: chriscoe

Comments: 0

Tags: None

Title: 2008-08-22 sharkeez newport

Category: 2008

Date Posted: 2024


Post ID: 3657

Permalink: https://brasscoestudios.com/?p=3657

Slug: 2008-08-22-sharkeez-newport

Author: chriscoe

Comments: 0

Tags: None

Title: 2008-08-16 summer clean up

Category: 2008

Date Posted: 2024


Post ID: 3656

Permalink: https://brasscoestudios.com/?p=3656

Slug: 2008-08-16-summer-clean-up

Author: chriscoe

Comments: 0

Tags: None

Title: 2008-08-13 scott’s happy hour at sharkeez

Category: 2008

Date Posted: 2024


Post ID: 3655

Permalink: https://brasscoestudios.com/?p=3655

Slug: 2008-08-13-scotts-happy-hour-at-sharkeez

Author: chriscoe

Comments: 0

Tags: None

Title: 2008-08-12 krista’s birthday at beachfront & fred’s

Category: 2008

Date Posted: 2024


Post ID: 3654

Permalink: https://brasscoestudios.com/?p=3654

Slug: 2008-08-12-kristas-birthday-at-beachfront-freds

Author: chriscoe

Comments: 0

Tags: None

Title: 2008-08-09 killarney’s after UFC

Category: 2008

Date Posted: 2024


Post ID: 3653

Permalink: https://brasscoestudios.com/?p=3653

Slug: 2008-08-09-killarneys-after-ufc

Author: chriscoe

Comments: 0

Tags: None

Title: 2008-08-02 kim’s birthday at black bull

Category: 2008

Date Posted: 2024


Post ID: 3652

Permalink: https://brasscoestudios.com/?p=3652

Slug: 2008-08-02-kims-birthday-at-blackbull-chophouse

Author: chriscoe

Comments: 0

Tags: None

Title: Snoop Dogg

Category: Water-Color

Date Posted: 2024



[image_array image_post_id=3382 image_number=1 image_description=yes image_target=blank link_to_post_id=3382]

Painted in 1993
10″x10″ Watercolor on
Thick Board : Un-Framed

I saw this image on the inside cover of Snoop Dogg’s “Doggystyle” album, and decided to submit it as my art project final. While everybody was drawing abstract image of flowers and shapes, I drew an image of the newest rap-artist propelled by the “gangsta-rap” era. My teacher didn’t know who he was, but allowed it. I bet you he knows now!

2005_xx_xx_art_paintings 2005_xx_xx_art_paintings 2005_xx_xx_art_paintings

[ More image of this art can be found HERE ]

Post ID: 3382

Permalink: https://brasscoestudios.com/?p=3382

Slug: 3382

Author: chriscoe

Comments: 0

Tags: None

Title: Racer Needs Repair

Category: Paintings

Date Posted: 2024



[image_array image_post_id=3365 image_number=1 image_description=yes image_target=blank link_to_post_id=3365]

Painted in 1997
20″x30″ Color Paint on
Thick Drawing Paper : Un-Framed

When the whole import car scene began to explode in 97, I was obsessed with drawing race car inspired image. I had to make a backwards template, splash it with color, and then transfer it to a piece of thick drawing paper. In art class, kids were drawing flowers and shapes. I drew race cars, and their drivers.

2005_xx_xx_art_paintings 2005_xx_xx_art_paintings 2005_xx_xx_art_paintings 2005_xx_xx_art_paintings 2005_xx_xx_art_paintings

The Backwards Template I Used:

2005_xx_xx_art_paintings 2005_xx_xx_art_paintings 2005_xx_xx_art_paintings 2005_xx_xx_art_paintings

[ More image of this art can be found HERE ]

Post ID: 3365

Permalink: https://brasscoestudios.com/?p=3365

Slug: 3365

Author: chriscoe

Comments: 0

Tags: None

Title: Adrian Bumpers

Category: Paintings

Date Posted: 2024



[image_array image_post_id=3364 image_number=1 image_target=blank link_to_post_id=3364]

Painted November 2004
16″x12″ Acrylic Oil on
Canvas Paper : Un-Framed

When I was working at a fast food place, my buddy and I were goofing off in the back area during my break. I pushed him back and he ended up falling over the mess we made.

2005_xx_xx_art_paintings 2005_xx_xx_art_paintings 2004_xx_xx_art_paitings 2004_xx_xx_art_paitings

[ More image of this art can be found here: 2004 2005 ]



Post ID: 3364

Permalink: https://brasscoestudios.com/?p=3364

Slug: 3364

Author: chriscoe

Comments: 0

Tags: None

Title: Ali G

Category: Paintings

Date Posted: 2024



[image_array image_post_id=3363 image_number=1 image_description=yes image_target=blank link_to_post_id=3363]

Painted January 2005
12″x16″ Acrylic Oil on
Canvas Paper : Un-Framed

Ali-G, who’s real name is Sacha Baron Cohen, is a well known British comic. This is the first “face drawing” I attempted to draw in Oils. Since I only had a starter set of colors, I did my best to get a full range of depth.

2005_xx_xx_art_paintings 2005_xx_xx_art_paintings 2004_xx_xx_art_paitings 2004_xx_xx_art_paitings

In Progress:

2004_xx_xx_art_paitings 2004_xx_xx_art_paitings 2004_xx_xx_art_paitings 2004_xx_xx_art_paitings

[ More image of this art can be found here: 2004 2005 ]

Post ID: 3363

Permalink: https://brasscoestudios.com/?p=3363

Slug: 3363

Author: chriscoe

Comments: 0

Tags: None

Title: Britney

Category: Paintings

Date Posted: 2024



[image_array image_post_id=3362 image_number=1 image_description=yes image_target=blank link_to_post_id=3362]

Painted January 2005
24″x30″ Acrylic Oil on
Canvas : Framed

I went out and bought a nice huge canvas and needed an image to draw. A pretty girl always works. I have never been good with faces, so this is my valiant attempt to draw one, nonetheless with oils.

2005_xx_xx_art_paintings 2005_xx_xx_art_paintings 2005_xx_xx_art_paintings 2005_xx_xx_art_paintings


2005_xx_xx_art_paintings 2005_xx_xx_art_paintings 2005_xx_xx_art_paintings 2005_xx_xx_art_paintings 2005_xx_xx_art_paintings 2005_xx_xx_art_paintings 2005_xx_xx_art_paintings

[ More image of this art can be found HERE ]

Post ID: 3362

Permalink: https://brasscoestudios.com/?p=3362

Slug: 3362

Author: chriscoe

Comments: 0

Tags: None

Title: Favorite Digital Image Update: August 2008

Category: Favorite Digital Image Updates

Date Posted: 2024


Below are the single images recently added to the [LINK cat=”photo projects”] gallery – [LINK post=7956]:

[FLICKR post=3658 single=1][FLICKR post=3666 single=1][FLICKR post=3666 single=2][FLICKR post=3666 single=3][FLICKR post=3656 single=1][FLICKR post=3655 single=1][FLICKR post=3654 single=1][FLICKR post=3651 single=1]

Post ID: 1577

Permalink: https://brasscoestudios.com/?p=1577

Slug: favorite-digital-image-update-august-2008

Author: chriscoe

Comments: 0

Tags: None

Title: 2008 Favorite Digital Images

Category: Photo Projects

Date Posted: 2024


Post ID: 7956

Permalink: https://brasscoestudios.com/?p=7956

Slug: 2008-favs

Author: chriscoe

Comments: 0

Tags: None

Title: 2008-08-01 beachfront huntington beach

Category: 2008

Date Posted: 2024


Post ID: 3651

Permalink: https://brasscoestudios.com/?p=3651

Slug: 2008-08-01-beachfront-huntington-beach

Author: chriscoe

Comments: 0

Tags: None

Title: 2008-07-26 octa event

Category: 2008

Date Posted: 2024


Post ID: 3650

Permalink: https://brasscoestudios.com/?p=3650

Slug: 2008-07-26-octa-event

Author: chriscoe

Comments: 0

Tags: None

Title: 2008-07-19 hermosa beach

Category: 2008

Date Posted: 2024


Post ID: 3649

Permalink: https://brasscoestudios.com/?p=3649

Slug: 2008-07-19-hermosa-beach

Author: chriscoe

Comments: 0

Tags: None

Title: 2008-07-18 nick’s rc helicopter

Category: 2008

Date Posted: 2024


Post ID: 3648

Permalink: https://brasscoestudios.com/?p=3648

Slug: 2008-07-18-nicks-rc-helicopter

Author: chriscoe

Comments: 0

Tags: None

Title: 2008-07-18 the district in newport

Category: 2008

Date Posted: 2024


Post ID: 3647

Permalink: https://brasscoestudios.com/?p=3647

Slug: 2008-07-18-the-district-in-newport

Author: chriscoe

Comments: 0

Tags: None

Title: 2008-06-22 duffy boat

Category: 2008

Date Posted: 2024


Post ID: 3646

Permalink: https://brasscoestudios.com/?p=3646

Slug: 2008-06-22-duffy-boat

Author: chriscoe

Comments: 0

Tags: None

Title: 2008-06-27 the district in newport

Category: 2008

Date Posted: 2024


Post ID: 3645

Permalink: https://brasscoestudios.com/?p=3645

Slug: 2008-06-27-the-district-in-newport

Author: chriscoe

Comments: 0

Tags: None

Title: 2008-06-28 paul’s birthday pool party

Category: 2008

Date Posted: 2024


Post ID: 3644

Permalink: https://brasscoestudios.com/?p=3644

Slug: 2008-06-28-pauls-birthday-pool-party

Author: chriscoe

Comments: 0

Tags: None

Title: 2008-07-16 danny’s sharkeez happy hour

Category: 2008

Date Posted: 2024


Post ID: 3643

Permalink: https://brasscoestudios.com/?p=3643

Slug: 2008-07-16-dannys-sharkeez-happy-hour

Author: chriscoe

Comments: 0

Tags: None

Title: 2008-05-24 sutra lounge

Category: 2008

Date Posted: 2024


Post ID: 3642

Permalink: https://brasscoestudios.com/?p=3642

Slug: 2008-05-24-sutra-lounge

Author: chriscoe

Comments: 0

Tags: None

Title: 2008-05-26 tim’s 30th birthday

Category: 2008

Date Posted: 2024


Post ID: 3641

Permalink: https://brasscoestudios.com/?p=3641

Slug: 2008-05-26-tims-30th-birthday

Author: chriscoe

Comments: 0

Tags: None

Title: 2008-05-28 sharkeez newport

Category: 2008

Date Posted: 2024


Post ID: 3640

Permalink: https://brasscoestudios.com/?p=3640

Slug: 2008-05-28-sharkeez-newport

Author: chriscoe

Comments: 0

Tags: None

Title: 2008-06-14 nicole’s birthday at sharkeez

Category: 2008

Date Posted: 2024


Post ID: 3639

Permalink: https://brasscoestudios.com/?p=3639

Slug: 2008-06-14-nicoles-birthday-at-sharkeez

Author: chriscoe

Comments: 0

Tags: None

Title: 2008-06-08 killarney’s after UFC

Category: 2008

Date Posted: 2024


Post ID: 3638

Permalink: https://brasscoestudios.com/?p=3638

Slug: 2008-06-08-killarneys-after-ufc

Author: chriscoe

Comments: 0

Tags: None

Title: 2008-06-07 newport beach

Category: 2008

Date Posted: 2024


Post ID: 3637

Permalink: https://brasscoestudios.com/?p=3637

Slug: 2008-06-07-newport-beach

Author: chriscoe

Comments: 0

Tags: None

Title: 2008-06-03 fred’s and black bull chop house

Category: 2008

Date Posted: 2024


Post ID: 3636

Permalink: https://brasscoestudios.com/?p=3636

Slug: 2008-06-03-freds-and-black-bull-chop-house

Author: chriscoe

Comments: 0

Tags: None

Title: 2008-05-31 brian’s party

Category: 2008

Date Posted: 2024


Post ID: 3635

Permalink: https://brasscoestudios.com/?p=3635

Slug: 2008-05-31-brians-party

Author: chriscoe

Comments: 0

Tags: None

Title: 2008-03-15 john’s birthday

Category: 2008

Date Posted: 2024


Post ID: 3634

Permalink: https://brasscoestudios.com/?p=3634

Slug: 2008-03-15-johns-birthday

Author: chriscoe

Comments: 0

Tags: None

Title: 2008-03-21 sharkeez newport

Category: 2008

Date Posted: 2024


Post ID: 3633

Permalink: https://brasscoestudios.com/?p=3633

Slug: 2008-03-21-sharkeez-newport

Author: chriscoe

Comments: 0

Tags: None

Title: 2008 misc

Category: 2008

Date Posted: 2024


Post ID: 3632

Permalink: https://brasscoestudios.com/?p=3632

Slug: 2008-misc

Author: chriscoe

Comments: 0

Tags: None

Title: 2008-03-07 beachfront and fred’s

Category: 2008

Date Posted: 2024


Post ID: 3631

Permalink: https://brasscoestudios.com/?p=3631

Slug: 2008-03-07-beachfront-and-freds

Author: chriscoe

Comments: 0

Tags: None

Title: 2008-02-23 cabo cantina

Category: 2008

Date Posted: 2024


Post ID: 3630

Permalink: https://brasscoestudios.com/?p=3630

Slug: 2008-02-23-cabo-cantina

Author: chriscoe

Comments: 0

Tags: None

Title: 2008-02-09 killarney’s again

Category: 2008

Date Posted: 2024


Post ID: 3629

Permalink: https://brasscoestudios.com/?p=3629

Slug: 2008-02-09-killarneys-again

Author: chriscoe

Comments: 0

Tags: None

Title: 2008 misc – people

Category: 2008

Date Posted: 2024


Post ID: 3628

Permalink: https://brasscoestudios.com/?p=3628

Slug: 2008-misc-people

Author: chriscoe

Comments: 0

Tags: None

Title: 2008-06-20 sutra lounge

Category: 2008

Date Posted: 2024


Post ID: 1149

Permalink: https://brasscoestudios.com/?p=1149

Slug: 2008-06-20-sutra-lounge

Author: chriscoe

Comments: 0

Tags: None

Title: 2008-06-28 heroe’s bar

Category: 2008

Date Posted: 2024


Post ID: 1145

Permalink: https://brasscoestudios.com/?p=1145

Slug: 2008-06-28-heroes-bar

Author: chriscoe

Comments: 0

Tags: None

Title: 2008-07-12 scott’s birthday house party

Category: 2008

Date Posted: 2024


Post ID: 1143

Permalink: https://brasscoestudios.com/?p=1143

Slug: 2008-07-12-scotts-birthday-house-party

Author: chriscoe

Comments: 0

Tags: None

Title: 2008-07-05 killarney’s after UFC

Category: 2008

Date Posted: 2024


Post ID: 1142

Permalink: https://brasscoestudios.com/?p=1142

Slug: 2008-07-05-killarneys-after-ufc

Author: chriscoe

Comments: 0

Tags: None

Title: 2008-07-04 nicole’s 4th of july party

Category: 2008

Date Posted: 2024


Post ID: 1141

Permalink: https://brasscoestudios.com/?p=1141

Slug: 2008-07-04-nicoles-4th-of-july-party

Author: chriscoe

Comments: 0

Tags: None

Title: 2008-07-03 cabo cantina & the district

Category: 2008

Date Posted: 2024


Post ID: 1140

Permalink: https://brasscoestudios.com/?p=1140

Slug: 2008-07-03-cabo-cantina-the-district

Author: chriscoe

Comments: 0

Tags: None

Title: 2008-02-01 killarney’s

Category: 2008

Date Posted: 2024


Post ID: 1102

Permalink: https://brasscoestudios.com/?p=1102

Slug: 2008-02-01-killarneys

Author: chriscoe

Comments: 0

Tags: None

Title: 2007-10-06 wedding

Category: 2007

Date Posted: 2024


Post ID: 3627

Permalink: https://brasscoestudios.com/?p=3627

Slug: 2007-10-06-wedding

Author: chriscoe

Comments: 0

Tags: None

Title: 2007-10-27 mareanne’s 8th halloween party

Category: 2007

Date Posted: 2024


Post ID: 3626

Permalink: https://brasscoestudios.com/?p=3626

Slug: 2007-10-27-mareannes-8th-annual-halloween-party

Author: chriscoe

Comments: 0

Tags: None

Title: 2007-10-31 halloween in newport

Category: 2007

Date Posted: 2024


Post ID: 3625

Permalink: https://brasscoestudios.com/?p=3625

Slug: 2007-10-31-halloween-in-newport

Author: chriscoe

Comments: 0

Tags: None

Title: 2007-12-21 durty nelly’s karaoke

Category: 2007

Date Posted: 2024


Post ID: 3624

Permalink: https://brasscoestudios.com/?p=3624

Slug: 2007-12-21-durty-nellys-karaoke

Author: chriscoe

Comments: 0

Tags: None

Title: 2007-09-22 oktoberfest huntington beach

Category: 2007

Date Posted: 2024


Post ID: 3623

Permalink: https://brasscoestudios.com/?p=3623

Slug: 2007-09-22-oktoberfest-huntington-beach

Author: chriscoe

Comments: 0

Tags: None

Title: 2007-09-14 adrian’s birthday

Category: 2007

Date Posted: 2024


Post ID: 3622

Permalink: https://brasscoestudios.com/?p=3622

Slug: 2007-09-14-adrians-birthday

Author: chriscoe

Comments: 0

Tags: None

Title: 2007-08-12 kim’s birthday blue beet

Category: 2007

Date Posted: 2024


Post ID: 3621

Permalink: https://brasscoestudios.com/?p=3621

Slug: 2007-08-12-kims-birthday-blue-beet

Author: chriscoe

Comments: 0

Tags: None

Title: 2007-08-05 scratched up scion

Category: 2007

Date Posted: 2024


Post ID: 3620

Permalink: https://brasscoestudios.com/?p=3620

Slug: 2007-08-05-scratched-up-scion

Author: chriscoe

Comments: 0

Tags: None

Title: 2007-07-14 cabo cantina

Category: 2007

Date Posted: 2024


Post ID: 3619

Permalink: https://brasscoestudios.com/?p=3619

Slug: 2007-07-14-cabo-cantina

Author: chriscoe

Comments: 0

Tags: None

Title: 2007-08-02 company beach party

Category: 2007

Date Posted: 2024


Post ID: 3618

Permalink: https://brasscoestudios.com/?p=3618

Slug: 2007-08-02-company-beach-party

Author: chriscoe

Comments: 0

Tags: None

Title: 2007-06-30 yvonne’s graduation party

Category: 2007

Date Posted: 2024


Post ID: 3617

Permalink: https://brasscoestudios.com/?p=3617

Slug: 2007-06-30-yvonnes-graduation-party

Author: chriscoe

Comments: 0

Tags: None

Title: 2007-07-14 items for sale

Category: 2007

Date Posted: 2024


Post ID: 3616

Permalink: https://brasscoestudios.com/?p=3616

Slug: 2007-07-14-items-for-sale

Author: chriscoe

Comments: 0

Tags: None

Title: 2007-07-14 high definition camera

Category: 2007

Date Posted: 2024


Post ID: 3615

Permalink: https://brasscoestudios.com/?p=3615

Slug: 2007-07-14-high-definition-camera

Author: chriscoe

Comments: 0

Tags: None

Title: 2007-02-22 high definition camera

Category: 2007

Date Posted: 2024


Post ID: 3614

Permalink: https://brasscoestudios.com/?p=3614

Slug: 2007-02-22-high-definition-camera

Author: chriscoe

Comments: 0

Tags: None

Title: 2007-02-28 wiring radio

Category: 2007

Date Posted: 2024


Post ID: 3613

Permalink: https://brasscoestudios.com/?p=3613

Slug: 2007-02-28-wiring-radio

Author: chriscoe

Comments: 0

Tags: None

Title: 2007-03-09 peru trip ian nicole

Category: 2007

Date Posted: 2024


Post ID: 3612

Permalink: https://brasscoestudios.com/?p=3612

Slug: 2007-03-09-peru-trip-ian-nicole

Author: chriscoe

Comments: 0

Tags: None

Title: 2007-04-29 drunk guys

Category: 2007

Date Posted: 2024


Post ID: 3611

Permalink: https://brasscoestudios.com/?p=3611

Slug: 2007-04-29-drunk-guys

Author: chriscoe

Comments: 0

Tags: None

Title: 2007-06-30 killarney’s

Category: 2007

Date Posted: 2024


Post ID: 3610

Permalink: https://brasscoestudios.com/?p=3610

Slug: 2007-06-30-killarneys

Author: chriscoe

Comments: 0

Tags: None

Title: 2007 misc

Category: 2007

Date Posted: 2024


Post ID: 3609

Permalink: https://brasscoestudios.com/?p=3609

Slug: 2007-misc

Author: chriscoe

Comments: 0

Tags: None

Title: 2007-01-09 fred’s huntington beach

Category: 2007

Date Posted: 2024


Post ID: 3608

Permalink: https://brasscoestudios.com/?p=3608

Slug: 2007-01-09-freds-huntington-beach

Author: chriscoe

Comments: 0

Tags: None

Title: 2007-01-27 cabo cantina and class of ’47

Category: 2007

Date Posted: 2024


Post ID: 3607

Permalink: https://brasscoestudios.com/?p=3607

Slug: 2007-01-27-cabo-cantina-and-class-of-47

Author: chriscoe

Comments: 0

Tags: None

Title: 2007-02-10 stoplight party

Category: 2007

Date Posted: 2024


Post ID: 3606

Permalink: https://brasscoestudios.com/?p=3606

Slug: 2007-02-10-stoplight-party

Author: chriscoe

Comments: 0

Tags: None

Title: 2006-12-22 fat face fenners

Category: 2006

Date Posted: 2024


Post ID: 3605

Permalink: https://brasscoestudios.com/?p=3605

Slug: 2006-12-22-fat-face-fenners

Author: chriscoe

Comments: 0

Tags: None

Title: 2006-12-24 panasonic hvx200

Category: 2006

Date Posted: 2024


Post ID: 3604

Permalink: https://brasscoestudios.com/?p=3604

Slug: 2006-12-24-panasonic-hvx200

Author: chriscoe

Comments: 0

Tags: None

Title: 2006-12-30 more drunks at blackie’s

Category: 2006

Date Posted: 2024


Post ID: 3603

Permalink: https://brasscoestudios.com/?p=3603

Slug: 2006-12-30-more-drunks-at-blackies

Author: chriscoe

Comments: 0

Tags: None

Title: 2006-12-29 drunks at blackie’s

Category: 2006

Date Posted: 2024


Post ID: 3602

Permalink: https://brasscoestudios.com/?p=3602

Slug: 2006-12-29-drunks-at-blackies

Author: chriscoe

Comments: 0

Tags: None

Title: 2006-12-31 new year’s eve ’07

Category: 2006

Date Posted: 2024


Post ID: 3601

Permalink: https://brasscoestudios.com/?p=3601

Slug: 2006-12-31-new-years-eve-07

Author: chriscoe

Comments: 0

Tags: None

Title: 2006-11-04 mollie’s birthday

Category: 2006

Date Posted: 2024


Post ID: 3600

Permalink: https://brasscoestudios.com/?p=3600

Slug: 2006-11-04-mollies-birthday

Author: chriscoe

Comments: 0

Tags: None

Title: 2006-11-07 spider-man 3 painting

Category: 2006

Date Posted: 2024


Post ID: 3599

Permalink: https://brasscoestudios.com/?p=3599

Slug: 2006-11-07-spider-man-3-painting

Author: chriscoe

Comments: 0

Tags: None

Title: 2006-12-21 mutt lynch

Category: 2006

Date Posted: 2024


Post ID: 3598

Permalink: https://brasscoestudios.com/?p=3598

Slug: 2006-12-21-mutt-lynch

Author: chriscoe

Comments: 0

Tags: None

Title: 2006-10-28 mareanne’s 7th annual halloween

Category: 2006

Date Posted: 2024


Post ID: 3597

Permalink: https://brasscoestudios.com/?p=3597

Slug: 2006-10-28-mareannes-7th-annual-halloween-party

Author: chriscoe

Comments: 0

Tags: None

Title: 2006-10-29 mike’s halloween party

Category: 2006

Date Posted: 2024


Post ID: 3592

Permalink: https://brasscoestudios.com/?p=3592

Slug: 2006-10-29-mikes-halloween-party

Author: chriscoe

Comments: 0

Tags: None

Title: 2006-10-30 katie’s halloween party

Category: 2006

Date Posted: 2024


Post ID: 3591

Permalink: https://brasscoestudios.com/?p=3591

Slug: 2006-10-30-katies-halloween-party

Author: chriscoe

Comments: 0

Tags: None

Title: 2007-12-31 new year’s eve ’08 at jeff’s

Category: 2007

Date Posted: 2024


Post ID: 1085

Permalink: https://brasscoestudios.com/?p=1085

Slug: 2007-12-31-new-years-eve-08-at-jeffs

Author: chriscoe

Comments: 0

Tags: None

Title: 2007-10-01 oktoberfest – munich, germany

Category: 2007

Date Posted: 2024


Post ID: 1084

Permalink: https://brasscoestudios.com/?p=1084

Slug: 2007-10-01-oktoberfest-munich-germany

Author: chriscoe

Comments: 0

Tags: None

Title: 2006-10-28 costume prep

Category: 2006

Date Posted: 2024


Post ID: 3596

Permalink: https://brasscoestudios.com/?p=3596

Slug: 2006-10-28-costume-prep

Author: chriscoe

Comments: 0

Tags: None

Title: 2006-10-27 halloween at the shore

Category: 2006

Date Posted: 2024


Post ID: 3595

Permalink: https://brasscoestudios.com/?p=3595

Slug: 2006-10-27-halloween-at-the-shore

Author: chriscoe

Comments: 0

Tags: None

Title: 2006-10-14 chris’ 30th birthday

Category: 2006

Date Posted: 2024


Post ID: 3594

Permalink: https://brasscoestudios.com/?p=3594

Slug: 2006-10-14-chris-30th-birthday

Author: chriscoe

Comments: 0

Tags: None

Title: 2006-09-15 oktoberfest huntington beach

Category: 2006

Date Posted: 2024


Post ID: 3593

Permalink: https://brasscoestudios.com/?p=3593

Slug: 2006-09-15-oktoberfest-huntington-beach

Author: chriscoe

Comments: 0

Tags: None

Title: 2006 misc

Category: 2006

Date Posted: 2024


Post ID: 3590

Permalink: https://brasscoestudios.com/?p=3590

Slug: 2006-misc

Author: chriscoe

Comments: 0

Tags: None

Title: 2006-08-02 my office

Category: 2006

Date Posted: 2024


Post ID: 3589

Permalink: https://brasscoestudios.com/?p=3589

Slug: 2006-08-02-my-office

Author: chriscoe

Comments: 0

Tags: None

Title: 2006-07-29 afi night

Category: 2006

Date Posted: 2024


Post ID: 3588

Permalink: https://brasscoestudios.com/?p=3588

Slug: 2006-07-29-afi-night

Author: chriscoe

Comments: 0

Tags: None

Title: 2006-06-02 reno family visit

Category: 2006

Date Posted: 2024


Post ID: 3587

Permalink: https://brasscoestudios.com/?p=3587

Slug: 2006-06-02-reno-family-visit

Author: chriscoe

Comments: 0

Tags: None

Title: 2006-05-15 paradise 5-day mexican cruise

Category: 2006

Date Posted: 2024


Post ID: 3586

Permalink: https://brasscoestudios.com/?p=3586

Slug: 2006-05-15-paradise-5-day-mexican-cruise

Author: chriscoe

Comments: 0

Tags: None

Title: 2006-05-04 brian’s last night

Category: 2006

Date Posted: 2024


Post ID: 3585

Permalink: https://brasscoestudios.com/?p=3585

Slug: 2006-05-04-brians-last-night

Author: chriscoe

Comments: 0

Tags: None

Title: 2006-04-29 brian’s last party

Category: 2006

Date Posted: 2024


Post ID: 3584

Permalink: https://brasscoestudios.com/?p=3584

Slug: 2006-04-29-brians-last-party

Author: chriscoe

Comments: 0

Tags: None

Title: 2006-04-15 lori’s 30th at durty nelly’s

Category: 2006

Date Posted: 2024


Post ID: 3583

Permalink: https://brasscoestudios.com/?p=3583

Slug: 2006-04-15-loris-30th-at-durty-nellys

Author: chriscoe

Comments: 0

Tags: None

Title: 2006-03-17 st. patrick’s day

Category: 2006

Date Posted: 2024


Post ID: 3582

Permalink: https://brasscoestudios.com/?p=3582

Slug: 2006-03-17-st-patricks-day

Author: chriscoe

Comments: 0

Tags: None

Title: 2006-01-21 mutt lynch

Category: 2006

Date Posted: 2024


Post ID: 3581

Permalink: https://brasscoestudios.com/?p=3581

Slug: 2006-01-21-mutt-lynch

Author: chriscoe

Comments: 0

Tags: None

Title: 2005-10-29 brian’s halloween party

Category: 2005

Date Posted: 2024


Post ID: 3580

Permalink: https://brasscoestudios.com/?p=3580

Slug: 2005-10-29-brians-halloween-party

Author: chriscoe

Comments: 0

Tags: None

Title: 2005-10-29 mareanne’s 6th annual halloween

Category: 2005

Date Posted: 2024


Post ID: 3579

Permalink: https://brasscoestudios.com/?p=3579

Slug: 2005-10-29-mareannes-6th-annual-halloween-party

Author: chriscoe

Comments: 0

Tags: None

Title: 2005-12-31 new year’s eve

Category: 2005

Date Posted: 2024


Post ID: 3578

Permalink: https://brasscoestudios.com/?p=3578

Slug: 2005-12-31-new-years-eve

Author: chriscoe

Comments: 0

Tags: None

Title: 2005-07-08 ian visits

Category: 2005

Date Posted: 2024


Post ID: 3577

Permalink: https://brasscoestudios.com/?p=3577

Slug: 2005-07-08-ian-visits

Author: chriscoe

Comments: 0

Tags: None

Title: 2005-05-29 trip thru mexico

Category: 2005

Date Posted: 2024


Post ID: 3576

Permalink: https://brasscoestudios.com/?p=3576

Slug: 2005-05-29-trip-thru-mexico

Author: chriscoe

Comments: 0

Tags: None

Title: 2005-05-22 bdr blindsided film shoot

Category: 2005

Date Posted: 2024


Post ID: 3575

Permalink: https://brasscoestudios.com/?p=3575

Slug: 2005-05-22-bdr-blindsided-film-shoot

Author: chriscoe

Comments: 0

Tags: None

Title: 2005-05-13 drunkard

Category: 2005

Date Posted: 2024


Post ID: 3574

Permalink: https://brasscoestudios.com/?p=3574

Slug: 2005-05-13-drunkard

Author: chriscoe

Comments: 0

Tags: None

Title: 2005-04-17 vegas corolla

Category: 2005

Date Posted: 2024


Post ID: 3573

Permalink: https://brasscoestudios.com/?p=3573

Slug: 2005-04-17-vegas-corolla

Author: chriscoe

Comments: 0

Tags: None

Title: 2005-08-05 kim’s 30th birthday

Category: 2005

Date Posted: 2024


Post ID: 3572

Permalink: https://brasscoestudios.com/?p=3572

Slug: 2005-08-05-kims-30th-birthday

Author: chriscoe

Comments: 0

Tags: None

Title: 2005-10-15 oktoberfest huntington beach

Category: 2005

Date Posted: 2024


Post ID: 3571

Permalink: https://brasscoestudios.com/?p=3571

Slug: 2005-10-15-oktoberfest-huntington-beach

Author: chriscoe

Comments: 0

Tags: None

Title: 2005-01-09 palm desert

Category: 2005

Date Posted: 2024


Post ID: 3570

Permalink: https://brasscoestudios.com/?p=3570

Slug: 2005-01-09-palm-desert

Author: chriscoe

Comments: 0

Tags: None

Title: 2005-01-15 brian eats 20 tacos

Category: 2005

Date Posted: 2024


Post ID: 3569

Permalink: https://brasscoestudios.com/?p=3569

Slug: 2005-01-15-brian-eats-20-tacos

Author: chriscoe

Comments: 0

Tags: None

Title: 2005-01-23 after bdr show

Category: 2005

Date Posted: 2024


Post ID: 3568

Permalink: https://brasscoestudios.com/?p=3568

Slug: 2005-01-23-after-bdr-show

Author: chriscoe

Comments: 0

Tags: None

Title: 2005-03-17 bdr st. patrick’s day

Category: 2005

Date Posted: 2024


Post ID: 3567

Permalink: https://brasscoestudios.com/?p=3567

Slug: 2005-03-17-bdr-st-patricks-day

Author: chriscoe

Comments: 0

Tags: None

Title: 2005-04-15 vegas

Category: 2005

Date Posted: 2024


Post ID: 3566

Permalink: https://brasscoestudios.com/?p=3566

Slug: 2005-04-15-vegas

Author: chriscoe

Comments: 0

Tags: None

Title: 2005 misc

Category: 2005

Date Posted: 2024


Post ID: 3565

Permalink: https://brasscoestudios.com/?p=3565

Slug: 2005-misc

Author: chriscoe

Comments: 0

Tags: None

Title: 2005 misc art paintings

Category: 2005

Date Posted: 2024


Post ID: 3564

Permalink: https://brasscoestudios.com/?p=3564

Slug: 2005-misc-art-paintings

Author: chriscoe

Comments: 0

Tags: None

Title: 2004-07-03 erick makes tuna

Category: 2004

Date Posted: 2024


Post ID: 3563

Permalink: https://brasscoestudios.com/?p=3563

Slug: 2004-07-03-erick-makes-tuna

Author: chriscoe

Comments: 0

Tags: None

Title: 2004-07-03 july 3rd party

Category: 2004

Date Posted: 2024


Post ID: 3562

Permalink: https://brasscoestudios.com/?p=3562

Slug: 2004-07-03-july-3rd-party

Author: chriscoe

Comments: 0

Tags: None

Title: 2004-07-10 paul’s party & everclear

Category: 2004

Date Posted: 2024


Post ID: 3561

Permalink: https://brasscoestudios.com/?p=3561

Slug: 2004-07-10-pauls-party-everclear

Author: chriscoe

Comments: 0

Tags: None

Title: 2004-09-05 vegas

Category: 2004

Date Posted: 2024


Post ID: 3560

Permalink: https://brasscoestudios.com/?p=3560

Slug: 2004-09-05-vegas

Author: chriscoe

Comments: 0

Tags: None

Title: 2004-11-05 bdr at hogue barmichael’s

Category: 2004

Date Posted: 2024


Post ID: 3559

Permalink: https://brasscoestudios.com/?p=3559

Slug: 2004-11-05-bdr-at-hogue-barmichaels

Author: chriscoe

Comments: 0

Tags: None

Title: 2004-06-28 brian’s pre-party

Category: 2004

Date Posted: 2024


Post ID: 3558

Permalink: https://brasscoestudios.com/?p=3558

Slug: 2004-06-28-brians-pre-party

Author: chriscoe

Comments: 0

Tags: None

Title: 2004-06-26 paul’s birthday

Category: 2004

Date Posted: 2024


Post ID: 3557

Permalink: https://brasscoestudios.com/?p=3557

Slug: 2004-06-26-pauls-birthday

Author: chriscoe

Comments: 0

Tags: None

Title: 2004-06-15 erick’s house

Category: 2004

Date Posted: 2024


Post ID: 3556

Permalink: https://brasscoestudios.com/?p=3556

Slug: 2004-06-15-ericks-house

Author: chriscoe

Comments: 0

Tags: None

Title: 2004-06-12 vegas

Category: 2004

Date Posted: 2024


Post ID: 3555

Permalink: https://brasscoestudios.com/?p=3555

Slug: 2004-06-12-vegas

Author: chriscoe

Comments: 0

Tags: None

Title: 2004 misc art paitings

Category: 2004

Date Posted: 2024


Post ID: 3554

Permalink: https://brasscoestudios.com/?p=3554

Slug: 2004-misc-art-paitings

Author: chriscoe

Comments: 0

Tags: None

Title: 2004 misc

Category: 2004

Date Posted: 2024


Post ID: 3553

Permalink: https://brasscoestudios.com/?p=3553

Slug: 2004-misc

Author: chriscoe

Comments: 0

Tags: None

Title: 2004 misc corolla image

Category: 2004

Date Posted: 2024


Post ID: 3552

Permalink: https://brasscoestudios.com/?p=3552

Slug: 2004-misc-corolla-image

Author: chriscoe

Comments: 0

Tags: None

Title: 2003 misc

Category: 2003

Date Posted: 2024


Post ID: 3551

Permalink: https://brasscoestudios.com/?p=3551

Slug: 2003-misc

Author: chriscoe

Comments: 0

Tags: None

Title: 2003-02-07 jimmy’s

Category: 2003

Date Posted: 2024


Post ID: 3550

Permalink: https://brasscoestudios.com/?p=3550

Slug: 2003-02-07-jimmys

Author: chriscoe

Comments: 0

Tags: None

Title: 2003-02-28 soulExp photoshoot

Category: 2003

Date Posted: 2024


Post ID: 3549

Permalink: https://brasscoestudios.com/?p=3549

Slug: 2003-02-28-soulexp-photoshoot

Author: chriscoe

Comments: 0

Tags: None

Title: 2003-04-23 erick ebay

Category: 2003

Date Posted: 2024


Post ID: 3548

Permalink: https://brasscoestudios.com/?p=3548

Slug: 2003-04-23-erick-ebay

Author: chriscoe

Comments: 0

Tags: None

Title: 2003-08-10 family visits from florida

Category: 2003

Date Posted: 2024


Post ID: 3547

Permalink: https://brasscoestudios.com/?p=3547

Slug: 2003-08-10-family-visits-from-florida

Author: chriscoe

Comments: 0

Tags: None

Title: 2003-10-08 erick’s guitar

Category: 2003

Date Posted: 2024


Post ID: 3546

Permalink: https://brasscoestudios.com/?p=3546

Slug: 2003-10-08-ericks-guitar

Author: chriscoe

Comments: 0

Tags: None

Title: 2002-12-21 soulEXP

Category: 2002

Date Posted: 2024


Post ID: 3545

Permalink: https://brasscoestudios.com/?p=3545

Slug: 2002-12-21-soulexp

Author: chriscoe

Comments: 0

Tags: None

Title: 2002-09-22 elation 7-day mexican cruise

Category: 2002

Date Posted: 2024


Post ID: 3544

Permalink: https://brasscoestudios.com/?p=3544

Slug: 2002-09-22-elation-7-day-mexican-cruise

Author: chriscoe

Comments: 0

Tags: None

Title: 2002-08-23 struts removed

Category: 2002

Date Posted: 2024


Post ID: 3543

Permalink: https://brasscoestudios.com/?p=3543

Slug: 2002-08-23-struts-removed

Author: chriscoe

Comments: 0

Tags: None

Title: 2002-07-17 chris visits

Category: 2002

Date Posted: 2024


Post ID: 3542

Permalink: https://brasscoestudios.com/?p=3542

Slug: 2002-07-17-chris-visits

Author: chriscoe

Comments: 0

Tags: None

Title: 2002-06-30 my apartment

Category: 2002

Date Posted: 2024


Post ID: 3541

Permalink: https://brasscoestudios.com/?p=3541

Slug: 2002-06-30-my-apartment

Author: chriscoe

Comments: 0

Tags: None

Title: 2002-06-22 C3 meeting

Category: 2002

Date Posted: 2024


Post ID: 3540

Permalink: https://brasscoestudios.com/?p=3540

Slug: 2002-06-22-c3-meeting

Author: chriscoe

Comments: 0

Tags: None

Title: 2002-06-07 stubrik’s

Category: 2002

Date Posted: 2024


Post ID: 3539

Permalink: https://brasscoestudios.com/?p=3539

Slug: 2002-06-07-stubriks

Author: chriscoe

Comments: 0

Tags: None

Title: 2002-03-05 clear dash done

Category: 2002

Date Posted: 2024


Post ID: 3538

Permalink: https://brasscoestudios.com/?p=3538

Slug: 2002-03-05-clear-dash-done

Author: chriscoe

Comments: 0

Tags: None

Title: 2002-03-05 corolla misc

Category: 2002

Date Posted: 2024


Post ID: 3537

Permalink: https://brasscoestudios.com/?p=3537

Slug: 2002-03-05-corolla-misc

Author: chriscoe

Comments: 0

Tags: None

Title: 2002-02-25 clear dash prep

Category: 2002

Date Posted: 2024


Post ID: 3536

Permalink: https://brasscoestudios.com/?p=3536

Slug: 2002-02-25-clear-dash-prep

Author: chriscoe

Comments: 0

Tags: None

Title: 2002-02-14 clear dash start

Category: 2002

Date Posted: 2024


Post ID: 3535

Permalink: https://brasscoestudios.com/?p=3535

Slug: 2002-02-14-clear-dash-start

Author: chriscoe

Comments: 0

Tags: None

Title: 2002 misc

Category: 2002

Date Posted: 2024


Post ID: 3534

Permalink: https://brasscoestudios.com/?p=3534

Slug: 2002-misc

Author: chriscoe

Comments: 0

Tags: None

Title: 2001-11-23 thanksgiving

Category: 2001

Date Posted: 2024


Post ID: 3533

Permalink: https://brasscoestudios.com/?p=3533

Slug: 2001-11-23-thanksgiving

Author: chriscoe

Comments: 0

Tags: None

Title: 2001-11-23 goofy car guys

Category: 2001

Date Posted: 2024


Post ID: 3532

Permalink: https://brasscoestudios.com/?p=3532

Slug: 2001-11-23-goofy-car-guys

Author: chriscoe

Comments: 0

Tags: None

Title: 2001-11-22 my apartment

Category: 2001

Date Posted: 2024


Post ID: 3531

Permalink: https://brasscoestudios.com/?p=3531

Slug: 2001-11-22-my-apartment

Author: chriscoe

Comments: 0

Tags: None

Title: 2001-10-27 san diego rims

Category: 2001

Date Posted: 2024


Post ID: 3530

Permalink: https://brasscoestudios.com/?p=3530

Slug: 2001-10-27-san-diego-rims

Author: chriscoe

Comments: 0

Tags: None

Title: 2001-08-21 coilovers

Category: 2001

Date Posted: 2024


Post ID: 3529

Permalink: https://brasscoestudios.com/?p=3529

Slug: 2001-08-21-coilovers

Author: chriscoe

Comments: 0

Tags: None

Title: 2001-05-26 palm desert guys

Category: 2001

Date Posted: 2024


Post ID: 3528

Permalink: https://brasscoestudios.com/?p=3528

Slug: 2001-05-26-palm-desert-guys

Author: chriscoe

Comments: 0

Tags: None

Title: 2001-01-01 new corolla

Category: 2001

Date Posted: 2024


Post ID: 3527

Permalink: https://brasscoestudios.com/?p=3527

Slug: 2001-01-01-new-corolla

Author: chriscoe

Comments: 0

Tags: None

Title: 2001 misc

Category: 2001

Date Posted: 2024


Post ID: 3526

Permalink: https://brasscoestudios.com/?p=3526

Slug: 2001-misc

Author: chriscoe

Comments: 0

Tags: None

Title: 2000-08-10 parking structure

Category: 2000

Date Posted: 2024


Post ID: 3525

Permalink: https://brasscoestudios.com/?p=3525

Slug: 2000-08-10-parking-structure

Author: chriscoe

Comments: 0

Tags: None

Title: 2000-08-10 arby’s buena park

Category: 2000

Date Posted: 2024


Post ID: 3524

Permalink: https://brasscoestudios.com/?p=3524

Slug: 2000-08-10-arbys-buena-park

Author: chriscoe

Comments: 0

Tags: None

Title: 2000-08-05 vipers play o’malley’s

Category: 2000

Date Posted: 2024


Post ID: 3523

Permalink: https://brasscoestudios.com/?p=3523

Slug: 2000-08-05-vipers-play-omalleys

Author: chriscoe

Comments: 0

Tags: None

Title: Screen Captures – Website

Category: Screen Captures

Date Posted: 2024


Post ID: 6093

Permalink: https://brasscoestudios.com/?p=6093

Slug: 6093

Author: chriscoe

Comments: 0

Tags: None

Title: Screen Captures – Desktop

Category: Screen Captures

Date Posted: 2024


Post ID: 6092

Permalink: https://brasscoestudios.com/?p=6092

Slug: 6092

Author: chriscoe

Comments: 0

Tags: None

Title: 1999-06 M basketball

Category: Scans (Photos & Items)

Date Posted: 2024


Post ID: 3877

Permalink: https://brasscoestudios.com/?p=3877

Slug: 1999-06-m-basketball-scans

Author: chriscoe

Comments: 0

Tags: None

Title: 1994-07-04 july 4th

Category: Scans (Photos & Items)

Date Posted: 2024


Post ID: 3876

Permalink: https://brasscoestudios.com/?p=3876

Slug: 1994-07-04-july-4th-scans

Author: chriscoe

Comments: 0

Tags: None

Title: 1988-Mar lego johnny 5 and green nike shirt

Category: Scans (Photos & Items)

Date Posted: 2024


Post ID: 3875

Permalink: https://brasscoestudios.com/?p=3875

Slug: 1988-mar-lego-johnny-5-and-green-nike-shirt-scans

Author: chriscoe

Comments: 0

Tags: None

Title: 1978 M chris brian tricycle & wall

Category: Scans (Photos & Items)

Date Posted: 2024


Post ID: 3874

Permalink: https://brasscoestudios.com/?p=3874

Slug: 1978-m-chris-brian-tricycle-wall-scans

Author: chriscoe

Comments: 0

Tags: None

Title: chris

Category: Scans (Photos & Items)

Date Posted: 2024


Post ID: 3873

Permalink: https://brasscoestudios.com/?p=3873

Slug: chris-scans

Author: chriscoe

Comments: 0

Tags: None

Title: brian

Category: Scans (Photos & Items)

Date Posted: 2024


Post ID: 3864

Permalink: https://brasscoestudios.com/?p=3864

Slug: brian-scans

Author: chriscoe

Comments: 0

Tags: None

Title: genny

Category: Scans (Photos & Items)

Date Posted: 2024


Post ID: 3863

Permalink: https://brasscoestudios.com/?p=3863

Slug: genny-scans

Author: chriscoe

Comments: 0

Tags: None

Title: donald

Category: Scans (Photos & Items)

Date Posted: 2024


Post ID: 3862

Permalink: https://brasscoestudios.com/?p=3862

Slug: donald-scans

Author: chriscoe

Comments: 0

Tags: None

Title: family (others)

Category: Scans (Photos & Items)

Date Posted: 2024


Post ID: 3861

Permalink: https://brasscoestudios.com/?p=3861

Slug: family-others-scans

Author: chriscoe

Comments: 0

Tags: None

Title: friends

Category: Scans (Photos & Items)

Date Posted: 2024


Post ID: 3860

Permalink: https://brasscoestudios.com/?p=3860

Slug: friends-scans

Author: chriscoe

Comments: 0

Tags: None

Title: peru

Category: Scans (Photos & Items)

Date Posted: 2024


Post ID: 3845

Permalink: https://brasscoestudios.com/?p=3845

Slug: peru-scans

Author: chriscoe

Comments: 0

Tags: None

Title: disney life

Category: Scans (Photos & Items)

Date Posted: 2024


Post ID: 3844

Permalink: https://brasscoestudios.com/?p=3844

Slug: disney-life-scans

Author: chriscoe

Comments: 0

Tags: None

Title: disney stuff

Category: Scans (Photos & Items)

Date Posted: 2024


Post ID: 3843

Permalink: https://brasscoestudios.com/?p=3843

Slug: disney-stuff-scans

Author: chriscoe

Comments: 0

Tags: None

Title: business cards

Category: Scans (Photos & Items)

Date Posted: 2024


Post ID: 3842

Permalink: https://brasscoestudios.com/?p=3842

Slug: business-cards-scans

Author: chriscoe

Comments: 0

Tags: None

Title: misc items

Category: Scans (Photos & Items)

Date Posted: 2024


Post ID: 3841

Permalink: https://brasscoestudios.com/?p=3841

Slug: misc-items-scans

Author: chriscoe

Comments: 0

Tags: None

Title: nicole’s photography class

Category: Scans (Photos & Items)

Date Posted: 2024


Post ID: 3840

Permalink: https://brasscoestudios.com/?p=3840

Slug: nicoles-photography-class

Author: chriscoe

Comments: 0

Tags: None

Title: 2000-08-03 my staples shirt

Category: 2000

Date Posted: 2024


john car:


Post ID: 3522

Permalink: https://brasscoestudios.com/?p=3522

Slug: 2000-08-03-my-staples-shirt

Author: chriscoe

Comments: 0

Tags: None

Title: 2000-08-01 vegas with the family

Category: 2000

Date Posted: 2024


Post ID: 3521

Permalink: https://brasscoestudios.com/?p=3521

Slug: 2000-08-01-vegas-with-the-family

Author: chriscoe

Comments: 0

Tags: None

Title: 2000 webcam – brassfield live

Category: 2000

Date Posted: 2024


Post ID: 3520

Permalink: https://brasscoestudios.com/?p=3520

Slug: 2000-webcam-brassfield-live

Author: chriscoe

Comments: 0

Tags: None

Title: 2000 misc

Category: 2000

Date Posted: 2024


Post ID: 3519

Permalink: https://brasscoestudios.com/?p=3519

Slug: 2000-misc

Author: chriscoe

Comments: 0

Tags: None

Title: 2000-06-29 webcam – erick’s room

Category: 2000

Date Posted: 2024


Post ID: 850

Permalink: https://brasscoestudios.com/?p=850

Slug: 2000-06-29-webcam-ericks-room

Author: chriscoe

Comments: 0

Tags: None

Title: 2012 misc – video & electronics

Category: 2012

Date Posted: 2024


api set:
id=72157629211112795, title=2012 misc – video & electronics, photos_count=142, videos_count=3, views_count=122, farm=9, primary=7682741232, secret=f35c3cf3d7, server=8008, size=b

Post ID: 4045

Permalink: https://brasscoestudios.com/?p=4045

Slug: 2012-misc-video-electronics-2

Author: chriscoe

Comments: 0

Tags: None

Title: 2012-08-10 goathill

Category: 2012

Date Posted: 2024


Post ID: 4968

Permalink: https://brasscoestudios.com/?p=4968

Slug: 2012-08-10-goathill

Author: chriscoe

Comments: 0

Tags: None

Title: 2012-06-30 the standard

Category: 2012

Date Posted: 2024


Post ID: 4967

Permalink: https://brasscoestudios.com/?p=4967

Slug: 2012-06-30-the-standard

Author: chriscoe

Comments: 0

Tags: None

Title: 2012-04-13 lori birthday

Category: 2012

Date Posted: 2024


Post ID: 4966

Permalink: https://brasscoestudios.com/?p=4966

Slug: 2012-04-13-lori-birthday

Author: chriscoe

Comments: 0

Tags: None

Title: 2012-05-26 tim birthday

Category: 2012

Date Posted: 2024


Post ID: 4965

Permalink: https://brasscoestudios.com/?p=4965

Slug: 2012-05-26-tim-birthday

Author: chriscoe

Comments: 0

Tags: None

Title: 2012-05-11 slidebar

Category: 2012

Date Posted: 2024


Post ID: 4943

Permalink: https://brasscoestudios.com/?p=4943

Slug: 2012-05-11-slidebar

Author: chriscoe

Comments: 0

Tags: None

Title: 2012-08-11 hike to bridge to nowhere

Category: 2012

Date Posted: 2024


Post ID: 4934

Permalink: https://brasscoestudios.com/?p=4934

Slug: 2012-08-11-hike-to-bridge-to-nowhere-and-bungee-jump

Author: chriscoe

Comments: 0

Tags: None

Title: 2012-08-04 perq’s & sharkeez

Category: 2012

Date Posted: 2024


Post ID: 4933

Permalink: https://brasscoestudios.com/?p=4933

Slug: 2012-08-04-perqs-sharkeez

Author: chriscoe

Comments: 0

Tags: None

Title: 2012-08-03 goathill

Category: 2012

Date Posted: 2024


Post ID: 4932

Permalink: https://brasscoestudios.com/?p=4932

Slug: 2012-08-03-goathill

Author: chriscoe

Comments: 0

Tags: None

Title: 2012-04-14 goathill tavern

Category: 2012

Date Posted: 2024


Post ID: 4876

Permalink: https://brasscoestudios.com/?p=4876

Slug: 2012-04-14-goathill-tavern

Author: chriscoe

Comments: 0

Tags: None

Title: 2012-05-05 american junkie bar

Category: 2012

Date Posted: 2024


Post ID: 4874

Permalink: https://brasscoestudios.com/?p=4874

Slug: 2012-05-05-american-junkie-bar

Author: chriscoe

Comments: 0

Tags: None

Title: 2012-06-14 goathill

Category: 2012

Date Posted: 2024


Post ID: 4872

Permalink: https://brasscoestudios.com/?p=4872

Slug: 2012-06-14-goathill

Author: chriscoe

Comments: 0

Tags: None

Title: 2012-06-22 goathill

Category: 2012

Date Posted: 2024


Post ID: 4869

Permalink: https://brasscoestudios.com/?p=4869

Slug: 2012-06-22-goathill

Author: chriscoe

Comments: 0

Tags: None

Title: 2012-06-28 goathill

Category: 2012

Date Posted: 2024


Post ID: 4865

Permalink: https://brasscoestudios.com/?p=4865

Slug: 2012-06-28-goathill

Author: chriscoe

Comments: 0

Tags: None

Title: 2012-07-04 fourth of july

Category: 2012

Date Posted: 2024


Post ID: 4863

Permalink: https://brasscoestudios.com/?p=4863

Slug: 2012-07-04-fourth-of-july

Author: chriscoe

Comments: 0

Tags: None

Title: 2012-07-07 campland

Category: 2012

Date Posted: 2024


Post ID: 4853

Permalink: https://brasscoestudios.com/?p=4853

Slug: 2012-07-07-campland

Author: chriscoe

Comments: 0

Tags: None

Title: 2012-07-12 goathill

Category: 2012

Date Posted: 2024


Post ID: 4852

Permalink: https://brasscoestudios.com/?p=4852

Slug: 2012-07-12-goathill

Author: chriscoe

Comments: 0

Tags: None

Title: 2012-03-30 stephanie pre-birthday dinner & bar

Category: 2012

Date Posted: 2024


Post ID: 4514

Permalink: https://brasscoestudios.com/?p=4514

Slug: 2012-03-30-stephanie-pre-birthday-dinner-bar

Author: chriscoe

Comments: 0

Tags: None

Title: 2012-02-25 double birthday party

Category: 2012

Date Posted: 2024


Post ID: 4510

Permalink: https://brasscoestudios.com/?p=4510

Slug: 2012-02-25-double-birthday-party

Author: chriscoe

Comments: 0

Tags: None

Title: 2012-03-10 proof bar

Category: 2012

Date Posted: 2024


Post ID: 4506

Permalink: https://brasscoestudios.com/?p=4506

Slug: 2012-03-10-proof-bar

Author: chriscoe

Comments: 0

Tags: None

Title: 2012-02-24 new way on at di’piazzas

Category: 2012

Date Posted: 2024


Post ID: 4501

Permalink: https://brasscoestudios.com/?p=4501

Slug: 2012-02-24-new-way-on-at-dipiazzas

Author: chriscoe

Comments: 0

Tags: None

Title: 2012-01-28 durty nelly’s

Category: 2012

Date Posted: 2024


Post ID: 4044

Permalink: https://brasscoestudios.com/?p=4044

Slug: 2012-01-28-durty-nellys-2

Author: chriscoe

Comments: 0

Tags: None

Title: 2012-01-14 the living desert

Category: 2012

Date Posted: 2024


Post ID: 3758

Permalink: https://brasscoestudios.com/?p=3758

Slug: 2012-01-14-the-living-desert-2

Author: chriscoe

Comments: 0

Tags: None

Title: 2012 misc

Category: 2012

Date Posted: 2024



2012-11-04 001 20121104_002714_DxO

Post ID: 3757

Permalink: https://brasscoestudios.com/?p=3757

Slug: 2012-misc-2

Author: chriscoe

Comments: 0

Tags: None

Title: 2011-12-31 new years eve ’12

Category: 2011

Date Posted: 2024


Post ID: 3756

Permalink: https://brasscoestudios.com/?p=3756

Slug: 2011-12-31-new-years-eve-12-2

Author: chriscoe

Comments: 0

Tags: None

Title: 2011-12-10 ugly sweater christmas party

Category: 2011

Date Posted: 2024


Post ID: 3755

Permalink: https://brasscoestudios.com/?p=3755

Slug: 2011-12-10-ugly-sweater-christmas-party

Author: chriscoe

Comments: 0

Tags: None

Title: 2011-11-23 pilgrims and indians pub crawl

Category: 2011

Date Posted: 2024


Post ID: 3753

Permalink: https://brasscoestudios.com/?p=3753

Slug: 2011-11-23-pilgrims-and-indians-pub-crawl

Author: chriscoe

Comments: 0

Tags: None

Title: 2011-11-18 irma’s birthday day 1

Category: 2011

Date Posted: 2024


Post ID: 3752

Permalink: https://brasscoestudios.com/?p=3752

Slug: 2011-11-18-irmas-birthday-day-1

Author: chriscoe

Comments: 0

Tags: None

Title: 2011-11-20 irma’s birthday day 2 (after)

Category: 2011

Date Posted: 2024


Post ID: 3751

Permalink: https://brasscoestudios.com/?p=3751

Slug: 2011-11-20-irmas-birthday-day-2-after

Author: chriscoe

Comments: 0

Tags: None

Title: 2011-12-04 tracy’s birthday

Category: 2011

Date Posted: 2024


Post ID: 3750

Permalink: https://brasscoestudios.com/?p=3750

Slug: 2011-12-04-tracys-birthday

Author: chriscoe

Comments: 0

Tags: None

Title: 2011-11-19 irma’s birthday day 2

Category: 2011

Date Posted: 2024


Post ID: 3749

Permalink: https://brasscoestudios.com/?p=3749

Slug: 2011-11-19-irmas-birthday-day-2

Author: chriscoe

Comments: 0

Tags: None

Title: 2011-11-12 mutt lynch

Category: 2011

Date Posted: 2024


Post ID: 3746

Permalink: https://brasscoestudios.com/?p=3746

Slug: 2011-11-12-mutt-lynch

Author: chriscoe

Comments: 0

Tags: None

Title: 2012-01-07 kimberly birthday

Category: 2012

Date Posted: 2024


video_1_id => 6738320699,16×9,
video_2_id => 6BdGj5oS-Qo,16×9

2012-01-07 043 P1350535_DxO


id=6BdGj5oS-Qo, size=mqdefault


id=6738320699, size=b, width=1024, height=576

id=6BdGj5oS-Qo, size=mqdefault

Post ID: 1351

Permalink: https://brasscoestudios.com/?p=1351

Slug: 2012-01-07-kimberly-birthday-2

Author: chriscoe

Comments: 0

Tags: None

Title: 2012 misc – people

Category: 2012

Date Posted: 2024


Post ID: 1350

Permalink: https://brasscoestudios.com/?p=1350

Slug: 2012-misc-people-2

Author: chriscoe

Comments: 0

Tags: None

Title: 2013 misc – people

Category: 2013

Date Posted: 2024


The below WITHIN 1 is a test. Okay to delete and re-use its place once all 2013 sets are up!


title=2009-02-17 taco tuesday cantina 100_0310, views_count=134, farm=4, secret=a1dbf705f4, server=3303

2013-06-30 002 20130630_023539_DxO

id=72157632947856446, title=2013 misc – people, photos_count=31, videos_count=2, views_count=139, farm=6, primary=9290910700, secret=bdda2899a9, server=5463
title=2013 misc – people, photos_count=31, videos_count=2, views_count=139, farm=6, primary=9290910700, secret=bdda2899a9, server=5463
title=2013 misc – people, photos_count=31, videos_count=2, views_count=139, farm=6, primary=9290910700, secret=bdda2899a9, server=5463

title=2009-02-17 taco tuesday cantina 100_0310, views_count=141, farm=4, secret=a1dbf705f4, server=3303
title=2009-02-17 taco tuesday cantina 100_0310, views_count=141, farm=4, secret=a1dbf705f4, server=3303

API WITHIN 04 Is a test – DELETE IT!

Post ID: 5102

Permalink: https://brasscoestudios.com/?p=5102

Slug: 2013-misc-people

Author: chriscoe

Comments: 0

Tags: None

Title: 2012-09-08 goathill

Category: 2012

Date Posted: 2024


Post ID: 5029

Permalink: https://brasscoestudios.com/?p=5029

Slug: 2012-09-08-goathill

Author: chriscoe

Comments: 0

Tags: None

Title: 2012-09-28 confidential bar

Category: 2012

Date Posted: 2024


Post ID: 5009

Permalink: https://brasscoestudios.com/?p=5009

Slug: 2012-09-28-confidential-bar

Author: chriscoe

Comments: 0

Tags: None

Title: 2012-09-29 oktoberfest huntington beach

Category: 2012

Date Posted: 2024


Post ID: 5008

Permalink: https://brasscoestudios.com/?p=5008

Slug: 2012-09-29-oktoberfest-huntington-beach

Author: chriscoe

Comments: 0

Tags: None

Title: 2012-09-29 goathill

Category: 2012

Date Posted: 2024


Post ID: 5007

Permalink: https://brasscoestudios.com/?p=5007

Slug: 5007

Author: chriscoe

Comments: 0

Tags: None

Title: 2012-10-05 brew co.

Category: 2012

Date Posted: 2024


Post ID: 5005

Permalink: https://brasscoestudios.com/?p=5005

Slug: 2012-10-05-brew-co

Author: chriscoe

Comments: 0

Tags: None

Title: 2012-09-01 spocktoberfest

Category: 2012

Date Posted: 2024


HOLD in case need to revert:

set_title => 2012-09-01 spocktoberfest, set_photos_count => 168, set_videos_count => 0, set_views_count => 546, set_farm => 9, set_primary => 7945333276, set_secret => 1aec35b00b, set_server => 8175,


2012-09-01 010 P1430412_DxO

Post ID: 4964

Permalink: https://brasscoestudios.com/?p=4964

Slug: 2012-09-01-spocktoberfest

Author: chriscoe

Comments: 0

Tags: None

Title: 2012-08-18 karla birthday

Category: 2012

Date Posted: 2024


Post ID: 4963

Permalink: https://brasscoestudios.com/?p=4963

Slug: 2012-08-18-karla-birthday

Author: chriscoe

Comments: 0

Tags: None

Title: 2012-08-11 blackies & goathill

Category: 2012

Date Posted: 2024


Post ID: 4924

Permalink: https://brasscoestudios.com/?p=4924

Slug: 2012-08-11-blackies-goathill

Author: chriscoe

Comments: 0

Tags: None

Title: 2012-10-05 bree harlow cd release party

Category: 2012

Date Posted: 2024


Post ID: 5006

Permalink: https://brasscoestudios.com/?p=5006

Slug: 2012-10-05-bree-harlow-cd-release-party

Author: chriscoe

Comments: 0

Tags: None

Title: 2012-10-07 brandon birthday

Category: 2012

Date Posted: 2024


Post ID: 5004

Permalink: https://brasscoestudios.com/?p=5004

Slug: 2012-10-07-brandon-birthday

Author: chriscoe

Comments: 0

Tags: None